雅思考试的每一部分都不是容易的,听力,口语,阅读,写作,都是一点点的积累,然后运用之。阅读题最是展现你词汇量,逻辑理解的时候了,平时的阅读积累就显得尤为重要。下面是有出国留学网为你整理的《雅思阅读素材:The euro-zone 》,希望对你的雅思考试有所参考价值,考出一个好的成绩。
雅思阅读:The euro zone's unexploded ordnance is no longer nuclear
THE euro-zone crisis is not solved and is not likely to be solved soon, but the greatest immediate danger has been avoided. Two points worth stressing.
1) The euro-zone economy has some "unexploded ordinance" in it that is likely to explode eventually, but no one really knows whether it is a grenade, a 1000kg bomb, or a nuclear device; what leaders did last week and are doing this week is making sure it is NOT a nuclear device.
Europe still faces a number of vortices that could pull down the euro zone if allowed to get going: the "Greek" austerity-budget deficit vortex, and the "Lehman vortex" that sucked Dexia below water, as per the diagram below.
However, euro-zone leaders seen to have finally rendered the worst vortex inoperable, namely the "Irish" vortex where by shocks pull down banks, banks pull down governments and then the vortex spreads to the next government in line. In this case it would have been Greek restructuring pulling down banks that forced nationalisation that forced downgrades that drove up yields which then made the governments insolvent. As this might rapidly have reached Italy and Spain, the "nuclear" outcome was truly scary—the sort of thing that had ...