人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 1 A land of diversity》教案【一】
三、 教学目标
1)能从文中获取主要信息,如获取What happened to the Native Americans after the arrival of the Europeans? After all those sufferings, did all Native Americans choose to leave the land? How do you know (from the text)? 等直接信息能力;
2)能从文本中加工和处理信息,如What did the Spanish do to the Native Americans in the 16th century?(此问题需提取数个段落的文本信息)
Two groups of immigrants had something in common. What are they? (double choices) Why? (此问题需要学生从文字的表面信息加工处理后方可得到答案)liuxue86.com
3)能透过信息表层思考人文精神,培养学生的发散性思维与批判性思维,如what do you think of the Native Americans who survived and stayed at CA?
How do you think the Europeans could have succeeded in making the Native Americans slaves or even kill them?
Do you think language plays an important part in a culture? 等。
How do you think the Europeans could have succeeded in making the Native Americans slaves or even kill them?
Do you think language plays an important part in a culture?
四、 教学过程
Step1 Lead-in and Brainstorming(5 mins)
1. 导入并揭题
T: As you can see in the title, in this unit, we are going t talk about the USA, a land of diversity. Now how much do you know about this land? Let’s have a look at a map, and try to recognize some famous places. Now open your books and turn to page 1. Here is a map of the USA. Please look at it carefully. Try to write on the map the names of the oceans, countries, mountain ranges, lakes rivers and big cities as many as possible.
[意图说明] 首先从单元标题入手,引起学生的注意。以竞赛的形式,迅速与班级同学建立联系,活跃课堂气氛,并用版图来促进学生对美国—— a land of diversity 形成一个具象的认识。
2. 头脑风暴
[意图说明] 以头脑风暴的形式,快速激活学生头脑中已有的图式;为导入新课做好准备。并启发学生联想,移民是否都是愉快的、开心的,为阅读文本做好情感上的准备。
Step 2 Reading (30mins)
教师以The facts about each group of immigrants和what inspires us两条主线,引导学生逐步对每一组移民事实进行阅读,获取、加工和处理阅读信息。(下表斜体字部分为问题答案。)
一、Native Americans
1. What happened to the Native Americans after the arrival of the Europeans?
(Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. Many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans.)
2. After all those sufferings, did all Native Americans choose to leave the land?
How do you know (from the text)?
(“However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in CA than in any other state.”)
So what do you think of the Native Americans who survived and stayed at CA? (brave, overcame lots of difficulties, were not be discouraged by setbacks)
二、The Spanish
1.What did the Spanish do to the Native Americans in the 16th century?
(They fought against the native people and took their land. Thousands of Native Americans were killed or forced into slavery.)
2. Who were the majority of the first Spanish to go to California in 18th century? (The religious men.)
3. What was their ministry?
(To teach the Catholic religion to the natives.)
4. Which of the following countries has the strongest influence in California?
A. China B. Russia C. Mexico D. Spain
How do you know? /What’s your proof (from the text)?
(“However, there is still a strong influence in the state. That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.”) 1. How do you think the Europeans could have succeeded in making the Native Americans slaves or even kill them?
((By their advanced weapons—guns had long been used in Europe while the Native Americans still lived a primitive live.)
2. What lessons can we draw from this?
(Keeping advanced in science and techonogy matters much!)
3. Why do you think the majority of the first Spanish to go to CA were religious men?
(They wanted to conquer the natives not only by force, but also in mind.)
4. ——“However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state. That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first of second language. ”
So do you think language plays an important part in a culture? (Yes.)
Do you support we should learn to speak Fuzhou dialect? Why/why not?
(Open-ended answers)
Gold miners
1.What kind of people were attracted to California after 1848?
People from all over the world.
2.Why did they come here?
To become rich.
3. Did they realize their dreams?
4. Did most of them leave CA? (no.) What did they do?
“ most remained in CA to make a life for themselves despite great hardship.”
1. If you were the gold miner, would you choose to stay there? Why?
(Open-ended answers)
2. What kind of words would you use to describe those gold miners who chose to stay in CA?
(adventurous, persistent, brave, not afraid of difficulties, hard-working…)
Later arrivals
1.Due to what reason did Chinese people go to CA in the 1860s?
The building of the rail network from the west to the east coast.
2. What did Chinese people serve as?
Physical workers/ labor force.
3. What did people from Africa serve as between 1942 and 1945?
Physical workers/ labor force.
4. What attracted the Indians and Pakistanis in the 1970s?
(The computer industry.)
5. What attracted the Jewish people to go to CA by the 1920s?
(The film industry.)
6. Two groups of immigrants had something in common. What are they? (double choices) Why?
A. the Chinese and the Africans
B. the Indians and the Chinese
C. the Indians and the Jewish
D. the Pakistanis and the Africans
(A & C) 1. With so many people from different backgrounds staying together, are there many conflicts mentioned?
2. What kind of society do you think this may help to build (with so many different people, but not many conflicts)?
(multicultural, peaceful, harmonious, open, friendly, have great acceptance …)
Most recent arrivals and the future
T of F:
1. People from all over the world still immigrate to CA manily because they are attracted by the climate and Hollywood.
(F. They were attracted by the climate and the lifestyle.)
2. People believe that soon the mix of nationalities will be too great to tell apart the culture between major racial or cultural groups.
( T )
“In most recent decades, California has become _________ to more people from Asia, including Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Laotians.”
What if the author say “California has become a living place to more people from Asia? Do you think there is any difference between them?
What does the word “home” mean here?
( always give people a sense of belonging, a sense of safety; may have some quarrals but will always get settled; shows the friendly environment /community )
[意图说明] 以问题的形式贯穿整个阅读过程,启发学生查找、获取信息的能力,层层深入,由浅层次的表层信息,过渡到深层次的思维能力训练;学生在教师引导下,对文化交融、人文素养、民族兴衰等问题进行逐层深入的研讨,最终在教师引领下得出结论,加州是一个多文化的社会,这一社会的构建是经过了长期的、汗水与血水交织的斗争,最终能以一个和谐的大熔炉的模式展现在世人面前,都是经过各种族文化共同努力的结果。
Step 3 Post-reading (8mins)
1.Why is California such a multicultural community?
(The state of California is a multicultural community because European, African and Asian peoples have been moving into the state for the last 200 years. It is this mix of peoples with their own customs, culture and food that have given California its multicultural flavour. Problems that might arise include intercultural rivalry or competition, discrimination or misunderstanding. It is to the credit of Californians that such problems do not arise very often.)
2.Do you think it is good to have cultural permeation(渗透)? Why/why not? Try to use at least one example from the text.
(It depends. If a country / a community is strong enough, it’s good to have cultural mixed together, which can bring benefits to each culture; but if it’s not strong enough, it could be a disaster for the original cultural group because it’s hard to keep your own culture. Take the Native Americans for example, they were not strong enough, so they suffered a lot during the process of the culture permeation, i.e, they have to accept things unwillingly or rather, be forced into something miserable. )
[意图说明] 通过阅读中的剖析,学生对加州的移民历史及多文化的形成已了然于心,在读后抛出这两个思考问题,实际是对学生已有的文本输入进行一个有层次的、综合的复习与梳理,帮助学生将所学的阅读信息加工内化为自己的见解,培养学生的发散性思维与批判性思维。
Step 5 Moral education (1min)
教师启发学生,将历史教训转化为今日必做之事,即:Study hard to make our homeland strong, to make our culture strong.
[意图说明] 寓德于教,引导学生思考,作为学生,我们能为我们的祖国,为我们的文化做出哪些贡献?从小做起,从现在做起,少年强则中国强,立志为国努力学习,他日成为栋梁之才!
人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 1 A land of diversity》教案【二】
Warming Up (Guessing Game )\
Look at this picture. Where is this lady?
Question: Do you know anything about America? Here are some questions for you.
Show a map of the fifty states of the USA. Give the students some clues to let them guess which state we will learn.
Task 1 Fast Reading
1. According to para. 1, what’s the topic of this text?
2. Retelling.
3. How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text?
Task 2 Detailed Reading
1. Native Americans
2. TheSpanish (Time VS. Event)
In theearly 16th century
In the 18th century
In 1846
At thattime, California was _____ (rule) by Spain. _______ (Spain) soldiers firstarrived in the early 16th century, _____ they fought against the natives andtook their land. Of the first Spanish to go there, the ________ (major) werereligious men, whose ministry is _______ (teach) the Catholic religion. In1821, Mexico gained its ___________ (independent) In 1846 the US declared war___ Mexico. Mexico was _______ (defeat) and had to give California to the USA.That is ____ today over 40% of Californians still speak Spanish.
3. The Russians and Gold miners
4. Later arrivals and most recent arrivals
5. The future
Task 3 Micro-writing
Why is California such a multiculturalcommunity in the 21st century? Explain in your own words. Write three or four sentences.
1.继续存在,继续生存 __________________ 9.许多;很多 ____________________________
2.用…办法,借助于 ___________________ 10.与…合作或一起工作____________________
3.习惯于新的生活方式、工作等___________ 11.脱离…而独立 _________________________
4.背靠背 ___________________________ 12.对…宣战 _____________________________
5.坚持;维持;沿袭______________________ 13.在十九世纪早期 _______________________
6.包括;吸收 __________________________ 14. 向…宣战 ____________________________
7.划线;标出…的界限___________________ 15.实现做…的梦想 _______________________
8.申请;请示得到______________________ 16.成了更多亚洲人的家园_________________
1. According to para. 1, what’s the topic of this text?
A. The culture of California
B. The history of California
C. the population of California
2. Retell it with the help of the given words.
3rd largest → largest population → distinction → multicultural → attract → customs/languages
3. How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text?
4. Fill in the blanks.
5. 短文填空
At that time, California was _____ (rule) bySpain. _______ (Spain) soldiersfirst arrived in the early 16th century, _____ they fought against the nativesand took their land. Of the first Spanish to go there, the ________ (major)were religious men, whose ministry is _______ (teach) the Catholic religion. In1821,Mexicogained its___________ (independent) In 1846 theUSdeclared war ___Mexico.Mexicowas _______ (defeat)and had to give California to theUSA. That is____ today over 40% of Californians still speak Spanish.
6. Later arrivals and most recent arrivals
7. The future: what will happen in the future?
___ is believed that ___________ the _____ of nationalities will be ____ great _____ there will be ___ distinct major racial or cultural groups, ___ simply a ________ of many races and cultures.
8. Micro-writing 微写作
加利福尼亚有着鲜明的特色, 是美国最具多元文化的州。在过去的200多年里,被它的气候和生活方式所吸引,许多欧洲、非洲和亚洲的人移民到了美国。他们在加州安顿下来,并且融入的非常好。人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于将会是多种族、多文化的混合体。