2016USNEWS美国研究生庭审辩护专业排名 | ||||||||
排名 | 学校中文名 | 学校英文名 | 所在城市/州 | 学费 | 招生人数 | LSAT分数(25%-75%) | 录取率 | 就业率 |
1 | 斯泰森大学 | Stetson University | Gulfport, FL | $38,904 | 667 | 152-157 | 50.6% | 70.7% |
2 | 天普大学 | Temple University (Beasley) | Philadelphia, PA | $34,772 | 563 | 156-162 | 42.2% | 70.2% |
3 | 贝勒大学 | Baylor University | Waco, TX | $52,400 | 376 | 155-162 | 29.9% | 73.9% |
4 | 伊利诺伊理工学院 | Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago-Kent) | Chicago, IL | $45,472 | 692 | 152-159 | 61.7% | 67.4% |
5 | 乔治敦大学 | Georgetown University | Washington, DC | $53,130 | 1,719 | 163-168 | 29% | 89.8% |
6 | 美利坚大学 | American University (Washington) | Washington, DC | $49,542 | 1,117 | 152-158 | 49.7% | 60.6% |
6 | 洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学 | Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, CA | $47,750 | 900 | 156-161 | 47.1% | 59.1% |
6 | 桑福德大学 | Samford University (Cumberland) | Birmingham, AL | $36,734 | 401 | 148-154 | 75.9% | 65.6% |
6 | 南德克萨斯法学院 | South Texas College of Law | Houston, TX | $28,680 | 850 | 148-153 | 65.6% | 77.3% |
10 | 太平洋大学 | University of the Pacific (McGeorge) | Sacramento, CA | $46,462 | 416 | 148-155 | 75% | 46.9% |
11 | 芝加哥洛约拉大学 | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL | $44,180 | 656 | 155-159 | 52% | 64.7% |
11 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | Washington University in St. Louis | St. Louis, MO | $50,152 | 749 | 162-167 | 30.1% | 75.7% |
13 | 福坦莫大学 | Fordham University | New York, NY | $52,532 | 1,005 | 160-165 | 35.5% | 68.2% |
13 | 西北大学 | Northwestern University | Chicago, IL | $56,434 | 737 | 162-170 | 24.7% | 90.8% |
13 | 马里兰大学 | University of Maryland (Carey) | Baltimore, MD | $41,464 | 560 | 155-162 | 46.5% | 67.7% |
16 | 金门大学 | Golden Gate University | San Francisco, CA | $45,350 | 301 | 146-153 | 64.8% | 28.9% |
16 | 美国天主大学 | The Catholic University of America | Washington, DC | $45,375 | 291 | 151-157 | 54.9% | 68.5% |
16 | 约翰马歇尔法学院 | The John Marshall Law School | Chicago, IL | $45,074 | 835 | 145-152 | 72.9% | 64.8% |
19 | 艾茉莉大学 | Emory University | Atlanta, GA | $49,734 | 819 | 158-166 | 36.8% | 93.5% |
19 | 丹佛大学 | University of Denver (Sturm) | Denver, CO | $42,370 | 725 | 153-159 | 61.6% | 64.80% |