1.爱普比高中Appleby College - Oakville, ON
2.布兰克森山学校Branksome Hall - Toronto, ON
3.班特伍德中学Brentwood College School - Mill Bay, BC
4.科林伍德学校Collingwood School - West Vancouver, BC
5.新月高中Crescent School - Toronto, ON
6.克柔佛顿中学Crofton House School - Vancouver, BC
7.海福格尔学院Havergal College - Toronto, ON
8.雷克湖学校Lakefield College School - Lakefield, ON
9.洛尔加拿大高中Lower Canada College - Montreal, QC
10.草岭高中Meadowridge School - Maple Ridge, BC
11.埃德加女子学校Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School - Westmount, QC
12.瑞德里学院Ridley College - St. Catharines, ON
13.桑列根湖寄宿中学Shawnigan Lake School - Cowichan Valley B, BC
14.圣安德鲁学院St. Andrew's College - Aurora, ON
15.圣克莱门特学校St. Clement's School - Toronto, ON
16.圣乔治高中St. George's School - Vancouver, BC
17.圣迈克贵族中学St. Michaels University School - Victoria, BC
18.士达孔拿-特威兹穆尔学校Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School - Okotoks, AB
19.斯特罗恩中学The Bishop Strachan School - Toronto, ON
20.多伦多法国学校Toronto French School - Toronto, ON
21.三一学院中学Trinity College School - Port Hope, ON
22.多伦多大学附属中学University of Toronto Schools - Toronto, ON
23.上加拿大学院Upper Canada College - Toronto, ON
24.温哥华学院Vancouver College - Vancouver, BC
25.约克庄中学York House School - Vancouver, BC