PartⅠListening Comprehension (30 marks)
Section A (22.5 marks)
Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.
You will hear each conversation TWICE.
Conversation 1
1. When does the woman usually get home from work?
A. About 6:30. B. About 7:30. C. About 8:30.
2. What did the woman do last night?
A. She watched TV.
B. She recorded a program.
C. She prepared for a lecture.
Conversation 2
3. How often does the man exercise at the gym?
A. Every day. B. Every two days. C. Once a week.
4. Where will the two speakers meet before doing exercise this Friday?
A. At the park. B. At the cafe. C. At the cinema.
Conversation 3
5. What is Mr. Chester doing?
A. Telephoning someone.
B. Speaking to the woman.
C. Leaving the man a message.
6. What is the man's last name?
A. Oliver. B. Horst. C. Robert.
Conversation 4
7. Why will the woman be late?
A. She didn't catch the train.
B. She didn't finish he...
Purpose | to improve ___1___ skills |
who / what | doing |
交大附中高级教师 尹才林
What does theman want?
Who was at the door?
When will the meeting beheld?
All of the following are trueexcept____________。
According to the passage,who/what/which/when/where/how often
According to the passage,which of the following is true?
According to the passage,which of the following is not true?
According to the passage,which of the following is notmen-tioned?
What does the womanmean?
What does the man implyabout…?
It can be inferred from thetext that…
From the textwe know that…
What can be inferred aboutthe two speakers?
The story implies that…
The paragraph following thepassage willmost probably be…
Itmay be concluded from thepassage that…
What’s the possible relation-ship between the two speakers?
What is the passage mainlyabout?
The main idea of the passageis…
What did the storymainly tellus?
The passage ismainly about…
What does the reportmainlytell us about…?
What does the first surveymainly tell us?
The best title for the passagewould/might be…
Which of the following stat...