美国留学 2014年美国文理学院国际生比例排名

2013-11-18 08:57:11 836478124 大学排名
美国文理学院及地理位置 国际生比例
Soka University of America  美国创价大学 39%
Aliso  Viejo, CA
Wesleyan College 卫斯理学院 25%
Macon,  GA
Mount Holyoke College 霍山女校 23%
South  Hadley, MA
Bryn Mawr College 布林茅尔学院 19%
Bryn  Mawr, PA
Earlham College 18%
Richmond,  IN
College of the Atlantic 17%
Bar  Harbor, ME
Principia College 15%
Elsah,  IL
Westminster College 15%
Fulton,  MO
East-West University 14%
Chicago,  IL
Randolph College 14%
Lynchburg,  VA
Macalester College 13%
St.  Paul, MN
Grinnell College 12%
Grinnell,  IA
Claremont McKenna College 12%
Claremont,  CA
Bard College 12%
Annandale  on Hudson, NY
Wellesley College 12%
Wellesley,  MA
Smith College 12%
Northampton,  MA
Lake Forest College 11%
Lake  Forest, IL
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church 11%
Bryn  Athyn, PA
Knox College 11%
Galesburg,  IL
DePauw University 11%
Greencastle,  IN
Franklin and Marshall College 10%
Lancaster,  PA
College of Idaho 10%
Caldwell,  ID
Calvin College 10%
Grand  Rapids, MI
Beloit College 10%
Beloit,  WI
Amherst College 10%
Amherst,  MA
University of Minnesota–Morris 10%
Morris,  MN
Ave Maria University 9%
Ave  Maria, FL
Juniata College 9%
Huntingdon,  PA
Agnes Scott College 9%
Decatur,  GA
Goshen College 9%
Goshen,  IN
Middlebury College 9%
Middlebury,  VT
Holy Cross College 9%
Notre  Dame, IN
Wartburg College 8%
Waverly,  IA
Carleton College 8%
Northfield,  MN
Swarthmore College 8%
Swarthmore,  PA
Trinity College 8%
Hartford,  CT
University of Richmond 8%
Univ.  of Richmond, VA
Wheaton College 8%
Norton,  MA
Ohio Wesleyan University 8%
Delaware,  OH
Lawrence University 8%
Appleton,  WI
Colgate University 8%
Hamilton,  NY
Harvey Mudd College 7%
Claremont,  CA
Wesleyan University 7%
Middletown,  CT
Dickinson College 7%
Carlisle,  PA
Berea College 7%
Berea,  KY
Barnard College 7%
New  York, NY
Bennington College 7%
Bennington,  VT
St. Lawrence University 7%
Canton,  NY
Wabash College 7%
Crawfordsville,  IN
Denison University 7%
Granville,  OH
Kalamazoo College 7%
Kalamazoo,  MI
Colby College 6%
Waterville,  ME
Vassar College 6%
Poughkeepsie,  NY
College of Wooster 6%
Wooster,  OH
Williams College 6%
Williamstown,  MA
Pomona College 6%
Claremont,  CA
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 6%
Chickasha,  OK
Cornell College 6%
Mount  Vernon, IA
Bates College 6%
Lewiston,  ME
St. John's University 6%
Collegeville,  MN
Oberlin College 6%
Oberlin,  OH
College of St. Benedict 6%
St.  Joseph, MN
Lewis & Clark College 6%
Portland,  OR
Hiram College 6%
Hiram,  OH
Skidmore College 6%
Saratoga  Springs, NY
Luther College 5%
Decorah,  IA
Hampshire College 5%
Amherst,  MA
Lafayette College 5%
Easton,  PA
union   College 5%
Schenectady,  NY
Colorado College 5%
Colorado  Springs, CO
Oglethorpe University 5%
Atlanta,  GA
Hendrix College 5%
Conway,  AR
Hollins University 5%
Roanoke,  VA
Houghton College 5%
Houghton,  NY
University of Hawaii–Hilo 5%
Hilo,  HI
Hamilton College 5%
Clinton,  NY
St. Olaf College 5%
Northfield,  MN
Brevard College 5%
Brevard,  NC
Eastern Nazarene College 5%
Quincy,  MA
Bucknell University 5%
Lewisburg,  PA
Marymount Manhattan College 5%
New  York, NY
Davidson College 5%
Davidson,  NC
Haverford College 4%
Haverford,  PA
Pine Manor College 4%
Chestnut  Hill, MA
Hobart and William Smith Colleges 4%
Geneva,  NY
Scripps College 4%
Claremont,  CA
Thomas Aquinas College 4%
Santa  Paula, CA
Washington and Lee University 4%
Lexington,  VA
Maryville College 4%
Maryville,  TN
Lyon College 4%
Batesville,  AR
Gordon College 4%
Wenham,  MA
Kenyon College 4%
Gambier,  OH
Life University 4%
Marietta,  GA
Connecticut College 4%
New  London, CT
Bowdoin College 4%
Brunswick,  ME
Albion College 4%
Albion,  MI
Eckerd College 4%
St.  Petersburg, FL
Green Mountain College 4%
Poultney,  VT
St. Norbert College 4%
De  Pere, WI
Illinois Wesleyan University 4%
Bloomington,  IL























