
  帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)又称伦敦帝国学院,成立于20世纪初,是英国一所有百年历史的著名公立学府。帝国理工学院在各种国际权威大学排名中都名列前茅,在今年的QS世界大学排名中,帝国理工学院高居世界第九位。作为国际化的高等学府,帝国理工学院不仅面向世界各国招收尖子生,也为留学生提供金额丰厚的奖学金。那么具体都有哪些呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。

  一、President's Undergraduate Scholarships


  The President's Undergraduate Scholarships are the most prestigious awards the College has to offer.

  They are designed to reward students of any nationality who demonstrate the highest academic excellence and potential.

  There are up to 112 President's Undergraduate Scholarships available for students starting their studies in 2017-18.

  Each President's scholar will receive £1,000 for each undergraduate year of study.

  The money does not have to be repaid.

  Scholars are invited to serve as ambassadors for the College.

  The scholarships are funded entirely by philanthropic donations from generous alumni and supporters of the College.








  How do I apply?

  Please note that the nominations for the President’s Undergraduate award for 2017 are now closed. Please check back in October 2017 for details on the scholarship for 2018 entrants.

  There is no formal application process or separate application form for the President's Undergraduate Scholarship scheme – academic departments are responsible for nominating scholarship recipients as part of the admission process.

  Your prospective department will use your UCAS application, references and any entry tests or interviews associated with your department to assess your academic merit and potential.

  All first time undergraduate applicants, of any nationality, who have applied to the College by 15 October will be considered for these awards. Graduate Entry Medicine students are not eligible.

  Recipients of these awards might find reference to these scholarships as part of their admissions offer via UCAS Track. You will then receive separate communication from Imperial’s Student Financial Support team a few days later.

  If we think you may be eligible to be considered for this award, you will receive an email with more information about the scholarship after you have applied.

  If you do not wish to be considered for this scholarship, please contact us and let us know. Make sure you include the name of the scholarship and your College Identifier (CID) number – you can find this on your application acknowledgement email from the College.

  If you are required to repeat any academic year, the scholarship payments will stop and will not be paid for the remainder of your course.










  二、Imperial Bursary

  The Imperial Bursary scheme is one of the most generous of all UK universities. It is available to all Home undergraduates who are eligible for student funding from the Government.



  What is the Imperial Bursary?

  The Imperial Bursary scheme provides support on a sliding scale for Home undergraduate students with annual household incomes of up to £60,000. This is much higher than the UK Government threshold for financial support (£42,875 for 2015 entry). The Government threshold is also the level at which most other UK universities cap their support.

  The Imperial Bursary:

  is available for each year of your course (as long as your annual household income remains under £60,000)

  does not distinguish between students living at home and students living away from home

  may be revised each academic year to take into account changes to your household income

  The Imperial Bursary is not available for:

  repeat years of study

  graduate entry

  medical students who intercalate in their 5th and 6th year

  overseas students

  EU students

  Students with a year abroad will be eligible for only 15% of the Imperial Bursary in that year and students with a year in industry will be assessed on a case by case basis.


  帝国奖学金按比例增减为英国本科生提供支助,奖学金要求受奖人年家庭收入不超过60,000英镑。这个数额比英国政府经济支助的门槛高很多(2015年英国政府经济支助要求年家庭收入不超过42,875 英镑)。英国政府的经济支助门槛也是大多数其他英国大学限制他们的经济支助的门槛。








  How much is it worth?

  The Imperial Bursary amounts may vary for each academic year so please check the relevant amounts below for the year that you started or will start at Imperial.



  Imperial Bursary for applicants

  Students who will start in 2017 and 2018

Band Household income Imperial Bursary
 A  £0 – £16,000  £5,000
 B  £16,001 – £50,000  £4,000
 C  £50,001 – £55,000  £3,000
 D   £55,001 – £60,000  £2,000


等级 家庭收入 金额
 A  0 – 16,000英镑  5,000英镑
 B  16,001 – 50,000英镑  4,000英镑
 C  50,001 – 55,000英镑  3,000英镑
 D   55,001 – 60,000英镑  2,000英镑

  Imperial Bursary for current students

  Students who started in 2016

Band Household income Imperial Bursary
 A  £0 – £16,000  £5,000
 B  £16,001 – £50,000  £4,000
 C  £50,001 – £55,000  £3,000
 D   £55,001 – £60,000  £2,000


等级 家庭收入 金额
 A  0 – 16,000英镑  5,000英镑
 B  16,001 – 50,000英镑  4,000英镑
 C  50,001 – 55,000英镑  3,000英镑
 D   55,001 – 60,000英镑  2,000英镑

  Terms and conditions


  (1)How do I apply?

  There is no formal application procedure and no separate application form.

  We award Imperial Bursaries based on household income assessments done by relevant government funding bodies i.e. Student Finance England, Student Finance Northern Ireland, Student Awards Agency for Scotland and Student Finance Wales. This is why only Home students who have applied for government funding are eligible for the scheme.

  When applying for government funding both you and your parents must consent to sharing the financial information you provide on your funding application; this will allow us to access your information and determine your eligibility for funding from Imperial.

  The Student Loans Company (SLC) is responsible for paying grants and loans on behalf of the Government once you’ve applied through your funding authority. Once SLC confirms your funding entitlement to us, we will email you to confirm the bursary amount that you will receive from Imperial, normally after the release of A Level results.

  (2)Is there a deadliene?

  To make sure that as many people as possible benefit from the Imperial Bursary, the deadline by which we must receive your household income information from SLC is 1 May after the start of the academic year (e.g. we must receive this information by 1 May 2015 for students starting in October 2014).

  The earlier you apply for funding (we advise you to apply as soon as possible), the earlier we will be able to confirm what support you will be eligible for.

  (3)Payment details

  Imperial Bursaries are normally paid directly into your bank account. If you however wish to use your Imperial Bursary as an Accommodation or Tuition Fee Waiver, you can request this option when you receive your award letter.

  All cash bursary payments are dependent on confirmation of your household income from Student Loans Company.

  Bursaries will be paid in instalments from 7 November until 7 June each year.

  Bursaries of £1,200 or less will be paid in one instalment on 7 November or the 7th of the month following registration if this is later.

  Bursaries of more than £1,200 will be paid in equal monthly instalments from 7 November or the 7th of the month following registration (if this is later) until 7 June.

  (4)6 Year Medical students

  Students who are studying on the 6 year MBBS programme can choose to receive their Imperial Bursary payments in different ways.





  一旦通过资金当局申请,将由学生贷款公司负责代表政府支付政府支助和贷款。在学生贷款公司将学校确认学生的资金资格之后,学校将给学生发送邮件,确认学生将从学校获得的帝国奖学金数额。发送邮件的日期一般是在 A Level 成绩公布之后。








  (1)第一期发放1,200 英镑,时间为11月7日,或者,如果晚了的话,在登记之后的次月的第七天发放;

  (2)超过1,200 英镑的奖学金在11月7日之后的时间里按每月等额分期支付,或者,如果晚了的话,在登记之后的第七天发放,直到次年6月7日。



  三、President's PhD Scholarships


  The President's PhD Scholarships offer an outstanding opportunity for potential PhD students.

  2017-18 academic year

  If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master's student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world class research institution, you could be selected to receive full tuition fees and a generous stipend for a PhD place at Imperial College London. The President’s PhD Scholarships aims to provide up to 50 research students with great potential the opportunity to work within their chosen research field with the support of an excellent supervisor.

  Opportunities for PhD funding via this scheme are extremely competitive, with higher than usual eligibility requirements. Applicants should be confident that they are able to demonstrate outstanding academic performance before applying for this scholarship scheme. Previous successful recipients of the scholarship have ranked highly in their class, often achieving grades of 85% or higher in their degree(s).

  The earliest start date for funded places is 1 August 2017, the latest start date is 1 November 2017.


  2017-18 学年校长博士奖学金



  2017-18 学年校长博士奖学金申请的最早日期为2017年8月1日,截止日期为2017年11月1日。


  Successful candidates will receive the following financial support for up to 3.5 years:

  Full funding for tuition fees

  A stipend of £20,800 per annum to assist with living costs

  A consumables fund of £2,000 per annum for the first 3 years of study

  A programme of bespoke opportunities and events delivered by the Graduate School




  b.每年20,800 英镑生活补助;

  c.每年2,000 英镑消费品资金——适用于博士学习的前三个学年;



  Applications are accepted from talented candidates from Imperial College London, the UK and worldwide. There are no restrictions on nationality.

  Candidates must be among the highest achievers in their undergraduate cohort, and in receipt of, or due to receive a first class UK degree or equivalent.

  Candidates with a standalone Master’s qualification must have achieved a distinction or, where this has yet to have been achieved, be able to provide evidence of high performance that will lead to a distinction. They must also hold a first class UK undergraduate degree or equivalent (integrated Masters that form part of an undergraduate degree, e.g. MEng, MSci, M.Math, are assessed by Admissions as an undergraduate qualification when determining eligibility). Candidates with multiple standalone Master’s qualifications must have achieved a distinction in the one most relevant to their PhD study.

  Candidates with degrees from overseas institutions are strongly urged to determine if their scores/grades are equivalent to the relevant eligibility criteria.

  Prior to applying candidates must have made contact with a supervisor in an academic department at Imperial College London who has agreed to supervise their research project. Please note that supervisors are limited to supervise one scholar at any time. Please review the President's PhD Scholarships - Unavailable Supervisors page for more information. Please note: current registered Imperial PhD students are not eligible to be considered for a President's PhD Scholarship. The scheme is only open to new PhD applications.







  (4)How to apply

  The scheme will open for applications from early October 2016.

  There is not a specific scholarship application form. You should submit your application for admission to study at Imperial through our online admissions system and your department will put you forward for the scholarship based on academic merit and potential.

  When prompted for a personal statement you must ensure that it consists of approx. 1000 words (maximum 2 pages) and outlines your academic and research achievements to date, explaining in brief your planned research project. The selection panel will not consider statements exceeding the 2 page limit. You may submit updated versions of this statement if required following application submission.

  To be considered for the President's PhD Scholarship scheme, applicants must select this option in the funding section of the additional questions tab within the online application form.

  You must also meet any additional application requirements stated by your department of choice.

  Eligible candidates will be advanced to the next review and selection process; please see the deadlines below.




  a.在写作个人陈述的时候,必须确保字数在1000 子左右(最多两页纸),简要列出你的迄今为止的学术成就和研究成就,简要说明你的研究计划。评审小组不考虑超过两页纸的个人陈述。在提交申请之后,如果有要求,你可以提交更新版的个人陈述。




  (5)Review and selection

  Applications will be reviewed by a two-stage process:

  Candidates meeting or predicted to meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed by the Department to which they have applied. Departments will select a shortlist of the very best candidates to present to the Imperial College Selection Panel for consideration.

  The final decision will be made by the Imperial College Selection Panel. The members of the panel are the Vice-Provost (Research) and the Faculty Vice-Deans for Research. The Panel will consider shortlisted candidates from all Faculties. Scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who show the most potential.

  Successful candidates will receive written confirmation of their scholarship. Any offer of a PhD place will be conditional on final interview by the Department and (if applicable) on the candidate receiving the predicted qualifications.

  Applicants not selected for the scholarship will automatically be considered for the PhD.







  (6)When should I expect a decision on my scholarship application?

  Applications put forward for this scholarship scheme will be considered throughout the academic year.

  Applicants who apply before 11 November 2016 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 31 January 2017.

  Applicants who apply before 24 January 2017 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 10 April 2017.

  Applicants who apply before 28 March 2017 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 31 May 2017.



































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  帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)又称伦敦帝国学院,成立于20世纪初,是英国一所有百年历史的著名公立学府。帝国理工学院在各种国际权威大学排名中都名列前茅,在今年的QS世界大学排名中,帝国理工学院高居世界第九位。作为国际化的高等学府,帝国理工学院不仅面向世界各国招收尖子生,也为留学生提供金额丰厚的奖学金。那么具体都有哪些呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。

  一、President's Undergraduate Scholarships


  The President's Undergraduate Scholarships are the most prestigious awards the College has to offer.

  They are designed to reward students of any nationality who demonstrate the highest academic excellence and potential.

  There are up to 112 President's Undergraduate Scholarships available for students starting their studies in 2017-18.

  Each President's scholar will receive £1,000 for each undergraduate year of study.

  The money does not have to be repaid.

  Scholars are invited to serve as ambassadors for the College.

  The scholarships are funded entirely by philanthropic donations from generous alumni and supporters of the College.








  How do I apply?

  Please note that the nominations for the President’s Undergraduate award for 2017 are now closed. Please check back in October 2017 for details on the scholarship for 2018 entrants.

  There is no formal application process or separate application form for the President's Undergraduate Scholarship scheme – academic departments are responsible for nominating scholarship recipients as part of the admission process.

  Your prospective department will use your UCAS application, references and any entry tests or interviews associated with your department to assess your academic merit and potential.

  All first time undergraduate applicants, of any nationality, who have applied to the College by 15 October will be considered for these awards. Graduate Entry Medicine students are not eligible.

  Recipients of these awards might find reference to these scholarships as part of their admissions offer via UCAS Track. You will then receive separate communication from Imperial’s Student Financial Support team a few days later.

  If we think you may be eligible to be considered for this award, you will receive an email with more information about the scholarship after you have applied.

  If you do not wish to be considered for this scholarship, please contact us and let us know. Make sure you include the name of the scholarship and your College Identifier (CID) number – you can find this on your application acknowledgement email from the College.

  If you are required to repeat any academic year, the scholarship payments will stop and will not be paid for the remainder of your course.










  二、Imperial Bursary

  The Imperial Bursary scheme is one of the most generous of all UK universities. It is available to all Home undergraduates who are eligible for student funding from the Government.



  What is the Imperial Bursary?

  The Imperial Bursary scheme provides support on a sliding scale for Home undergraduate students with annual household incomes of up to £60,000. This is much higher than the UK Government threshold for financial support (£42,875 for 2015 entry). The Government threshold is also the level at which most other UK universities cap their support.

  The Imperial Bursary:

  is available for each year of your course (as long as your annual household income remains under £60,000)

  does not distinguish between students living at home and students living away from home

  may be revised each academic year to take into account changes to your household income

  The Imperial Bursary is not available for:

  repeat years of study

  graduate entry

  medical students who intercalate in their 5th and 6th year

  overseas students

  EU students

  Students with a year abroad will be eligible for only 15% of the Imperial Bursary in that year and students with a year in industry will be assessed on a case by case basis.


  帝国奖学金按比例增减为英国本科生提供支助,奖学金要求受奖人年家庭收入不超过60,000英镑。这个数额比英国政府经济支助的门槛高很多(2015年英国政府经济支助要求年家庭收入不超过42,875 英镑)。英国政府的经济支助门槛也是大多数其他英国大学限制他们的经济支助的门槛。








  How much is it worth?

  The Imperial Bursary amounts may vary for each academic year so please check the relevant amounts below for the year that you started or will start at Imperial.



  Imperial Bursary for applicants

  Students who will start in 2017 and 2018

Band Household income Imperial Bursary
 A  £0 – £16,000  £5,000
 B  £16,001 – £50,000  £4,000
 C  £50,001 – £55,000  £3,000
 D   £55,001 – £60,000  £2,000


等级 家庭收入 金额
 A  0 – 16,000英镑  5,000英镑
 B  16,001 – 50,000英镑  4,000英镑
 C  50,001 – 55,000英镑  3,000英镑
 D   55,001 – 60,000英镑  2,000英镑

  Imperial Bursary for current students

  Students who started in 2016

Band Household income Imperial Bursary
 A  £0 – £16,000  £5,000
 B  £16,001 – £50,000  £4,000
 C  £50,001 – £55,000  £3,000
 D   £55,001 – £60,000  £2,000


等级 家庭收入 金额
 A  0 – 16,000英镑  5,000英镑
 B  16,001 – 50,000英镑  4,000英镑
 C  50,001 – 55,000英镑  3,000英镑
 D   55,001 – 60,000英镑  2,000英镑

  Terms and conditions


  (1)How do I apply?

  There is no formal application procedure and no separate application form.

  We award Imperial Bursaries based on household income assessments done by relevant government funding bodies i.e. Student Finance England, Student Finance Northern Ireland, Student Awards Agency for Scotland and Student Finance Wales. This is why only Home students who have applied for government funding are eligible for the scheme.

  When applying for government funding both you and your parents must consent to sharing the financial information you provide on your funding application; this will allow us to access your information and determine your eligibility for funding from Imperial.

  The Student Loans Company (SLC) is responsible for paying grants and loans on behalf of the Government once you’ve applied through your funding authority. Once SLC confirms your funding entitlement to us, we will email you to confirm the bursary amount that you will receive from Imperial, normally after the release of A Level results.

  (2)Is there a deadliene?

  To make sure that as many people as possible benefit from the Imperial Bursary, the deadline by which we must receive your household income information from SLC is 1 May after the start of the academic year (e.g. we must receive this information by 1 May 2015 for students starting in October 2014).

  The earlier you apply for funding (we advise you to apply as soon as possible), the earlier we will be able to confirm what support you will be eligible for.

  (3)Payment details

  Imperial Bursaries are normally paid directly into your bank account. If you however wish to use your Imperial Bursary as an Accommodation or Tuition Fee Waiver, you can request this option when you receive your award letter.

  All cash bursary payments are dependent on confirmation of your household income from Student Loans Company.

  Bursaries will be paid in instalments from 7 November until 7 June each year.

  Bursaries of £1,200 or less will be paid in one instalment on 7 November or the 7th of the month following registration if this is later.

  Bursaries of more than £1,200 will be paid in equal monthly instalments from 7 November or the 7th of the month following registration (if this is later) until 7 June.

  (4)6 Year Medical students

  Students who are studying on the 6 year MBBS programme can choose to receive their Imperial Bursary payments in different ways.





  一旦通过资金当局申请,将由学生贷款公司负责代表政府支付政府支助和贷款。在学生贷款公司将学校确认学生的资金资格之后,学校将给学生发送邮件,确认学生将从学校获得的帝国奖学金数额。发送邮件的日期一般是在 A Level 成绩公布之后。








  (1)第一期发放1,200 英镑,时间为11月7日,或者,如果晚了的话,在登记之后的次月的第七天发放;

  (2)超过1,200 英镑的奖学金在11月7日之后的时间里按每月等额分期支付,或者,如果晚了的话,在登记之后的第七天发放,直到次年6月7日。



  三、President's PhD Scholarships


  The President's PhD Scholarships offer an outstanding opportunity for potential PhD students.

  2017-18 academic year

  If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master's student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world class research institution, you could be selected to receive full tuition fees and a generous stipend for a PhD place at Imperial College London. The President’s PhD Scholarships aims to provide up to 50 research students with great potential the opportunity to work within their chosen research field with the support of an excellent supervisor.

  Opportunities for PhD funding via this scheme are extremely competitive, with higher than usual eligibility requirements. Applicants should be confident that they are able to demonstrate outstanding academic performance before applying for this scholarship scheme. Previous successful recipients of the scholarship have ranked highly in their class, often achieving grades of 85% or higher in their degree(s).

  The earliest start date for funded places is 1 August 2017, the latest start date is 1 November 2017.


  2017-18 学年校长博士奖学金



  2017-18 学年校长博士奖学金申请的最早日期为2017年8月1日,截止日期为2017年11月1日。


  Successful candidates will receive the following financial support for up to 3.5 years:

  Full funding for tuition fees

  A stipend of £20,800 per annum to assist with living costs

  A consumables fund of £2,000 per annum for the first 3 years of study

  A programme of bespoke opportunities and events delivered by the Graduate School




  b.每年20,800 英镑生活补助;

  c.每年2,000 英镑消费品资金——适用于博士学习的前三个学年;



  Applications are accepted from talented candidates from Imperial College London, the UK and worldwide. There are no restrictions on nationality.

  Candidates must be among the highest achievers in their undergraduate cohort, and in receipt of, or due to receive a first class UK degree or equivalent.

  Candidates with a standalone Master’s qualification must have achieved a distinction or, where this has yet to have been achieved, be able to provide evidence of high performance that will lead to a distinction. They must also hold a first class UK undergraduate degree or equivalent (integrated Masters that form part of an undergraduate degree, e.g. MEng, MSci, M.Math, are assessed by Admissions as an undergraduate qualification when determining eligibility). Candidates with multiple standalone Master’s qualifications must have achieved a distinction in the one most relevant to their PhD study.

  Candidates with degrees from overseas institutions are strongly urged to determine if their scores/grades are equivalent to the relevant eligibility criteria.

  Prior to applying candidates must have made contact with a supervisor in an academic department at Imperial College London who has agreed to supervise their research project. Please note that supervisors are limited to supervise one scholar at any time. Please review the President's PhD Scholarships - Unavailable Supervisors page for more information. Please note: current registered Imperial PhD students are not eligible to be considered for a President's PhD Scholarship. The scheme is only open to new PhD applications.







  (4)How to apply

  The scheme will open for applications from early October 2016.

  There is not a specific scholarship application form. You should submit your application for admission to study at Imperial through our online admissions system and your department will put you forward for the scholarship based on academic merit and potential.

  When prompted for a personal statement you must ensure that it consists of approx. 1000 words (maximum 2 pages) and outlines your academic and research achievements to date, explaining in brief your planned research project. The selection panel will not consider statements exceeding the 2 page limit. You may submit updated versions of this statement if required following application submission.

  To be considered for the President's PhD Scholarship scheme, applicants must select this option in the funding section of the additional questions tab within the online application form.

  You must also meet any additional application requirements stated by your department of choice.

  Eligible candidates will be advanced to the next review and selection process; please see the deadlines below.




  a.在写作个人陈述的时候,必须确保字数在1000 子左右(最多两页纸),简要列出你的迄今为止的学术成就和研究成就,简要说明你的研究计划。评审小组不考虑超过两页纸的个人陈述。在提交申请之后,如果有要求,你可以提交更新版的个人陈述。




  (5)Review and selection

  Applications will be reviewed by a two-stage process:

  Candidates meeting or predicted to meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed by the Department to which they have applied. Departments will select a shortlist of the very best candidates to present to the Imperial College Selection Panel for consideration.

  The final decision will be made by the Imperial College Selection Panel. The members of the panel are the Vice-Provost (Research) and the Faculty Vice-Deans for Research. The Panel will consider shortlisted candidates from all Faculties. Scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who show the most potential.

  Successful candidates will receive written confirmation of their scholarship. Any offer of a PhD place will be conditional on final interview by the Department and (if applicable) on the candidate receiving the predicted qualifications.

  Applicants not selected for the scholarship will automatically be considered for the PhD.







  (6)When should I expect a decision on my scholarship application?

  Applications put forward for this scholarship scheme will be considered throughout the academic year.

  Applicants who apply before 11 November 2016 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 31 January 2017.

  Applicants who apply before 24 January 2017 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 10 April 2017.

  Applicants who apply before 28 March 2017 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 31 May 2017.











