


  University Profile.Established in 1874, the University of Adelaide is Australia's third oldest university.With an international reputation for conducting world-leading research across a wide spectrum of areas, we are consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and are a member of the Group of Eight (external link) coalition of Australia's foremost research intensive universitiesThe University constitutes a vibrant and diverse community with over 25,000 students and over 3,500 members of staff across our three main campuses.Our Mission:The University of Adelaide draws strength from its founding values as it fulfils its future research and teaching aspirations.The University is an international institution that distinctively embraces the ideal of the research university, where the excitement, vitality and passion of the search for new knowledge is one in which all students participate; as an enlightened and tolerant community where able students can find support, whatever their background or circumstances; and as a place where the Kaurna people, original custodians of the land on which the campuses now rest, are acknowledged and their culture respected.Our Distinctive Features;A student body of democratic breadth。A staff of international distinction。A spirit of freedom to investigate new fields。A sense of importance to the community。A goal to prepare educated leaders.。The University of Adelaide commits to a distinctive approach that recaptures the ideal of the research university, and seeks an internationally-focused staff and a tolerant, progressive student mix, which will prepare students for global citizenship in an increasingly borderless world. It will be a university true to its historical roots, yet passionately committed to its role in producing graduates designed to play leading parts in the Asian Century.


  阿德莱德大学成立于1874年,是澳大利亚第三大最古老的大学。凭借在广泛领域进行世界领先研究的国际声誉,我们一直在全球排名前1%的大学排名, 是八国集团(外部链接) 澳大利亚最重要的研究型密集型大学联盟的成员之一。该大学是一个充满活力和多元化的社区,拥有超过25,000名学生,3500多名员工遍布三个主要校区。我们的任务:阿德莱德大学实现其未来的研究和教学愿景,从其创始价值观中吸取力量。大学是一个独具特色的研究型大学理想的国际机构,其兴趣、活力和热情是所有学生参与到新知识学习的过程中。作为一个开明和宽容的社区,无论其背景或情况如何,有能力的学生都能得到支持。作为现在休息的校园的原始保管人卡尔纳人被认可和尊重他们的文化的地方。我们的特色:一个民主广度的学生团体、国际区别的工作人员、调查新领域的自由精神、对社区有重要意义是我们大学的教育领导人的目标。阿德莱德大学承诺重新获得研究型大学理想的独特方法,并寻求以国际为重点的员工和宽容和进步的学生组合,这将为在越来越无边界的世界中为全球公民而准备学生。它将是一个以历史根基为根基的大学,热心地致力于在亚洲世纪毕业生中担任主角的毕业生。



  The University of Adelaide was founded with a noble goal: to prepare, for South Australia, young leaders shaped by education rather than birth or wealth in a settlement free of old world social and religious inequalities.The University was established in 1874 and teaching began in 1876. The first official lecture was in Latin and the Bachelor of Arts the first degree offered.However, the University's first Vice-Chancellor, Dr Augustus Short, had a vision for a university open to investigate new fields such as the sciences, modern literature, art and moral philosophy; subjects other than the narrow classics curriculum offered at Oxford University at the time. This vision would be realised in 1882 when the University became the first in Australia to grant degrees in science.The spirit of enquiry was further embraced and the freedom to explore non classical subjects continued. Before reaching the 1900s the University offered degrees in arts, science, law, medicine and music. Additionally mathematics, philosophy, languages and mining engineering were taught. These flagship degrees and disciplines continue at the University today.Open all.A Progressive Institution of Many 'Firsts'From its early beginnings, the state of South Australia was a progressive state. It was free settled and the first Australian state to provide voting rights to women. Reflecting the values of the state in which it was founded, the University of Adelaide - the first university in South Australia, became the first university in Australia, and only the second in the world, to admit women to academic courses (in 1881).The history of firsts continued. The University's first science graduate was also its first women graduate, Edith Emily Dornwell who graduated in 1885. It was the first Australian university to establish a Conservatorium of Music, a Chair of Music and a Doctor of Music, and the first to grant that degree to a woman (in 1918).The University of Adelaide also graduated the remarkable Dame Roma Mitchell who went on to become the first female: Queen's Counsel, Supreme Court Judge and Governor of an Australian state (SA).A Reputation for Excellence,The University soon established a reputation for excellence in education and research and attracted leading academics of international distinction. An early Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Sir William Bragg won the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics (1915) together with his son and University of Adelaide graduate, Sir William Lawrence Bragg.As it grew, the University continued to be a place where its alumni could forge new ground and lead the way in research and discovery. Renowned Antarctic explorer, Sir Douglas Mawson had a long association with the University that included 31 years as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. Graduate, Lord Howard Florey was honoured with a Nobel Prize in 1945 for his ground breaking work in the application and manufacture of penicillin.The early pioneers of the University of Adelaide established the academic quality, first-class intellectual environment and distinctive features that remain today. In the 21st century, the University is recognised as a centre for excellence in higher education that nurtures curious minds and delivers world-leading research outcomes.We continue to embrace a student body of democratic breadth, attract staff of international distinction, instil a spirit of freedom to investigate new fields, believe in our value to the community, and we are earnest in our goal to prepare the educated leaders of tomorrow.


  阿德莱德大学的成立始于崇高的目标:准备在南澳大利亚,通过教育而不是出生或财富形成的年轻领导人,解决社会和宗教不平等现象。大学成立于1874年,于1876年开始教学工作。第一次官方的课程是拉丁美洲和艺术学士学位。然而,大学第一任校长 奥古斯都·短老先生,有一个愿景,大学开放新领的教学工作如科学、现代文学、艺术和道德哲学,当时在牛津大学提供的狭窄经典课程以外的课程。这个愿景将在1882年实现,当时大学成为澳大利亚第一个获得科学学位的学校。调查精神得到进一步的接受,继续探索非经典学科的自由。在达到二十年代之前大学提供艺术、科学、法律、医学和音乐学位。另外还教授数学、哲学、语言和采矿工程。这些旗舰学位和学科今天在大学继续进行。许多“先进”进步机构,从早期的开始,南澳大利亚州就是一个进步的国家。澳大利亚自由落户澳大利亚第一个向妇女提供投票权的国家。阿德莱德大学反映了它所建立的国家的价值观 - 南澳大学的第一所大学,成为承认妇女参加学术课程(1881年)的澳大利亚第一所大学,世界第二所大学。第一次的历史继续。大学第一名科学毕业生也是第一位女大学毕业生,伊迪丝·艾米丽·多恩韦尔(Edith Emily Dornwell),于1885年毕业。这是澳大利亚第一所建立音乐音乐学院,拥有音乐与音乐博士学位的澳大利亚大学。一个女人(1918年)。阿德莱德大学还毕业了杰出的 罗姆·米切尔 ,他继续成为皇后律师,最高法院法官和澳大利亚州州长的第一位女性。卓越声誉:大学很快就建立了卓越的教育和研究声誉,并吸引了国际领先的学术界人士。早期的数学和物理教授威廉·布拉格爵士与他的儿子和阿德莱德大学毕业生威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格爵士一起赢得了着名的诺贝尔物理学奖(1915年)。随着学校的发展,大学继续成为校友可以开拓创新,引领研究与发现的可以发挥能力的地方。著名的南极探险家道格拉斯·莫森爵士与大学长期合作,其中包括31年,他都担任地质学和矿物学教授。毕业后,霍华德·弗洛雷( Lord Howard Florey )于1945年获得诺贝尔奖,因其在青霉素的应用和制造方面的突破性工作。阿德莱德大学早期的先驱者建立了学术质量,一流的智力环境和今天仍然存在的特色。在二十一世纪,大学被公认为高等教育卓越中心,培养了好奇心,提供了世界领先的研究成果。我们继续拥抱一个民主广泛的学生团体,吸引国际上的工作人员,灌输自由调查新领域的精神,相信我们对社会的价值,我们认真地为了准备受过教育的明天的领导人。



  Our Research:University of Adelaide research focuses on addressing grand challenges faced by society.Whether it be the struggle of feeding our expanding population, sustaining our environment, achieving a healthier society or creating sustainable energy resources, our research has demonstrable impact on the economy, health, public policy and quality of life.Research StoriesMuch of our research responds to global and national priorities, with our researchers working closely with government and industry to address core issues faced by society.As a result, we produce research that has a demonstrable impact on the economy, health, culture, public policy, the environment and quality of life.



  Exclusive almonds

  To most people, an almond is an almond. But to researchers from the Australian Almond Breeding Program at the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus, not all almonds are equal. In fact, almond trees being developed at the University look set to give growers a 10-15 percent yield increase. The project has resulted in five superior varieties that are being fast-tracked to commercialisation from trial sites in South Australia’s Riverland, and Victoria’s Sunraysia regions.Importantly, research has shown that three of the five varieties are self-fertile, so current issues with planting a compatible tree nearby and relying on bees to pollinate could be circumvented. Additionally, one of the five new varieties has a much larger kernel, which professional tasters say tastes better than what is currently available in the market. Finally, better shells are keeping disease and pests at bay. The Almond Breeding Program, led by Dr Michelle Wirthensohn, is a collaboration between the University, the Almond Industry & Almond Board of Australia, Horticulture Australia Limited and the Australian Research Council. Launched in 1997, it is now getting to the ‘pointy end’, says Dr Wirthensohn.The five new varieties are expected to be released to growers by 2018. Almonds are currently Australia’s largest horticultural export crop, with India the largest market, and Australia is now the second largest almond producer in the world after the USA. Ben Brown, industry development manager of the Almond Board of Australia, told The Advertiser newspaper that the new varieties could make a significant impact on the industry and growers were excited about the upcoming release of the trees.“Part of the plan is to also release these varieties internationally,” Mr Brown said.It is hoped that selling the commercialisation rights to grow the trees could open up new income streams, particularly in the United States where 80 percent of almonds are still grown. So while the rest of us see an almond as an almond, this clever collaboration between the University and industry partners is leading the world in delivering better almonds for the consumer and the grower.


  对大多数人来说,杏仁是杏仁。但是对于阿德莱德大学Waite大学澳大利亚杏仁育种计划的研究人员来说,并不是所有的杏仁都是平等的。事实上,在大学开发的杏仁树看起来给种植者提高了10-15%的产量。该项目导致了五个优秀品种,这些品种正在南澳大利亚河流地区试点和维多利亚州Sunraysia地区迅速商业化。重要的是,研究表明,五个品种中有三个是自给自足的,因此现在可以绕过附近种植一棵相容树,依靠蜜蜂进行授粉的问题。另外,五个新品种中有一个拥有更大的核心,其中专业的品酒师表示比现在市场上更好的品味。最后,更好的贝壳正在保护病虫害。由Michelle Wirthensohn博士领导的杏仁养殖计划是澳大利亚大学,杏仁工业和杏仁委员会,澳大利亚园艺有限公司和澳大利亚研究委员会之间的合作。Wirthensohn博士说,在1997年推出,现在正在进入“尖端”。预计到2018年,五个新品种将被发布给种植者。杏仁目前是澳大利亚最大的园艺出口作物,印度是最大的市场,澳大利亚现在是美国之后世界第二大杏仁生产国。澳大利亚杏仁委员会行业发展经理Ben Brown告诉“广告报”,新品种可能对行业产生重大影响,种植者对即将发布的树木感到兴奋。布朗先生说:“计划的一部分也是在国际上发布这些品种。希望出售种植树木的商业化权利可以开辟新的收入来源,特别是在80%的杏仁还在增长的美国。所以当我们其他人看到杏仁为杏仁时,大学和行业合作伙伴之间的这种巧妙的合作正在引领世界为消费者和种植者提供更好的杏仁。

  Catching disease fast

  Up to 27,000 microbiology laboratories around the world could benefit from a ground-breaking automation technology developed at the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT), in collaboration with one of our leading medical technology companies, LBT Innovations.The Automated Plate Assessment System (APAS) can automatically screen microbiology culture plates for the presence of various disease-causing pathogens, revolutionising the workflow in modern microbiology labs. The smart software uses artificial intelligence to analyse microbial growth in much the same way as a microbiologist would, but with faster and more consistent results.Born from a pioneering partnership between the University and Adelaide-based LBT, APAS is in the final stages of development in a significant joint venture with the instrumentation company, Hettich AG Switzerland. It’s the perfect collaboration; LBT brings its extensive market knowledge and product development expertise, while Hettich provides some of the world’s finest medical engineering and manufacturing credentials.The deal also ensures that LBT Innovations will continue to play a leading role in the product’s future development and commercialisation. The company has already employed three Adelaide-based technical staff specifically to support its APAS program, as well as a Quality Assurance Manager to support clinical trials ahead of key regulatory submissions later this year.APAS has its roots in a system that the University research centre developed for defence and security purposes, but the partnership with LBT unearthed its significant microbiology and healthcare potential.The core technology is currently being made commercially robust under contract with two Australian engineering companies, with the first APAS instruments due to be manufactured in Europe. The innovative system will address the issue of microbiology labs needing to analyse more culture plates with fewer staff and resources, and often with more critical deadlines.In May this year, some of the world’s leading microbiologists were introduced to APAS at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, an annual event that brings together more than 10,000 microbiologists, infectious disease specialists and diagnostic companies. The strategic focus of the Australian Centre for Visual Technologies is on impact, and there is no doubt that the clever minds behind APAS will soon be having a major impact on the world of microbiology.


  阿德莱德大学视觉技术中心(ACVT)与我们领先的医疗技术公司LBT Innovations合作,开创了全球最多27,000个微生物实验室。自动板评估系统(APAS)可以自动筛选微生物培养板,以存在各种致病病原体,彻底改变现代微生物实验室的工作流程。智能软件使用人造智能来分析微生物生长,其方式与微生物学家将会相同,但是具有更快更一致的结果。来自大学与阿德莱德的LBT之间的开创性合作伙伴关系,APAS与仪器公司Hettich AG瑞士的重要合资企业正处于发展的最后阶段。这是完美的合作; LBT拥有广泛的市场知识和产品开发专长,而Hettich提供世界上最好的医疗工程和制造证书。该协议还确保了LBT Innovations将继续在产品的未来发展和商业化中发挥主导作用。该公司已经聘请了三名阿德莱德的技术人员,专门支持其APAS计划,以及质量保证经理,以在今年晚些时候提供关键的监管提交之前支持临床试验。APAS的根源在于大学研究中心为国防和安全目的而开发的系统,但与LBT的合作伙伴关系发现了其显着的微生物学和医疗保健潜力。目前,核心技术正在与两家澳大利亚工程公司签订合同,其中第一批APAS仪器将在欧洲生产。创新体系将解决微生物实验室需要用更少的员工和资源分析更多文化板块的问题,并且往往会有更为关键的期限。今年5月,一些世界领先的微生物学家被引入APAS在欧洲临床微生物和传染病大会,这是一个年会,汇集了一万多名微生物学家,传染病专家和诊断公司。澳大利亚视觉技术中心的战略重点是影响力,毫无疑问,APAS背后的聪明才智将很快对微生物学的世界产生重大影响。

  Eco-management in the Spencer Gulf

  With competing priorities – from fishing to mining, agriculture, energy and community values – management of the Spencer Gulf ecosystem is akin to walking a tightrope between commercial and environmental interests.As South Australia’s growing mining sector, along with other industry development, leads to increased concerns regarding shipping, wharf facilities, and desalination of seawater in the Spencer Gulf, the region is under increased pressure to maintain its balance. These circumstances were the catalyst for the creation of the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative. Led by the University of Adelaide’s Professor Bronwyn Gillanders and Simon Divecha, the initiative is driving responsible decision-making for a thriving gulf region.The University’s Environment Institute is central to developing the program, with Marine Innovation SA (MISA), SARDI (South Australian Research and Development Institute), Aquatic Sciences and Flinders University as research collaborators. The five-year project brings together key partners – including major players BHP Billiton, Santos, Flinders Ports, Arrium, Centrex and Alinta – and the fishing industry, which is investing through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.It is attracting major funding as researchers gather stakeholder views from more than 300 people, review available information, and scope requirements for research around an integrated ocean management program.Now in the midst of its second phase, the initiative’s research partners are undertaking significant investigations to establish an informed and evidence-based decision-making system regarding new developments, while maintaining ongoing stakeholder and community engagement.Competition between fishing, mining and conservation can be difficult to manage, and presents real difficulties around Australia. However, the creators of this initiative believe that this consultation process, alongside the evidence developed, will be the key to its success. The initiative will support industry by offering more defined approval pathways and encourage evidence-based decision making. It will also set up a model by which information, data, tools, capabilities and networks can be shared.The clever researchers, community and industries behind the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative are playing a crucial role in ensuring the balance between commercial and environmental interests is maintained for everyone’s benefit.


  从竞争优先事项 - 从渔业到采矿,农业,能源和社区价值观 - 斯潘塞湾生态系统的管理类似于在商业和环境利益之间走钢丝绳。随着南澳不断壮大的采矿业以及其他行业发展,导致船上,码头设施以及斯潘塞湾海域淡化海水的担忧日益增加,该地区正面临更大的压力来保持平衡。这些情况是建立斯潘塞湾生态系统与发展倡议的催化剂。由阿德莱德大学的Bronwyn Gillanders教授和Simon Divecha领导,该倡议正在为繁荣的海湾地区推动负责任的决策。大学环境研究所是开发该计划的核心,海洋创新公司(MISA),SARDI(南澳大利亚研究开发研究所),水科学和弗林德斯大学作为研究合作者。这个为期五年的项目汇集了主要合作伙伴,包括必和必拓、必和必拓、桑德斯、弗林德斯港、阿里姆、里斯克斯和阿林特等主要合作伙伴以及通过渔业研究和发展公司进行投资的渔业。由于研究人员从300多人的角度收集利益相关者的意见,审查了有关综合海洋管理计划的研究的可用信息和范围要求,正在吸引大量资金。现在正处于第二阶段,该倡议的研究合作伙伴正在进行重大调查,以便建立一个有针对性的有据可循的决策制度,以保持持续的利益相关者和社区参与。捕鱼,采矿和保护之间的竞争可能难以管理,并在澳大利亚周围呈现真正的困难。然而,这一倡议的创造者认为,这一磋商过程与发展的证据一起将成为其成功的关键。该计划将通过提供更多的定义的审批途径和鼓励循证决策来支持行业。它还将建立一个可以共享信息、数据、工具、功能和网络的模型。斯宾塞湾生态系统与发展倡议背后的聪明的研究人员,社区和行业正在发挥关键作用,确保商业和环境利益之间的平衡保持每个人的利益。

  Quick smart: AI disease diagnosis now a reality

  A collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT) and Adelaide-based LBT Innovations (LBT) has given humanity a powerful new weapon in the fight against infectious disease.Together, the joint project team has developed the world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) technology for the automation of microbiology screening in pathology laboratories.Set to commence production in 2017 after receiving US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in October, the Automated Plate Assessment System (APAS) promises to dramatically increase the speed of patient diagnosis and treatmentAccording to LBT CEO Brent Barnes, that could mean faster recovery for millions. “The science we’ve put into practice through APAS with the University of Adelaide could well become part of hospital protocols all over the world,” says Brent. “Countless patients will reap the benefits.”ACVT Director Professor Anton van den Hengel, who led the University’s six-person software development team, agrees. “Doctors will be able to order more tests, which will give them more information, sooner,” he says“APAS could even allow country or military hospitals to run their own tests without having to ship samples to a central lab. That would save a huge amount of time, and potentially many lives.”APAS automates the traditionally time-consuming functions performed by microbiologists in screening culture plates after incubation. It takes high-quality images of the plates, then analyses and interprets any microbial growth, matches this against key patient data, and presents a diagnosis.Significantly, APAS then also removes all non-pathogenic plates from the workflow. “This is very important,” adds co-founder of LBT Innovations, Lusia Guthrie. “In routine microbiology testing, up to 70% of plates may be negative. So having to deal with them slows down microbiologists’ ability to address the plates that do contain disease-causing bacteria.”The success of APAS is considered by both project parties to provide tangible evidence of the enormous potential of university-industry collaborations. Particularly effective in this case, says Lusia, was the “embedding” of an ACVT computer scientist on-site with the LBT development team.“Anton originally appointed Rhys Hill to assist us here with proof-of-principle research,” she says. “It worked so well—particularly in terms of communication flow—that Rhys stayed with us throughout prototype development and right up to FDA compliance.”“Embedding Rhys was critical to the project’s success,” agrees Anton. “It meant LBT always had someone on-hand who deeply understood not only the technology, but the broader area of AI and what it could do.”Keen to build on the foundation laid with APAS, the University and LBT are now jointly developing three other related medical devices utilising the ACVT’s AI image-analysis technology, including a hand-held device to assist in the management of wounds.“Our work with the University of Adelaide has taken LBT to a new level,” says Lusia, now Chair of Clever Culture Systems, the Joint Venture company that will bring APAS to market.“We’ve transitioned from a ‘robotics company’ to an ‘AI company’, and now we have the opportunity to become a ‘digital health company’.“Our partnership with Anton and the ACVT is key.”


  阿德莱德大学澳大利亚视觉技术大学(ACVT)和阿德莱德的LBT创新(LBT)之间的合作使人类成为打击传染病的强大新型武器。联合项目团队共同开发了世界上第一个用于病理实验室微生物筛选自动化的人工智能(AI)技术。自动化评估系统(APAS)于10月份获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准后,将于2017年开始生产,从而大大提高了患者诊断和治疗的速度。据LBT首席执行官布伦特·巴恩斯(Brent Barnes)说,这可能意味着数百万人的复苏速度更快 “我们通过APAS与阿德莱德大学实践的科学可以很好地成为世界各地医院协议的一部分,”布伦特说。“无数患者会获益”。领导大学六人软件开发团队的ACVT主任Anton van den Hengel教授同意。他说:“医生能够订购更多的测试,这样可以更快地给他们更多的信息。”“APAS甚至可以允许国家或军队医院进行自己的测试,而不必将样品运送到中央实验室。这将节省大量的时间,潜在的许多生命。“APAS自动化由微生物学家在孵化后筛选培养板中进行的传统耗时功能。它需要高质量的图像,然后分析和解释任何微生物生长,匹配关键的患者数据,并提出诊断。值得注意的是,APAS还可以从工作流程中去除所有非致病性板块。“这非常重要,”LBT Innovations的联合创始人Lusia Guthrie补充说。“在常规微生物学测试中,高达70%的平板可能是阴性的。因此,有对付他们减慢微生物学家,以解决该板能力做到含有致病细菌“。APAS的成功被两个项目方考虑,提供了大学与行业合作潜力巨大的实际证据。Lusia说,在这种情况下特别有效,是与LBT开发团队一起在ACVT计算机科学家“嵌入”的。她说:“安东最初任命莱斯山在这里协助我们进行原理证明研究。” “它工作得很好 - 特别是在通信流程方面,Rhys在原型开发和FDA符合条件下与我们保持一致。“嵌入Rhys对项目的成功至关重要,”Anton同意。“这意味着LBT总是有人在场,不仅深入了解技术,而且深入了解AI的更广泛领域以及它可以做什么。”大学和LBT热衷于建立在APAS基础上,大学和LBT正在共同开发三个相关的医疗设备,利用ACVT的AI图像分析技术,包括一个手持设备来帮助管理伤口。“我们与阿德莱德大学的合作使LBT达到了一个新的水平,”现在担任合资企业Clever Culture Systems的主席Lusia表示,将把APAS推向市场。“我们已经从”机器人公司“转变为”AI公司“,现在我们有机会成为”数字健康公司“。“这是我们与安东和ACVT的合作关”。




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  University Profile.Established in 1874, the University of Adelaide is Australia's third oldest university.With an international reputation for conducting world-leading research across a wide spectrum of areas, we are consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and are a member of the Group of Eight (external link) coalition of Australia's foremost research intensive universitiesThe University constitutes a vibrant and diverse community with over 25,000 students and over 3,500 members of staff across our three main campuses.Our Mission:The University of Adelaide draws strength from its founding values as it fulfils its future research and teaching aspirations.The University is an international institution that distinctively embraces the ideal of the research university, where the excitement, vitality and passion of the search for new knowledge is one in which all students participate; as an enlightened and tolerant community where able students can find support, whatever their background or circumstances; and as a place where the Kaurna people, original custodians of the land on which the campuses now rest, are acknowledged and their culture respected.Our Distinctive Features;A student body of democratic breadth。A staff of international distinction。A spirit of freedom to investigate new fields。A sense of importance to the community。A goal to prepare educated leaders.。The University of Adelaide commits to a distinctive approach that recaptures the ideal of the research university, and seeks an internationally-focused staff and a tolerant, progressive student mix, which will prepare students for global citizenship in an increasingly borderless world. It will be a university true to its historical roots, yet passionately committed to its role in producing graduates designed to play leading parts in the Asian Century.


  阿德莱德大学成立于1874年,是澳大利亚第三大最古老的大学。凭借在广泛领域进行世界领先研究的国际声誉,我们一直在全球排名前1%的大学排名, 是八国集团(外部链接) 澳大利亚最重要的研究型密集型大学联盟的成员之一。该大学是一个充满活力和多元化的社区,拥有超过25,000名学生,3500多名员工遍布三个主要校区。我们的任务:阿德莱德大学实现其未来的研究和教学愿景,从其创始价值观中吸取力量。大学是一个独具特色的研究型大学理想的国际机构,其兴趣、活力和热情是所有学生参与到新知识学习的过程中。作为一个开明和宽容的社区,无论其背景或情况如何,有能力的学生都能得到支持。作为现在休息的校园的原始保管人卡尔纳人被认可和尊重他们的文化的地方。我们的特色:一个民主广度的学生团体、国际区别的工作人员、调查新领域的自由精神、对社区有重要意义是我们大学的教育领导人的目标。阿德莱德大学承诺重新获得研究型大学理想的独特方法,并寻求以国际为重点的员工和宽容和进步的学生组合,这将为在越来越无边界的世界中为全球公民而准备学生。它将是一个以历史根基为根基的大学,热心地致力于在亚洲世纪毕业生中担任主角的毕业生。



  The University of Adelaide was founded with a noble goal: to prepare, for South Australia, young leaders shaped by education rather than birth or wealth in a settlement free of old world social and religious inequalities.The University was established in 1874 and teaching began in 1876. The first official lecture was in Latin and the Bachelor of Arts the first degree offered.However, the University's first Vice-Chancellor, Dr Augustus Short, had a vision for a university open to investigate new fields such as the sciences, modern literature, art and moral philosophy; subjects other than the narrow classics curriculum offered at Oxford University at the time. This vision would be realised in 1882 when the University became the first in Australia to grant degrees in science.The spirit of enquiry was further embraced and the freedom to explore non classical subjects continued. Before reaching the 1900s the University offered degrees in arts, science, law, medicine and music. Additionally mathematics, philosophy, languages and mining engineering were taught. These flagship degrees and disciplines continue at the University today.Open all.A Progressive Institution of Many 'Firsts'From its early beginnings, the state of South Australia was a progressive state. It was free settled and the first Australian state to provide voting rights to women. Reflecting the values of the state in which it was founded, the University of Adelaide - the first university in South Australia, became the first university in Australia, and only the second in the world, to admit women to academic courses (in 1881).The history of firsts continued. The University's first science graduate was also its first women graduate, Edith Emily Dornwell who graduated in 1885. It was the first Australian university to establish a Conservatorium of Music, a Chair of Music and a Doctor of Music, and the first to grant that degree to a woman (in 1918).The University of Adelaide also graduated the remarkable Dame Roma Mitchell who went on to become the first female: Queen's Counsel, Supreme Court Judge and Governor of an Australian state (SA).A Reputation for Excellence,The University soon established a reputation for excellence in education and research and attracted leading academics of international distinction. An early Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Sir William Bragg won the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics (1915) together with his son and University of Adelaide graduate, Sir William Lawrence Bragg.As it grew, the University continued to be a place where its alumni could forge new ground and lead the way in research and discovery. Renowned Antarctic explorer, Sir Douglas Mawson had a long association with the University that included 31 years as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. Graduate, Lord Howard Florey was honoured with a Nobel Prize in 1945 for his ground breaking work in the application and manufacture of penicillin.The early pioneers of the University of Adelaide established the academic quality, first-class intellectual environment and distinctive features that remain today. In the 21st century, the University is recognised as a centre for excellence in higher education that nurtures curious minds and delivers world-leading research outcomes.We continue to embrace a student body of democratic breadth, attract staff of international distinction, instil a spirit of freedom to investigate new fields, believe in our value to the community, and we are earnest in our goal to prepare the educated leaders of tomorrow.


  阿德莱德大学的成立始于崇高的目标:准备在南澳大利亚,通过教育而不是出生或财富形成的年轻领导人,解决社会和宗教不平等现象。大学成立于1874年,于1876年开始教学工作。第一次官方的课程是拉丁美洲和艺术学士学位。然而,大学第一任校长 奥古斯都·短老先生,有一个愿景,大学开放新领的教学工作如科学、现代文学、艺术和道德哲学,当时在牛津大学提供的狭窄经典课程以外的课程。这个愿景将在1882年实现,当时大学成为澳大利亚第一个获得科学学位的学校。调查精神得到进一步的接受,继续探索非经典学科的自由。在达到二十年代之前大学提供艺术、科学、法律、医学和音乐学位。另外还教授数学、哲学、语言和采矿工程。这些旗舰学位和学科今天在大学继续进行。许多“先进”进步机构,从早期的开始,南澳大利亚州就是一个进步的国家。澳大利亚自由落户澳大利亚第一个向妇女提供投票权的国家。阿德莱德大学反映了它所建立的国家的价值观 - 南澳大学的第一所大学,成为承认妇女参加学术课程(1881年)的澳大利亚第一所大学,世界第二所大学。第一次的历史继续。大学第一名科学毕业生也是第一位女大学毕业生,伊迪丝·艾米丽·多恩韦尔(Edith Emily Dornwell),于1885年毕业。这是澳大利亚第一所建立音乐音乐学院,拥有音乐与音乐博士学位的澳大利亚大学。一个女人(1918年)。阿德莱德大学还毕业了杰出的 罗姆·米切尔 ,他继续成为皇后律师,最高法院法官和澳大利亚州州长的第一位女性。卓越声誉:大学很快就建立了卓越的教育和研究声誉,并吸引了国际领先的学术界人士。早期的数学和物理教授威廉·布拉格爵士与他的儿子和阿德莱德大学毕业生威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格爵士一起赢得了着名的诺贝尔物理学奖(1915年)。随着学校的发展,大学继续成为校友可以开拓创新,引领研究与发现的可以发挥能力的地方。著名的南极探险家道格拉斯·莫森爵士与大学长期合作,其中包括31年,他都担任地质学和矿物学教授。毕业后,霍华德·弗洛雷( Lord Howard Florey )于1945年获得诺贝尔奖,因其在青霉素的应用和制造方面的突破性工作。阿德莱德大学早期的先驱者建立了学术质量,一流的智力环境和今天仍然存在的特色。在二十一世纪,大学被公认为高等教育卓越中心,培养了好奇心,提供了世界领先的研究成果。我们继续拥抱一个民主广泛的学生团体,吸引国际上的工作人员,灌输自由调查新领域的精神,相信我们对社会的价值,我们认真地为了准备受过教育的明天的领导人。



  Our Research:University of Adelaide research focuses on addressing grand challenges faced by society.Whether it be the struggle of feeding our expanding population, sustaining our environment, achieving a healthier society or creating sustainable energy resources, our research has demonstrable impact on the economy, health, public policy and quality of life.Research StoriesMuch of our research responds to global and national priorities, with our researchers working closely with government and industry to address core issues faced by society.As a result, we produce research that has a demonstrable impact on the economy, health, culture, public policy, the environment and quality of life.



  Exclusive almonds

  To most people, an almond is an almond. But to researchers from the Australian Almond Breeding Program at the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus, not all almonds are equal. In fact, almond trees being developed at the University look set to give growers a 10-15 percent yield increase. The project has resulted in five superior varieties that are being fast-tracked to commercialisation from trial sites in South Australia’s Riverland, and Victoria’s Sunraysia regions.Importantly, research has shown that three of the five varieties are self-fertile, so current issues with planting a compatible tree nearby and relying on bees to pollinate could be circumvented. Additionally, one of the five new varieties has a much larger kernel, which professional tasters say tastes better than what is currently available in the market. Finally, better shells are keeping disease and pests at bay. The Almond Breeding Program, led by Dr Michelle Wirthensohn, is a collaboration between the University, the Almond Industry & Almond Board of Australia, Horticulture Australia Limited and the Australian Research Council. Launched in 1997, it is now getting to the ‘pointy end’, says Dr Wirthensohn.The five new varieties are expected to be released to growers by 2018. Almonds are currently Australia’s largest horticultural export crop, with India the largest market, and Australia is now the second largest almond producer in the world after the USA. Ben Brown, industry development manager of the Almond Board of Australia, told The Advertiser newspaper that the new varieties could make a significant impact on the industry and growers were excited about the upcoming release of the trees.“Part of the plan is to also release these varieties internationally,” Mr Brown said.It is hoped that selling the commercialisation rights to grow the trees could open up new income streams, particularly in the United States where 80 percent of almonds are still grown. So while the rest of us see an almond as an almond, this clever collaboration between the University and industry partners is leading the world in delivering better almonds for the consumer and the grower.


  对大多数人来说,杏仁是杏仁。但是对于阿德莱德大学Waite大学澳大利亚杏仁育种计划的研究人员来说,并不是所有的杏仁都是平等的。事实上,在大学开发的杏仁树看起来给种植者提高了10-15%的产量。该项目导致了五个优秀品种,这些品种正在南澳大利亚河流地区试点和维多利亚州Sunraysia地区迅速商业化。重要的是,研究表明,五个品种中有三个是自给自足的,因此现在可以绕过附近种植一棵相容树,依靠蜜蜂进行授粉的问题。另外,五个新品种中有一个拥有更大的核心,其中专业的品酒师表示比现在市场上更好的品味。最后,更好的贝壳正在保护病虫害。由Michelle Wirthensohn博士领导的杏仁养殖计划是澳大利亚大学,杏仁工业和杏仁委员会,澳大利亚园艺有限公司和澳大利亚研究委员会之间的合作。Wirthensohn博士说,在1997年推出,现在正在进入“尖端”。预计到2018年,五个新品种将被发布给种植者。杏仁目前是澳大利亚最大的园艺出口作物,印度是最大的市场,澳大利亚现在是美国之后世界第二大杏仁生产国。澳大利亚杏仁委员会行业发展经理Ben Brown告诉“广告报”,新品种可能对行业产生重大影响,种植者对即将发布的树木感到兴奋。布朗先生说:“计划的一部分也是在国际上发布这些品种。希望出售种植树木的商业化权利可以开辟新的收入来源,特别是在80%的杏仁还在增长的美国。所以当我们其他人看到杏仁为杏仁时,大学和行业合作伙伴之间的这种巧妙的合作正在引领世界为消费者和种植者提供更好的杏仁。

  Catching disease fast

  Up to 27,000 microbiology laboratories around the world could benefit from a ground-breaking automation technology developed at the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT), in collaboration with one of our leading medical technology companies, LBT Innovations.The Automated Plate Assessment System (APAS) can automatically screen microbiology culture plates for the presence of various disease-causing pathogens, revolutionising the workflow in modern microbiology labs. The smart software uses artificial intelligence to analyse microbial growth in much the same way as a microbiologist would, but with faster and more consistent results.Born from a pioneering partnership between the University and Adelaide-based LBT, APAS is in the final stages of development in a significant joint venture with the instrumentation company, Hettich AG Switzerland. It’s the perfect collaboration; LBT brings its extensive market knowledge and product development expertise, while Hettich provides some of the world’s finest medical engineering and manufacturing credentials.The deal also ensures that LBT Innovations will continue to play a leading role in the product’s future development and commercialisation. The company has already employed three Adelaide-based technical staff specifically to support its APAS program, as well as a Quality Assurance Manager to support clinical trials ahead of key regulatory submissions later this year.APAS has its roots in a system that the University research centre developed for defence and security purposes, but the partnership with LBT unearthed its significant microbiology and healthcare potential.The core technology is currently being made commercially robust under contract with two Australian engineering companies, with the first APAS instruments due to be manufactured in Europe. The innovative system will address the issue of microbiology labs needing to analyse more culture plates with fewer staff and resources, and often with more critical deadlines.In May this year, some of the world’s leading microbiologists were introduced to APAS at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, an annual event that brings together more than 10,000 microbiologists, infectious disease specialists and diagnostic companies. The strategic focus of the Australian Centre for Visual Technologies is on impact, and there is no doubt that the clever minds behind APAS will soon be having a major impact on the world of microbiology.


  阿德莱德大学视觉技术中心(ACVT)与我们领先的医疗技术公司LBT Innovations合作,开创了全球最多27,000个微生物实验室。自动板评估系统(APAS)可以自动筛选微生物培养板,以存在各种致病病原体,彻底改变现代微生物实验室的工作流程。智能软件使用人造智能来分析微生物生长,其方式与微生物学家将会相同,但是具有更快更一致的结果。来自大学与阿德莱德的LBT之间的开创性合作伙伴关系,APAS与仪器公司Hettich AG瑞士的重要合资企业正处于发展的最后阶段。这是完美的合作; LBT拥有广泛的市场知识和产品开发专长,而Hettich提供世界上最好的医疗工程和制造证书。该协议还确保了LBT Innovations将继续在产品的未来发展和商业化中发挥主导作用。该公司已经聘请了三名阿德莱德的技术人员,专门支持其APAS计划,以及质量保证经理,以在今年晚些时候提供关键的监管提交之前支持临床试验。APAS的根源在于大学研究中心为国防和安全目的而开发的系统,但与LBT的合作伙伴关系发现了其显着的微生物学和医疗保健潜力。目前,核心技术正在与两家澳大利亚工程公司签订合同,其中第一批APAS仪器将在欧洲生产。创新体系将解决微生物实验室需要用更少的员工和资源分析更多文化板块的问题,并且往往会有更为关键的期限。今年5月,一些世界领先的微生物学家被引入APAS在欧洲临床微生物和传染病大会,这是一个年会,汇集了一万多名微生物学家,传染病专家和诊断公司。澳大利亚视觉技术中心的战略重点是影响力,毫无疑问,APAS背后的聪明才智将很快对微生物学的世界产生重大影响。

  Eco-management in the Spencer Gulf

  With competing priorities – from fishing to mining, agriculture, energy and community values – management of the Spencer Gulf ecosystem is akin to walking a tightrope between commercial and environmental interests.As South Australia’s growing mining sector, along with other industry development, leads to increased concerns regarding shipping, wharf facilities, and desalination of seawater in the Spencer Gulf, the region is under increased pressure to maintain its balance. These circumstances were the catalyst for the creation of the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative. Led by the University of Adelaide’s Professor Bronwyn Gillanders and Simon Divecha, the initiative is driving responsible decision-making for a thriving gulf region.The University’s Environment Institute is central to developing the program, with Marine Innovation SA (MISA), SARDI (South Australian Research and Development Institute), Aquatic Sciences and Flinders University as research collaborators. The five-year project brings together key partners – including major players BHP Billiton, Santos, Flinders Ports, Arrium, Centrex and Alinta – and the fishing industry, which is investing through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.It is attracting major funding as researchers gather stakeholder views from more than 300 people, review available information, and scope requirements for research around an integrated ocean management program.Now in the midst of its second phase, the initiative’s research partners are undertaking significant investigations to establish an informed and evidence-based decision-making system regarding new developments, while maintaining ongoing stakeholder and community engagement.Competition between fishing, mining and conservation can be difficult to manage, and presents real difficulties around Australia. However, the creators of this initiative believe that this consultation process, alongside the evidence developed, will be the key to its success. The initiative will support industry by offering more defined approval pathways and encourage evidence-based decision making. It will also set up a model by which information, data, tools, capabilities and networks can be shared.The clever researchers, community and industries behind the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative are playing a crucial role in ensuring the balance between commercial and environmental interests is maintained for everyone’s benefit.


  从竞争优先事项 - 从渔业到采矿,农业,能源和社区价值观 - 斯潘塞湾生态系统的管理类似于在商业和环境利益之间走钢丝绳。随着南澳不断壮大的采矿业以及其他行业发展,导致船上,码头设施以及斯潘塞湾海域淡化海水的担忧日益增加,该地区正面临更大的压力来保持平衡。这些情况是建立斯潘塞湾生态系统与发展倡议的催化剂。由阿德莱德大学的Bronwyn Gillanders教授和Simon Divecha领导,该倡议正在为繁荣的海湾地区推动负责任的决策。大学环境研究所是开发该计划的核心,海洋创新公司(MISA),SARDI(南澳大利亚研究开发研究所),水科学和弗林德斯大学作为研究合作者。这个为期五年的项目汇集了主要合作伙伴,包括必和必拓、必和必拓、桑德斯、弗林德斯港、阿里姆、里斯克斯和阿林特等主要合作伙伴以及通过渔业研究和发展公司进行投资的渔业。由于研究人员从300多人的角度收集利益相关者的意见,审查了有关综合海洋管理计划的研究的可用信息和范围要求,正在吸引大量资金。现在正处于第二阶段,该倡议的研究合作伙伴正在进行重大调查,以便建立一个有针对性的有据可循的决策制度,以保持持续的利益相关者和社区参与。捕鱼,采矿和保护之间的竞争可能难以管理,并在澳大利亚周围呈现真正的困难。然而,这一倡议的创造者认为,这一磋商过程与发展的证据一起将成为其成功的关键。该计划将通过提供更多的定义的审批途径和鼓励循证决策来支持行业。它还将建立一个可以共享信息、数据、工具、功能和网络的模型。斯宾塞湾生态系统与发展倡议背后的聪明的研究人员,社区和行业正在发挥关键作用,确保商业和环境利益之间的平衡保持每个人的利益。

  Quick smart: AI disease diagnosis now a reality

  A collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT) and Adelaide-based LBT Innovations (LBT) has given humanity a powerful new weapon in the fight against infectious disease.Together, the joint project team has developed the world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) technology for the automation of microbiology screening in pathology laboratories.Set to commence production in 2017 after receiving US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in October, the Automated Plate Assessment System (APAS) promises to dramatically increase the speed of patient diagnosis and treatmentAccording to LBT CEO Brent Barnes, that could mean faster recovery for millions. “The science we’ve put into practice through APAS with the University of Adelaide could well become part of hospital protocols all over the world,” says Brent. “Countless patients will reap the benefits.”ACVT Director Professor Anton van den Hengel, who led the University’s six-person software development team, agrees. “Doctors will be able to order more tests, which will give them more information, sooner,” he says“APAS could even allow country or military hospitals to run their own tests without having to ship samples to a central lab. That would save a huge amount of time, and potentially many lives.”APAS automates the traditionally time-consuming functions performed by microbiologists in screening culture plates after incubation. It takes high-quality images of the plates, then analyses and interprets any microbial growth, matches this against key patient data, and presents a diagnosis.Significantly, APAS then also removes all non-pathogenic plates from the workflow. “This is very important,” adds co-founder of LBT Innovations, Lusia Guthrie. “In routine microbiology testing, up to 70% of plates may be negative. So having to deal with them slows down microbiologists’ ability to address the plates that do contain disease-causing bacteria.”The success of APAS is considered by both project parties to provide tangible evidence of the enormous potential of university-industry collaborations. Particularly effective in this case, says Lusia, was the “embedding” of an ACVT computer scientist on-site with the LBT development team.“Anton originally appointed Rhys Hill to assist us here with proof-of-principle research,” she says. “It worked so well—particularly in terms of communication flow—that Rhys stayed with us throughout prototype development and right up to FDA compliance.”“Embedding Rhys was critical to the project’s success,” agrees Anton. “It meant LBT always had someone on-hand who deeply understood not only the technology, but the broader area of AI and what it could do.”Keen to build on the foundation laid with APAS, the University and LBT are now jointly developing three other related medical devices utilising the ACVT’s AI image-analysis technology, including a hand-held device to assist in the management of wounds.“Our work with the University of Adelaide has taken LBT to a new level,” says Lusia, now Chair of Clever Culture Systems, the Joint Venture company that will bring APAS to market.“We’ve transitioned from a ‘robotics company’ to an ‘AI company’, and now we have the opportunity to become a ‘digital health company’.“Our partnership with Anton and the ACVT is key.”


  阿德莱德大学澳大利亚视觉技术大学(ACVT)和阿德莱德的LBT创新(LBT)之间的合作使人类成为打击传染病的强大新型武器。联合项目团队共同开发了世界上第一个用于病理实验室微生物筛选自动化的人工智能(AI)技术。自动化评估系统(APAS)于10月份获得美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准后,将于2017年开始生产,从而大大提高了患者诊断和治疗的速度。据LBT首席执行官布伦特·巴恩斯(Brent Barnes)说,这可能意味着数百万人的复苏速度更快 “我们通过APAS与阿德莱德大学实践的科学可以很好地成为世界各地医院协议的一部分,”布伦特说。“无数患者会获益”。领导大学六人软件开发团队的ACVT主任Anton van den Hengel教授同意。他说:“医生能够订购更多的测试,这样可以更快地给他们更多的信息。”“APAS甚至可以允许国家或军队医院进行自己的测试,而不必将样品运送到中央实验室。这将节省大量的时间,潜在的许多生命。“APAS自动化由微生物学家在孵化后筛选培养板中进行的传统耗时功能。它需要高质量的图像,然后分析和解释任何微生物生长,匹配关键的患者数据,并提出诊断。值得注意的是,APAS还可以从工作流程中去除所有非致病性板块。“这非常重要,”LBT Innovations的联合创始人Lusia Guthrie补充说。“在常规微生物学测试中,高达70%的平板可能是阴性的。因此,有对付他们减慢微生物学家,以解决该板能力做到含有致病细菌“。APAS的成功被两个项目方考虑,提供了大学与行业合作潜力巨大的实际证据。Lusia说,在这种情况下特别有效,是与LBT开发团队一起在ACVT计算机科学家“嵌入”的。她说:“安东最初任命莱斯山在这里协助我们进行原理证明研究。” “它工作得很好 - 特别是在通信流程方面,Rhys在原型开发和FDA符合条件下与我们保持一致。“嵌入Rhys对项目的成功至关重要,”Anton同意。“这意味着LBT总是有人在场,不仅深入了解技术,而且深入了解AI的更广泛领域以及它可以做什么。”大学和LBT热衷于建立在APAS基础上,大学和LBT正在共同开发三个相关的医疗设备,利用ACVT的AI图像分析技术,包括一个手持设备来帮助管理伤口。“我们与阿德莱德大学的合作使LBT达到了一个新的水平,”现在担任合资企业Clever Culture Systems的主席Lusia表示,将把APAS推向市场。“我们已经从”机器人公司“转变为”AI公司“,现在我们有机会成为”数字健康公司“。“这是我们与安东和ACVT的合作关”。

