美国留学 大学荣誉奖学金发放比例的最新排名

2013-12-16 12:20:43 836478124 大学排名
 最新USNews-2014年美国大学荣誉奖学金发放比例排名。想申请美国大学奖学金 的学生可以参考一下此大学排名。
美国大学及地理位置 获荣誉奖学金学生比例
Cooper union    库伯联盟学院 66%
New  York, NY
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering 61%
Needham,  MA
Hillsdale College 49%
Hillsdale,  MI
Denison University 44%
Granville,  OH
DePauw University 44%
Greencastle,  IN
Samford University 42%
Birmingham,  AL
New England Conservatory of Music 42%
Boston,  MA
University of Tulsa 42%
Tulsa,  OK
School of the Art Institute of Chicago  芝加哥艺术学院 42%
Chicago,  IL
Western State Colorado University 41%
Gunnison,  CO
Rhodes College 41%
Memphis,  TN
Hendrix College 39%
Conway,  AR
Missouri Baptist University 39%
St.  Louis, MO
Trinity University 39%
San  Antonio, TX
St. Joseph's University 39%
Philadelphia,  PA
Birmingham-Southern College 39%
Birmingham,  AL
University of Denver 38%
Denver,  CO
College of Wooster 38%
Wooster,  OH
Hampden-Sydney College 38%
Hampden-Sydney,  VA
University of Dayton 38%
Dayton,  OH
Gonzaga University 37%
Spokane,  WA
Illinois Institute of Technology 36%
Chicago,  IL
Truman State University 36%
Kirksville,  MO
Sierra Nevada College 36%
Incline  Village, NV
Furman University 36%
Greenville,  SC
Marquette University 36%
Milwaukee,  WI
St. Mary's College 35%
Notre  Dame, IN
Ouachita Baptist University 35%
Arkadelphia,  AR
Tulane University  杜兰大学 35%
New  Orleans, LA
University of Dallas 35%
Irving,  TX
Millsaps College 34%
Jackson,  MS
Southwestern University 34%
Georgetown,  TX
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 33%
Socorro,  NM
Mississippi College 33%
Clinton,  MS
Centre College  森特学院 33%
Danville,  KY
Creighton University 33%
Omaha,  NE
Eckerd College 33%
St.  Petersburg, FL
Carroll College 33%
Helena,  MT
University of South Carolina 33%
Columbia,  SC
Drake University 32%
Des  Moines, IA
Oberlin College  欧柏林学院 32%
Oberlin,  OH
Augustana College 32%
Sioux  Falls, SD
Abilene Christian University 32%
Abilene,  TX
Lawrence University 32%
Appleton,  WI
Baylor University  贝勒大学 32%
Waco,  TX
Savannah College of Art and Design 32%
Savannah,  GA
Westminster College 31%
Salt  Lake City, UT
Jamestown College 31%
Jamestown,  ND
Southern Methodist University  南卫理公会大学 31%
Dallas,  TX
University of Tampa 31%
Tampa,  FL
Willamette University 31%
Salem,  OR
Illinois Wesleyan University 30%
Bloomington,  IL
Transylvania University 30%
Lexington,  KY
Calvin College 30%
Grand  Rapids, MI
University of Montana 30%
Missoula,  MT
Lindenwood University 30%
St.  Charles, MO
Muhlenberg College 30%
Allentown,  PA
Ohio Wesleyan University 30%
Delaware,  OH
Clark University 30%
Worcester,  MA
Worcester Polytechnic Institute  伍斯特理工学院 30%
Worcester,  MA
Westmont College 30%
Santa  Barbara, CA
Alaska Pacific University 30%
Anchorage,  AK
Covenant College 30%
Lookout  Mountain, GA
University of Puget Sound 30%
Tacoma,  WA
Austin College 29%
Sherman,  TX
Loyola University New Orleans 29%
New  Orleans, LA
Iowa State University 29%
Ames,  IA
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 29%
Terre  Haute, IN
Webber International University 29%
Babson  Park, FL
Nebraska Wesleyan University 29%
Lincoln,  NE
University of St. Thomas 29%
Houston,  TX
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 29%
Troy,  NY
Whitman College 29%
Walla  Walla, WA
Washington College 29%
Chestertown,  MD
Menlo College 29%
Atherton,  CA
University of Rochester 29%
Rochester,  NY
Stonehill College 29%
Easton,  MA
Albion College 29%
Albion,  MI
Beloit College 28%
Beloit,  WI
Catholic University of America 28%
Washington,  DC
Spring Hill College 28%
Mobile,  AL
St. John's University 28%
Collegeville,  MN
Juniata College 28%
Huntingdon,  PA
University of Portland 28%
Portland,  OR
Oklahoma City University 28%
Oklahoma  City, OK
Santa Clara University 28%
Santa  Clara, CA
Wesleyan College 28%
Macon,  GA
Hardin-Simmons University 27%
Abilene,  TX
St. Michael's College 27%
Colchester,  VT
Graceland University 27%
Lamoni,  IA
John Brown University 27%
Siloam  Springs, AR
Randolph College 27%
Lynchburg,  VA
Monmouth University 27%
West  Long Branch, NJ
Mayville State University 27%
Mayville,  ND
University of Detroit Mercy 27%
Detroit,  MI
Allegheny College 26%
Meadville,  PA
Berry College 26%
Mount  Berry, GA
Bennington College 26%
Bennington,  VT
Sewanee–University of the South 26%
Sewanee,  TN


















美国留学学校排名 留学美国首选哪些大学





