





  Oahu blends cosmopolitan luxury and breathtaking scenery more than any other Hawaiian island. The state's capital city, Honolulu, showcases the island's urban appeal. Nearby you'll find a host of cultural and historical sites, from the austere USS Arizona Memorial to ornate 'Iolani Palace. In the nearby Waikiki neighborhood, askyline of high-rises and resort hotels contrasts with sprawling white-sand beaches. For a taste of rural Hawaii, visit the North Shore. Here, you'll find the most brilliant blue waters and meandering hikes. But those three spots aren't all Oahu offers. Its high-class restaurants, vibrant cultural events, and wild nightlife further showcase this island as a "Gathering Place" of Hawaiian culture.



  #1 in Best Hawaiian Islands


  #1 in Best Beaches in the USA


  #2 in Best Places to Visit in September


  #2 in Best Islands in the World


  #3 in Best Winter Vacations


  #3 in Best Places to Visit in the USA


  #3 in Best Family Beach Vacations in the USA


  #4 in Best Winter Family Vacations


  #5 in Best Family Spring Break Destinations


  #7 in Best Luxury Destinations in the USA


  #8 in Best Shopping Destinations in the USA


  #10 in Best Family Vacations in the USA


  #11 in Best Family Vacations


  #12 in Best Honeymoon Destinations in the USA


  #13 in World's Best Places to Visit





  Nineteenth-century Hawaiian royalty used to come to the Honolulu neighborhood of Waikiki to relax and surf, just as scores of tourists do today. That's because this area's famous beach (which is really a string of several beaches dotting the island's southwest coastline) is the go-to spot for its soft, honey-colored sand and the high surfing waves that lap the shores during the winter months. But you don't have to be a surfer to appreciate Waikiki Beach; just lie back on a beach towel, relax, and gaze up at the majestic Diamond Head peak in the distance.Some of the best Oahu hotels are located along Waikiki Beach, but the beach is free for everyone to roam. Popular areas along this stretch of sand include Fort DeRussy Beach (a well-liked snorkeling spot in coral-protected water), Kuhio Beach (come here if you're just learning to surf; the waves are more forgiving), and San Souci Beach (a quieter section of Waikiki that's great for swimming and snorkeling). Cafes and shops also line the water's edge.

  十九世纪的夏威夷皇室过去常常来威基基的檀香山社区放松和冲浪,就像今天数十名游客一样。这是因为这个地区着名的海滩(这个岛屿的西南海岸线上的几条海滩真的是一串串)是冬天柔软的蜂蜜色沙滩和海岸冲浪的高潮。但是,您不必成为欣赏威基基海滩的冲浪者; 只是躺在沙滩巾上,放松一下,凝视远处雄伟的钻石山峰。一些最好的瓦胡岛酒店位于威基基海滩,但海滩是免费的,每个人都可以漫游。这条沙滩上的热门地区包括Fort DeRussy海滩(珊瑚保护区内的一个非常受欢迎的浮潜点),库希奥海滩(如果您只是学习冲浪,来到这里,海浪更加宽敞),圣苏西海滩(威基基的一个安静的部分,非常适合游泳和浮潜)。咖啡馆和商店也在水边。当您需要从海滩上休息时,Kalakaua大道上有许多商店和餐馆,沿着威基基从皇家夏威夷酒店到钻石头。这条街遍布世界上最奢侈的设计精品店,包括Prada,Chanel,Tiffany&Co.和Louis Vuitton。在您疯狂购物之前,您可能需要更换泳衣。



  The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial is the final resting place of 1,102 sailors killed during the Pearl Harbor attack. Located northwest of downtown Honolulu, the site is one of the most visited World War II memorials in the United States. You can expect a long wait time and plenty of people, but visitors almost unanimously agree the experience is more than worth it.The complex includes a visitor's center and the offshore monument, which was built directly overtop the midsection of the sunken U.S.S. Arizona. At your appointed tour time, the U.S. Navy will shuttle you from the center to the sloping white memorial. There, you can pay your respects (some throw flowers out to the ship), see the oil that still slowly seeps up to the water's surface from the wreckage, and behold the names of the honored dead that are now etched into the shrine's marble walls.Tours of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial start at 8 a.m.; the last one for the day begins at 3 p.m. You can reserve free, timed tickets online here — just remember to pick them up one hour before your tour. Tickets are also distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, though some travelers have waited as long as two hours from the time they picked up their ticket to the start of their tour. For $7.50, you can also opt for a one-hour audio-tour that debriefs on WWII history and further explains the significance of the memorial. Visit the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial's website for further details.

  美国海军亚利桑那号纪念馆是珍珠港袭击中遇难的1,102名水手的最后安息之所。位于火奴鲁鲁市中心西北部,是美国访问次数最多的二战纪念碑之一。你可以期待很长的等待时间和很多人,但游客几乎一致同意,去参观是十分值得的。该建筑群包括游客中心和离岸纪念碑,这座纪念碑直接建在亚利桑那号沉没的USS中段的上方。在您指定的旅游时间,美国海军将从中心穿梭到倾斜的白色纪念碑。在那里,你可以支付你的敬意(有些把花扔到船上),看到仍然从残骸中慢慢渗入水面的石油,看到现在被侵蚀到神殿大理石墙上的尊贵的死者的名字。美国海军亚利桑那号纪念碑之旅在上午8点开始; 当天的最后一天从下午3点开始。您可以在这里预定免费的定时门票- 只要记得在游览前一小时领取。在珍珠港游客中心,门票也按照先到先得的原则分发,虽然一些旅客从他们拿起票到开始旅行时等待了两个小时。只要7.50美元,你也可以选择一个一小时的音频之旅,就二战历史进行汇报,并进一步解释纪念碑的意义。请访问USS亚利桑那纪念堂的网站了解更多详情。如果你有时间的话,你应该把福特岛的班车带到密苏里号,这是另一艘在二战中最重要的战舰。太平洋航空博物馆也是这个岛上的一个42000平方英尺的前海拔飞机库,里面装满了历史悠久的军用和民用飞机。博物馆入场费为20美元,4至12岁的儿童为10美元。欲了解更多信息,请访问网站。还值得一看的是USS Bowfin潜艇博物馆和公园,成人10美元。检查它的网站几个小时和军事折扣。



  Like its southern neighbor, Waimea, Sunset Beach's wintertime waves are too intense for amateur surfers. But this is a great place to go if you want to be a spectator. The summer tide is mellow enough for swimming, and there's usually a lifeguard around to better ensure your safety.Sunset doesn't buzz with activity like Waimea, and the parking situation is far better. If you're looking to experience all that the North Shore is about, most agree this is the better beach of the two. And what's the best time of day to visit Sunset? Why, the end of the day, of course.You'll find Sunset just up the road from Waimea, off Kamehameha Highway in Haleiwa, Oahu.

  就像它的南方邻居威美亚一样,日落海滩的冬季浪潮对于业余冲浪者来说太激烈了。但如果你想成为一名观众,这是一个很好的去处。夏天的浪潮足以让你游泳,而且通常有一个救生员可以更好的保证你的安全。夕阳不像威美亚这样的活动,停车的情况要好得多。如果你想体验北岸的一切,大多数人都认为这是两岸更好的海滩。参观日落的最佳时间是什么? 你会发现日落刚刚从威美亚,在哈雷瓦,瓦胡岛Kamehameha公路旁的路上开始的时候是最美的。



  It's no secret: Oahu is home to some of the world's best surfing spots. Every winter, professional surfers from across the globe flock to Oahu's North Shore to shred some gnarly waves in the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. Basically the Super Bowl of surfing, the Triple Crown takes place in November and December when massive swells roll in from the stormy northern Pacific Ocean.But you don't have to be a pro to hang ten in Oahu. There are plenty of surfing schools that will take you from a grom (local slang for a surfing newbie) to a Big Kahuna in the course of a day. Best of all: No one will laugh if you wipe out (and you will). Learning to surf can be fun for the whole family; most surf schools will teach anyone who's willing to learn, no matter their age or skill level. The best surfing beaches tend to be on the North Shore. Waikiki waves are smaller but more regular, so they're perfect for beginners. Waimea Bay's huge winter waves, on the other hand, are ideal for experienced surfers.

  这不是什么秘密:瓦胡岛是世界上最好的冲浪点之一。每年冬天,来自世界各地的专业冲浪者涌向瓦胡岛的北岸,在Vans Triple Crown of Surfing中撕碎一些粗糙的波浪。基本上冲浪的超级碗,三重冠在11月和12月发生,当大风浪从北部的太平洋风暴滚滚而来。但是你不必是一个在瓦胡岛上挂十个职业的人。有很多冲浪学校,将带你从的格罗姆(当地俚语,冲浪新手)到大Kahuna在一天的课程。最重要的是:如果你失败了(你会的),没有人会笑。学习冲浪对于整个家庭来说都很有趣。大多数冲浪学校会教导任何愿意学习的人,不管他们的年龄或技能水平如何。最好的冲浪海滩往往是在北岸。威基基海浪更小但更规则,所以对于初学者来说它们是完美的。另一方面,威美亚湾巨大的冬季海浪是经验丰富的冲浪者的理想选择。

  布莱恩叔叔'S夕阳Suratt先生冲浪学院和北海岸冲浪女孩收到的高度赞扬最近游客的友好阿罗哈精神和有效的指导。两小时的小组冲浪课程每个学生的费用大约在55到80美元之间,而私人课程每个学生的费用大约为140美元。或者如果你已经是一个冲浪的传奇人物,你可以从Uncle Bryan租一块板子,每天约30美元。

  5. 太平洋国家纪念公墓


  In ancient Hawaiian times, the Punchbowl Crater was used for human sacrifices. Now, it's the final resting place for men and women who provided military service to their country. The National Memorial Cemetery stretches over much of the crater and receives thousands of visitors each year, all eager to pay their respects to the U.S. veterans buried there. The cemetery contains several moving tributes, including the Honolulu Memorial dedicated to armed forces who fought in the Pacific during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Notable veterans buried here include Ernie Pyle (the famous World War II correspondent) and Stanley Dunham, the maternal grandfather of President Barack Obama.The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific overlooks central Honolulu and can be reached from the Pali Highway. The grounds are open from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. from October to February, and until 6:30 p.m. from March through September. Visit the cemetery's website to further plan your visit.

  在古代夏威夷时代,Punchbowl火山口被用于人类的牺牲。现在,这是为国家提供兵役服务的男女的最后安息之所。国家纪念公墓绵延在火山口的大部分地方,每年接待数千游客,都渴望向埋在那里的美国退伍军人表达敬意。墓地里有几个动作的展示品,包括二战期间在太平洋作战的檀香山纪念馆,朝鲜战争和越南战争。着名的退伍军人包括Ernie Pyle(着名的二战记者)和总统Barack Obama的外祖父Stanley Dunham。



  #1 Halekulani哈利库拉尼哈利库拉尼酒店预订

  #2 The Kahala Hotel & Resort卡哈拉度假酒店

  #3 The Royal Hawaiian, A Luxury Collection檀香山夏威夷皇家酒店


  Splurge to save Staying in a ritzy hotel in Waikiki might not seem as economical as the quieter options on the North Shore, but it will keep you from paying a lot to travel to the island's well-known sites.Rent a car If you spring upfront for a rental car, you'll save more money than paying taxi fare and bus fees in increments throughout your trip.Visit in fall If you aren't a surfer, autumn is a magnificent time to experience Honolulu. Average temperatures are between the low 70s and mid-80s, and the hotel rates can drop as low as $90 a night.




  Oahu is one of the centers of Hawaii's arts and culture scene. The island has a large number of music and dance festivals, including the Annual Ukulele Festival. You can also find many expressions of Polynesian and indigenous Hawaiian culture throughout the island. Be sure to check out the Polynesian Cultural Center on the island's north shore for a deeper look into the island's native heritage. It's also important to regard Hawaiians as American citizens instead of "Hawaiians" or "Native Islanders." While citizens of Oahu cherish their indigenous ancestry, they also take pride in their American heritage. Residents of the Hawaiian islands generally have a laid-back.



  Although you'll find many familiar American chains in Honolulu and Waikiki, you should try Hawaiian favorites like shave ice with red bean paste or Filipino pork adobo. The island is also home to famed chefs Alan Wong and Roy Yamaguchi, who put Hawaiian cuisine on the American regional food map. Recent visitors recommend trying the Hawaiian fusion cuisine at Roy's Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Yamaguchi's chain restaurant that serves up classic European and Asian dishes with a Hawaiian twist.

  虽然你会在檀香山和威基基发现许多熟悉的美国连锁店,但你应该试试夏威夷的最爱,比如用红豆沙或菲律宾猪肉adobo来刮冰。岛上也有著名的厨师Alan Wong和Roy Yamaguchi,他们把夏威夷菜放到了美国的地区美食地图上。最近的游客们推荐在夏威夷檀香山的罗伊的威基基海滩上尝试夏威夷的融合美食,这是山口的连锁餐厅,提供经典的欧洲和亚洲菜肴,还有夏威夷风味。


  Oahu is a relatively safe island with little crime, so water safety should be your main concern. Tides can be very strong, especially in the winter, so enter the water with caution and under the supervision of a lifeguard. Be sure to wear plenty of sunblock, as well, especially at higher altitudes.



  The best way to get around Honolulu and Oahu is by car. And fortunately, the island has some of Hawaii's most reasonable rates for car rentals, particularly at the Honolulu International Airport (HNL). Located on Oahu's south shore, Honolulu Airport is about a 10-minute car ride from the downtown area, and a 20-minute car ride from Waikiki. You can also take the public bus system to many of the best sites, or opt for a scenic tour on the Waikiki Trolley. Taxis are also available, but fares can be pricey.




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