人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案【一】



  Teaching aims:

  a) to make students clear what a healthy life is about.

  b) to enable students to use the grammatical structure “It”.


  Teaching points:the skill Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.

  Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: lead- in

  After exchanging greetings, the student on duty gives a daily report based on the given topic “ a healthy life” which is also the title of this unit.

  Step 2: learning tasks presentation:

  Unit 3 A Healthy Life

  Section 1: How to keep healthy in both body and mind?

  (1). What is a healthy person?

  (2). What is an unhealthy person?

  (3). How to make some changes?

  Section2: A Serious Problem ------ smoking

  Why? Harmful effects? Ways to quit?

  By presenting the above contents , the students can have a clear mind what we are going to learn in this class and it can greatly improve our teaching and learning efficiency.

  Step 3: the detailed learning

  This part includes not only vocabulary but also some useful expressions.

  (1). A discussion topic is: what do you think is most important in your life and why?

  Later a motto for students: Health is the first wealth.

  (2).Words learning and further discussion:

  By showing students some celebrities’ pictures and learning their lifestyles, the teacher inspires them to think about their own lifestyles and give them some tips to make some changes in the future life.

  (3).Conclusion of section 1

  This task is finished by individual in given time on the work sheet

  Section Ⅰ:Conclusion:

  1. What is a healthy person?

  A healthy person is someone_____ is _______in both _____ and _______.

  2. what are the healthy problems?

  抑郁症___________ 癌症_________熬夜________肥胖_________

  3.How to keep healthy in both body and mind?

  ①Doing sports ________.

  ②Keeping a _______diet: eat more________ and ______.

  ③Keeping a good___________.

  ④Avoid being __________.

  ⑤Early to bed and early to ____,makes a man_______,_____and______.

  ⑥Quit smoking and drinking.

  ( 4) .Section 2: A Serious Healthy Problem-----Smoking

  This topic is discussed in three parts: why do people smoke?

  What are the harmful effects? How to quit smoking?

  After their discussion, each group should share with others their own sentences, which should contain “ it” structure. The purpose is to enable students to have a good knowledge of the grammar rules of this unit.

  Grammar note: It + is + adj./ n./ p.p. + infinite/ clause/ -ing form

  A serious healthy problem: smoking

  (1). Why? (Examples)

  ①(why)It is true that your body becomes addicted to nicotine.

  ②(effects) It is a shame to harm the second-hand smokers.

  ③(ways to quit) It is hoped that you boys can make up your mind to quit smoking.

  (2). Group work: making 3 sentences with the structure of “ It”

  You are supposed to talk about the topic of “smoking” and your work should be interesting and impressive!

  (3). sharing:

  Step 4: conclusion of section 2

  Smoking seriously harms you and others around you!

  Step5: Homework

  Make some sentences about the harmful effects of smoking and the ways to quit smoking with “it” structure.

  ①harmful effects of smoking:

  (lungs and hearts/ babies/ second-hand smokers/ terrible smell/ yellow fingers/ run slowly, etc)

  ②ways to quit smoking:

  (plan/ make one’s mind to/ break the habit / relax/ get help when it is necessary/ keep trying,etc)

  Step6: Reflection:

  On one hand, the design of this class contains very colorful pictures and some flash, which can make students greatly interested in class learning. Secondly, the combination of topic discussion and grammar learning is a new try and actually it works well, because it makes the tedious grammar learning easier and more practical.

  On the other hand, we have so much work to do in the limited class time, so every minute should be used effectively, otherwise, the tasks can not be finished in time. Secondly, the new try is a challenge for teacher and students, so students should be informed of the importance of learning in advance, so that we can make it!

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案【二】



  Teaching content: A healthy life

  1. Improve the students’ reading ability.

  2. Get the students to understand the text fully.

  3. To talk about the importance of health and the harmful effects of smoking.


  Teaching important and difficult points:

  How to help the students understand the text fully.


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Greetings. (Greet the Ss as usual.)

  Step 2 Free Talk

  1.What do you think is the most important in our life?(Show some pictures on the screen and get the students to answer the following questions:)

  2. What is a truly healthy person?

  3.What causes health issues?

  4.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?

  5.Can you tell me the harmful effects of smoking?

  Step 3 Reading


  1.Go through the first two paragraphs and the last one.And answer the following questions.


  2)To whom?


  2.Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

  a.Grandad talks about James’ problem of smoking.

  b.The harmful effects of smoking.

  c.The life Grandad is living and the importance of his healthy life.

  d.Grandad’s advice on stopping smoking.

  e.Three different ways of becoming addicted.

  Detail reading

  1.Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.

  2.Read the passage carefully and answer the following question.

  How to stop smoking?

  1)Prepare yourself.

  2)Be determined.

  3)Break the habit.


  5)Get help if you need.

  6)Keep trying.

  Step 4 Comprehending practice

  Do some multiple choices

  1.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?

  A. Using scientific theory B. His failure in love

  C. His sports activity D. His own experience

  2.The phrase “ withdrawl symptoms” in para3 probably means ______.

  A. some bad effects of smoking. B. bad temper

  C. feeling pain D. the discomfort when stopping smoking.

  3.The reason why Grandad stopped smoking were the following EXCEPT that___.

  A.his girlfriend didn’t like his bad smell

  B.he had to leave the football team

  C.he noticed that he became breathless

  D.his parents asked him to stop smoking

  4.What can we know from the passage?

  A.Quitting smoking is very easy.

  B.James managed to give up smoking finally.

  C.It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination.

  D.James’ grandad lives a healthy and active life because he didn’t become addicted to cigarettes during adolescence.

  5.According to the letter, James’ grandad ______.

  A.is lonely

  B.didn’t give up smoking

  C.used to be a member of the school football team

  D.gave James some good advice that he thought of

  Step 5 Summary (高考链接)

  By the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted _1_______ cigarettes in three different ways? First, you can become physically addicted to nicotine,_2_______ is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to _3__________ (have) nicotine in it. So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms. I remember _4_________(feel) bad -tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit. As you know, _5____you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do _6___automatically. Lastly, you can become 7___________(mental) addicted. I believed I was happier and 8_____________ after having a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good _9________ I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. _10______ I did finally manage.

  Step 6 Discussion

  What kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is?

  Step 7 Proverbs

  First wealth is health. —— Emerson 爱默生

  (He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.)



  1.Try to find some other useful ways to help smokers quit smoking on the Internet.

  2.Read the passage again and find out the important words and structures.

  教案设计频道小编推荐:高中英语教案 | 高三英语教案 | 高三英语教学计划

  教案设计频道小编推荐:高中英语教案 | 高三英语教案 | 高三英语教学计划



















