2012中考英语情景交际冲关训练 18

2012-05-15 20:59:47 2012中考英语



  ——Fine,thanks. (2008年,甘肃庆阳)

  A. How do you do? B. Hello!

  C. Nice to meet you. D. How are you?

  【简析】D。根据答语可知,问候语应为How are you?

  【点拨】按照英美人的习惯,初次见面用How do you do,答语也是How do you do:再次见面用How are you,答语是Fine,thank you. And you?


  【考例】——It’s too late. I must be off now.

  ——OK. _________. (2008年,浙江宁波)

  A. Go slowly B. Stay longer

  C. See you D. Be careful

  [简析]C。See you意为“回头见”,是表示告别的常用语。

  【点拨】在西方国家,当对方表示道别时,另一方不像中国人那样表示挽留,而是说“再见”。常用语有Goodbye/See you (later)/So long(再见)/ Good night等。


  【考例】——Shall we go to the sea animal show tomorrow?

  ——_________. (2008年,北京)

  A. Thank you B. Good idea

  C. It doesn’t matter D It’s very kind of you

  【简析】B。Good idea意为“好主意”,表示赞同别人的建议。

  【点拨】英语中,赞同别人的建议,常用That is a good idea/Sounds great/Why not等:不赞成别人的建议,口气也应该非常委婉,用I’d like(love)to,but.../I’m sorry,but…


  【考例1】——I won the Excellent Student Award in my class.

  ——________,dear. (2008年,福建三明)

  A. Good luck B. Come on C. Congratulations


  【考例2】——I’m going to spend my summer vacation with my parents in Hainan Island.

  ——________. And remember to send me a post card. (2008年,湖北黄冈)

  A. That sounds bad B. Have a nice time

  C. It’s a pleasure D. That’s all right

  【简析】B。Have a good time(祝你玩得愉快),符合语境;C、D项是对感谢的答语;A项不符合语境。

  【点拨】当对方告诉你一个令人愉快的计划时,你常用Have a good time/Have a good trip/Good luck / Have fun等来表示对对方的祝福或祝贺。如果对方已取得了某项成绩或奖励,则常以Congratulations来作答。


  【考例】——Hello! May I speak to Mr Smith?

  ——________,please. He’s answering another call right now. (2008年,江苏南通)

  A. Go on B. Come on C. Keep on D. Hold on

  【简析】D。Hold on,please是电话用语,意为“请稍等。

  【点拨】常见的打电话用语有:Hello, may I speak to.../This is...speaking/Speaking/Hold on, please/Who’s that speaking/You are wanted on the phone等。


  【考例】——Thanks a lot for helping me.

  ——_________. (2008年,云南)

  A. It doesn’t matter B. You’re welcome

  C. No, thanks D. Yes, I’d love to

  【简析】B。You’re welcome是对感谢的常见答语,表示“不用谢”。

  【点拨】Thank you是英美人最常用的交际英语,是他们“挂在嘴边”的语言。对感谢的答语有That’s all right/ Not at all/ You’re welcome/ It’s a pleasure/ My pleasure等。


  【考例】——Oh,your skirt looks beautiful!

  ——_________. (2008年,青海)

  A. Don’t say so B. Thank you

  C. I don’t think so


  【点拨】汉语中对于别人的赞美,往往用否定回答,以示谦虚。但在英语中对于别人的赞美,一般要表示感谢。常用语有Thank you/Thanks a lot/It’s very kind of you to say so等。


  【考例】——I’m sorry for being late. I wanted to be here earlier,but the traffic was too heavy.

  ——_________. (2008年,山东烟台)

  A. Glad to hear that B. That’s right

  C. Thank you all the same D. Never mind

  【简析】D。Never mind意为“没关系”,是对道歉的答语。

  【点拨】对道歉的常见答语有That’s all right/It doesn’t matter/Never mind/Not at all/ That’s nothing等。


  【考例】——Excuse me,could you please help me carry the heavy box?

  ——_________. (2008年,内蒙古呼和浩特)

  A. Yes, I can B. It doesn’t matter

  C. With pleasure D. Don’t mention it

  【简析】C。With pleasure意为“非常乐意”,表示愿意帮助别人时的用语。

  【点拨】答应别人的请求时用with pleasure/ Yes,I’d like to/Certainly,I’d like to等:拒绝别人的请求时的礼貌答语用I’d like(love)to. but…/I’m sorry. but…/Oh,I’m afraid I’m very busy等。


  【考例】——We should love animals.

  ——_________. They are our friends. (2008年,吉林)

  A. I disagree B. I agree C. I don’t think so D. I’m afraid not


  【点拨】同意和不同意的常见用语:Sure/Certainly/Of course/I agree/No,I don’t think so. /I’m afraid not/Yes. I think so/That’s a good idea等。


  【考例】——Jim, I’m afraid I can’t go to your party tonight. My grandma is ill.

  ——__________. (2008年,内蒙古赤峰)

  A. I’m sorry to hear that B. That’s all right

  C. She has to stay in bed D. Don’t worry

  【简析】A。听到对方不幸的消息时,英美人一般都要说I’m sorry to hear that. 故选A。

  【点拨】表示遗憾和同情的常用语有What a pity/What a shame/I’m sorry to hear that/Oh,bad luck. /Take it easy/I hope it is nothing serious等。


  【考例】——What’s the weather like today?

  ——_______. (2008年, 广西南宁)

  A. It’s Tuesday B. It’s hot

  C. It’s a pen D. It’s on the desk


  【点拨】英美人见面时常常谈论天气,谈论天气的常用语有:What’s the weather like today/ How is the weather in…/ What a lovely day/ It’s fine/ It’s rather cold today, isn’t it等。


  【考例】——What’s wrong with you?


  A. I don’t like math B. She is happy

  C. He has a cold D. My head hurts

  【简析】D。What’s wrong with you意为“你怎么了”,可以用作医生询问病情的用语。四个选项中只有My head hurts(我头疼)符合语境。

  【点拨】英美人看病,首先应与医生电话预约。常见的看病用语有What’s wrong(the matter/the trouble) with you/I feel ill(terrible)/I’m not feeling well/I’ve got a headache(fever/cold...),It’s nothing serious等。


  【考例】——Would you like some bread for breakfast?

  ——_________. I’m full. (2008年,黑龙江)

  A. Yes,please B. Sure,I’d love to

  C. No,thanks

  【简析】C。No,thanks. I’m full意为“不,谢谢,我已经饱了”。

  【点拨】就餐用语有Would you like some bread/Yes,please,but just a little/No,thanks. I’m full等。


  【考例】——What can I do for you?

  ——_________. (2007年,江苏海门)

  A. I’d like Jay’s CDs B. It’s kind of you

  C. That’s OK D. It’s very nice

  【简析】A。此类题中,说话一方为售货员,另一方为顾客。售货员常用Can I help you/ What can I do for you来招呼顾客。顾客常以Yes,please,I’d like...来作答。

  【点拨】购物的常见用语有:May (Can) I help you/What can I do for you/ I’d like some apples/How much is it/What size (color) would you like/ What (how) about this one/Here is the money等。


  【考例】——Do you know ________?

  ——It’s about five minutes’ walk. (2008年,新疆)

  A. where No. 8 bus stop is

  B. which is the way to No. 8 bus stop

  C. how far No. 8 bus stop is from here

  D. when did you arrive at No. 8 bus stop

  【简析】C。宾语从句要用陈述语序,可排除B、D;答语中的about five minutes’ walk是“步行5分钟的路程”,因此要用how far来提问,故选C。

  【点拨】问路和应答的常见用语:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the …/ Excuse me, where is the …/ It’s next to the bank/ Turn right (left) at the second crossing等。


  【考例】——May I invite you to have dinner this Friday?

  ——________. (2008年,辽宁大连)

  A. Yes, please B. Just have a look

  C. Never mind D. Yes, I’d like to

  【简析】D。表示接受邀请,常用Yes, I’d like to, 故选D。

  【点拨】邀请和应答常用语:Would you like to…/ Will you come to…/ Yes, I’d like (love) to/ I’d like (love) to, but…/ Yes, it’s very kind of you等。


  【考例】——Would you mind if I sit here?

  ——________. It’s for the old woman there. (2008年,四川攀枝花)

  A. Never mind B. Of course not

  C. Not at all D. You’d better not

  【简析】D。从答语It’s for the old woman there可知,对方表示介意,故选D。

  【点拨】此类试题中,说话的一方常以Do/ Would you mind…来询问对方是否介意做某事,如果不介意,常用Not at all/ Certainly not/ Of course not等来回答;如果介意,常用You’d better not…/ I’m afraid you can’t/ I’m sorry but I do等来回答。


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