英国留学 《完全大学指南》2015英国大学排行榜

2014-06-10 14:35:00 836478124 排名资讯
CUG Rank University Name Entry  Standards Student  Satisfaction Research  Assessment Graduate  Prospects Overall  Score
2015 2014
1 1 Cambridge 614 4.24 2.98 84.7 1000
2 2 Oxford 580 4.19 2.96 78.4 993
3 3 London School of Economics 537 4.04 2.96 76.4 957
4 6 St Andrews 521 4.26 2.72 80.1 941
5 5 Durham 523 4.14 2.72 82.4 930
6 4 Imperial College London 570 4.08 2.94 88.7 926
7 8 Warwick 509 4.04 2.80 77.7 893
8 9 Bath 488 4.24 2.71 83.3 883
9 7 University College London 520 3.94 2.84 80.7 876
10 10 Exeter 458 4.22 2.62 76.9 870
11 11 Lancaster 445 4.11 2.71 72.7 866
12 13 Surrey 416 4.19 2.58 74.9 862
13 14 Loughborough 406 4.10 2.62 75.3 851
14 12 York 443 4.14 2.78 73.7 849
15 20 East Anglia 426 4.21 2.58 68.3 839
16 20 Southampton 428 4.04 2.72 75.1 835
17 17 Birmingham 438 4.05 2.64 80.3 829
18 15 Bristol 481 4.00 2.72 78.8 823
19 16 Leicester 400 4.12 2.45 71.6 815
20 22 Newcastle 437 4.11 2.63 79.0 806
21 18 Edinburgh 487 3.83 2.75 74.9 804
22 28 Kent 369 4.08 2.60 70.6 798
23 35 Cardiff 420 4.02 2.69 77.4 792
23 32 Leeds 431 4.05 2.72 69.1 792
23 24 Nottingham 439 4.02 2.67 76.8 792
26 26 Sheffield 437 4.10 2.72 71.4 787
27 27 Aston 378 4.14 2.43 73.0 774
28 19 King's College London 466 3.91 2.69 81.8 773
28 25 Manchester 439 3.99 2.82 71.8 773
30 23 Glasgow 485 4.09 2.59 74.4 771
31 38 Liverpool 412 4.02 2.54 71.2 764
31 29 Queen's, Belfast 390 4.15 2.56 74.6 764
33 40 Heriot-Watt 422 4.17 2.48 77.7 759
33 30 Royal Holloway 402 4.10 2.67 63.6 759
35 33 SOAS 415 4.00 2.60 66.4 755
36 35 Queen Mary 422 4.07 2.73 68.7 752
37 37 Reading 375 4.09 2.53 68.6 750
38 31 Sussex 406 4.03 2.61 54.2 748
39 39 Essex 339 4.19 2.77 51.4 731
40 42 City 390 4.05 2.48 70.6 728
41 41 Strathclyde 468 3.96 2.45 73.6 720
42 48 Swansea 338 4.00 2.43 77.3 714
43 45 Keele 380 4.18 2.41 67.6 698
44 43 Aberdeen 441 4.01 2.57 75.1 696
45 49 Stirling 379 4.02 2.41 63.0 691
46 34 St George's, University of London 417 3.78 2.28 87.3 687
47 44 Brunel 351 4.08 2.32 60.0 684
48 45 Oxford Brookes 361 4.07 2.20 63.4 680
49 47 Dundee 402 4.01 2.54 71.8 676
50 50 Goldsmiths, University of London 340 4.09 2.58 52.4 675
51 58 Coventry 309 4.20 1.85 70.5 672
52 61 Nottingham Trent 316 4.03 2.16 61.1 665
53 56 West of England, Bristol 337 4.02 2.20 67.5 661
54 53 Robert Gordon 379 4.03 2.06 81.4 656
55 52 Lincoln 336 4.05 1.90 68.1 654
55 60 Falmouth 310 3.94 2.20 60.1 654
57 75 Arts University Bournemouth 325 4.13 1.20 68.4 652
58 64 Northumbria 362 4.02 2.15 61.4 645
59 69 Winchester 318 4.14 2.16 52.0 644
60 53 Hertfordshire 340 3.89 2.40 62.2 639
61 57 Buckingham 325 4.34   83.1 638
62 86 University for the Creative Arts 320 3.84 1.90 51.0 635
63 68 Portsmouth 311 4.05 2.24 63.2 632
64 64 Bangor 305 4.07 2.43 61.9 627
65 59 Bournemouth 331 3.91 2.18 63.4 621
66 53 Hull 327 4.09 2.37 54.4 618
66 76 Sheffield Hallam 318 3.95 2.05 57.3 618
66 67 University of the Arts, London 330 3.90 2.49 53.3 618
69 79 Bath Spa 329 4.05 1.89 56.8 614
70 63 Huddersfield 326 4.12 2.10 67.4 613
71 81 De Montfort 310 4.02 2.32 52.4 610
72 80 Glasgow Caledonian 366 3.93 2.01 65.0 609
73 73 Brighton 310 4.05 2.37 58.4 608
73 88 Manchester Metropolitan 340 3.98 2.16 57.6 608
73 62 Northampton 280 4.14 1.69 57.2 608
76 76 Chichester 303 4.10 1.96 58.8 606
77 82 Bradford 317 4.00 2.34 69.5 602
78 71 Chester 301 4.11 1.74 68.6 594
79 71 Plymouth 313 4.03 2.18 57.0 589
80 90 Queen Margaret 339 3.97 1.37 69.6 587
81 82 Liverpool John Moores 327 4.04 2.15 54.2 586
82 66 Birmingham City 314 3.99 2.31 61.8 585
83 51 Royal Agricultural University 305 3.91 1.50 57.4 584
84 89 Harper Adams 342 4.09 1.95 67.3 582
84 78 Salford 328 3.91 2.36 59.1 582
84 74 Ulster 310 4.08 2.48 49.3 582
87 70 Aberystwyth 324 3.90 2.48 53.5 580
87 103 Derby 299 4.13 1.96 55.1 580
89 85 Edge Hill 306 4.15 1.50 59.6 569
90 92 Central Lancashire 332 4.01 1.96 53.6 566
91 111 Abertay 325 3.92 1.83 65.8 563
91 94 Gloucestershire 288 3.97 1.72 60.1 563
93 84 Roehampton 283 4.01 2.20 52.3 558
94 93 Middlesex 284 4.01 2.18 52.3 556
95 99 York St John 302 4.14 1.40 61.1 544
96 97 Teesside 316 4.10 1.99 53.6 540
96 87 Westminster 314 3.89 2.23 52.8 540
98 96 Cardiff Metropolitan 301 4.03 1.88 50.4 539
99 95 Greenwich 304 4.06 1.90 52.5 538
100 - South Wales 319 3.96 2.09 55.5 536
《英国留学 《完全大学指南》2015英国大学排行榜.doc》














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CUG Rank University Name Entry  Standards Student  Satisfaction Research  Assessment Graduate  Prospects Overall  Score
2015 2014
1 1 Cambridge 614 4.24 2.98 84.7 1000
2 2 Oxford 580 4.19 2.96 78.4 993
3 3 London School of Economics 537 4.04 2.96 76.4 957
4 6 St Andrews 521 4.26 2.72 80.1 941
5 5 Durham 523 4.14 2.72 82.4 930
6 4 Imperial College London 570 4.08 2.94 88.7 926
7 8 Warwick 509 4.04 2.80 77.7 893
8 9 Bath 488 4.24 2.71 83.3 883
9 7 University College London 520 3.94 2.84 80.7 876
10 10 Exeter 458 4.22 2.62 76.9 870
11 11 Lancaster 445 4.11 2.71 72.7 866
12 13 Surrey 416 4.19 2.58 74.9 862
13 14 Loughborough 406 4.10 2.62 75.3 851
14 12 York 443 4.14 2.78 73.7 849
15 20 East Anglia 426 4.21 2.58 68.3 839
16 20 Southampton 428 4.04 2.72 75.1 835
17 17 Birmingham 438 4.05 2.64 80.3 829
18 15 Bristol 481 4.00 2.72 78.8 823
19 16 Leicester 400 4.12 2.45 71.6 815
20 22 Newcastle 437 4.11 2.63 79.0 806
21 18 Edinburgh 487 3.83 2.75 74.9 804
22 28 Kent 369 4.08 2.60 70.6 798
23 35 Cardiff 420 4.02 2.69 77.4 792
23 32 Leeds 431 4.05 2.72 69.1 792
23 24 Nottingham 439 4.02 2.67 76.8 792
26 26 Sheffield 437 4.10 2.72 71.4 787
27 27 Aston 378 4.14 2.43 73.0 774
28 19 King's College London 466 3.91 2.69 81.8 773
28 25 Manchester 439 3.99 2.82 71.8 773
30 23 Glasgow 485 4.09 2.59 74.4 771
31 38 Liverpool 412 4.02 2.54 71.2 764
31 29 Queen's, Belfast 390 4.15 2.56 74.6 764
33 40 Heriot-Watt 422 4.17 2.48 77.7 759
33 30 Royal Holloway 402 4.10 2.67 63.6 759
35 33 SOAS 415 4.00 2.60 66.4 755
36 35 Queen Mary 422 4.07 2.73 68.7 752
37 37 Reading 375 4.09 2.53 68.6 750
38 31 Sussex 406 4.03 2.61 54.2 748
39 39 Essex 339 4.19 2.77 51.4 731
40 42 City 390 4.05 2.48 70.6 728
41 41 Strathclyde 468 3.96 2.45 73.6 720
42 48 Swansea 338 4.00 2.43 77.3 714
43 45 Keele 380 4.18 2.41 67.6 698
44 43 Aberdeen 441 4.01 2.57 75.1 696
45 49 Stirling 379 4.02 2.41 63.0 691
46 34 St George's, University of London 417 3.78 2.28 87.3 687
47 44 Brunel 351 4.08 2.32 60.0 684
48 45 Oxford Brookes 361 4.07 2.20 63.4 680
49 47 Dundee 402 4.01 2.54 71.8 676
50 50 Goldsmiths, University of London 340 4.09 2.58 52.4 675
51 58 Coventry 309 4.20 1.85 70.5 672
52 61 Nottingham Trent 316 4.03 2.16 61.1 665
53 56 West of England, Bristol 337 4.02 2.20 67.5 661
54 53 Robert Gordon 379 4.03 2.06 81.4 656
55 52 Lincoln 336 4.05 1.90 68.1 654
55 60 Falmouth 310 3.94 2.20 60.1 654
57 75 Arts University Bournemouth 325 4.13 1.20 68.4 652
58 64 Northumbria 362 4.02 2.15 61.4 645
59 69 Winchester 318 4.14 2.16 52.0 644
60 53 Hertfordshire 340 3.89 2.40 62.2 639
61 57 Buckingham 325 4.34   83.1 638
62 86 University for the Creative Arts 320 3.84 1.90 51.0 635
63 68 Portsmouth 311 4.05 2.24 63.2 632
64 64 Bangor 305 4.07 2.43 61.9 627
65 59 Bournemouth 331 3.91 2.18 63.4 621
66 53 Hull 327 4.09 2.37 54.4 618
66 76 Sheffield Hallam 318 3.95 2.05 57.3 618
66 67 University of the Arts, London 330 3.90 2.49 53.3 618
69 79 Bath Spa 329 4.05 1.89 56.8 614
70 63 Huddersfield 326 4.12 2.10 67.4 613
71 81 De Montfort 310 4.02 2.32 52.4 610
72 80 Glasgow Caledonian 366 3.93 2.01 65.0 609
73 73 Brighton 310 4.05 2.37 58.4 608
73 88 Manchester Metropolitan 340 3.98 2.16 57.6 608
73 62 Northampton 280 4.14 1.69 57.2 608
76 76 Chichester 303 4.10 1.96 58.8 606
77 82 Bradford 317 4.00 2.34 69.5 602
78 71 Chester 301 4.11 1.74 68.6 594
79 71 Plymouth 313 4.03 2.18 57.0 589
80 90 Queen Margaret 339 3.97 1.37 69.6 587
81 82 Liverpool John Moores 327 4.04 2.15 54.2 586
82 66 Birmingham City 314 3.99 2.31 61.8 585
83 51 Royal Agricultural University 305 3.91 1.50 57.4 584
84 89 Harper Adams 342 4.09 1.95 67.3 582
84 78 Salford 328 3.91 2.36 59.1 582
84 74 Ulster 310 4.08 2.48 49.3 582
87 70 Aberystwyth 324 3.90 2.48 53.5 580
87 103 Derby 299 4.13 1.96 55.1 580
89 85 Edge Hill 306 4.15 1.50 59.6 569
90 92 Central Lancashire 332 4.01 1.96 53.6 566
91 111 Abertay 325 3.92 1.83 65.8 563
91 94 Gloucestershire 288 3.97 1.72 60.1 563
93 84 Roehampton 283 4.01 2.20 52.3 558
94 93 Middlesex 284 4.01 2.18 52.3 556
95 99 York St John 302 4.14 1.40 61.1 544
96 97 Teesside 316 4.10 1.99 53.6 540
96 87 Westminster 314 3.89 2.23 52.8 540
98 96 Cardiff Metropolitan 301 4.03 1.88 50.4 539
99 95 Greenwich 304 4.06 1.90 52.5 538
100 - South Wales 319 3.96 2.09 55.5 536