
2012-06-19 06:46:57 836478124 英国大学卫报英国
 下面为大家整理和推荐的是由卫报发布的2013年英国大学专业排名中关于历史与艺术史History and history of art的排名信息,共包括了上榜的前91所学校的各个评分的对比。大家一起来看看详细内容吧。
Rating Name of
 score /
1 Cambridge 100.0 97 97 86 14.6   573 8 72
2 London School of Economics 97.4 92 91 77 11.3 10 509 7 78
3 St Andrews 97.2 97 98 83 12.9 9 523 8 65
4 Brunel 95.8 100 98 88 11.1 10 320 8  
5 Durham 95.6 97 97 88 15.6 7 544 7 75
6 Oxford 89.2 93 95 68 13.9   556 7 69
7 Courtauld Institute 88.7 83 93 83 11.4 9 459 8 51
8 UCL 88.1 88 94 69 13.3 9 469 8 74
9 King's College London 87.6 89 93 73 12.7 8 509 8 61
10 Bristol 86.4 86 94 86 19.4 8 463 8 69
11 Warwick 85.6 91 96 75 14.3 8 496 7 65
12 UEA 83.1 94 96 84 15.9 10 401 7 44
13 Glasgow 82.1 95 97 84 18.6 8 449 7 57
14 York 81.1 92 95 81 19.1 7 487 7 64
15 Exeter 78.7 92 95 80 17.5 5 474 7 65
16 Kent 78.6 95 94 78 12.7 6 377 7 63
17 UC Suffolk 78.4 100 99 96 22.9   272 7  
18 Royal Holloway 77.6 90 93 75 15.8 6 413 8 62
19 Edinburgh 76.4 86 92 58 16.9 10 447 7 62
20 Lancaster 76.0 89 94 76 17.0 5 423 6 73
21 Liverpool 75.0 93 96 75 17.8 9 404 6 53
22 Chichester 74.1 100 100 95 20.8 2 272 10  
23 SOAS 73.9 82 80 62 12.1 9 401 7 64
24 Nottingham 73.5 91 95 72 18.8 5 443 7 71
25 Anglia Ruskin 72.5 98 96 83 17.0 10 239 6 30
26 Southampton 72.2 95 96 73 18.9 4 454 8 58
27 Queen Mary 72.1 87 92 77 16.8   423 6 51
28 Leicester 72.0 91 92 79 16.2 8 411 5 45
29 Huddersfield 71.0 96 96 88 16.7 6 307 5 51
30 Aberdeen 70.9 97 95 70 18.6 7 394 7 57
31 Leeds 70.3 87 92 72 20.3 4 433 8 68
32 Birmingham 70.1 89 93 74 20.6 9 423 5 60
33 Sussex 69.8 90 94 72 20.4 7 382 7 61
34 Derby 69.4 100 100 92 15.4 5 266 7 19
35 Sheffield 68.6 96 96 72 22.1 4 466 7 60
36 Newman University College 67.5 95 96 83 21.1 4 267 8  
37 Reading 67.1 89 94 73 15.9 6 384 5 50
38 Dundee 67.0 100 98 83 22.4 6 365 7 36
39 Essex 66.6 92 93 79 12.3 8 350 2 37
40 Hull 66.1 99 98 88 18.2 3 347 4 49
41 Sunderland 65.4 99 97 84 19.2 4 258 5  
42 Chester 65.3 95 95 86 19.1 4 304 3 53
42 Manchester 65.3 75 88 60 20.1 10 410 6 54
42 Newcastle 65.3 87 92 68 21.0 5 444 6 65
45 Gloucestershire 64.9 88 91 74 15.8 8 303 4  
46 Cardiff 64.5 91 97 78 21.6 3 440 6 51
46 UWE Bristol 64.5 92 92 82 17.7 5 311 6 46
48 Keele 64.4 92 97 77 19.7 3 352 6 52
49 Westminster 62.8 89 91 71 16.9 6 290 8  
50 Hertfordshire 62.1 80 95 65 16.8 3 337 9  
51 Oxford Brookes 60.4 81 89 69 15.2 5 326 7 42
51 Queen's, Belfast 60.4 84 90 71 16.1 7 374 5 39
53 St Mary's UC, Twickenham 59.4 96 99 84 21.7 3 276 4  
54 Strathclyde 59.1 86 92 69 19.8 4 407 7 40
55 Brighton 58.7 88 94 91 21.7 4 296 7 26
56 Teesside 58.4 100 97 93 20.8 4 291 3 28
57 York St John 58.3 85 88 81 21.0 9 289 6 28
58 Central Lancashire 57.9 94 93 86 20.0 7 283 6 41
59 Northumbria 57.6 88 90 79 15.1 6 338 3 38
60 Worcester 56.2 90 92 65 13.6 4 285 3  
61 Winchester 56.1 92 94 80 16.3 3 304 4 37
62 Salford 55.8 91 92 60 13.8 6 294 2 45
63 Swansea 54.9 87 88 67 18.4 5 335 4 44
64 Bath Spa 53.7 90 90 79 21.1 2 308 7 42
65 Edge Hill 53.6 92 98 89 19.0 3 231 1  
66 Cumbria 53.5 88 90 87 21.6 6   2  
66 Newport 53.5 89 91 78 19.8 4 259    
68 De Montfort 52.7 98 97 84 20.6 4 277 6 36
68 Nottingham Trent 52.7 91 93 73 19.6 6 316 2 41
70 Portsmouth 52.6 94 92 78 25.2 5 325 3 36
71 Ulster 52.5 85 89 67 17.1 3 260 9 25
72 Coventry 52.3 93 91 80 15.3 3 282 2  
73 Canterbury Christ Church 52.2 94 96 73 17.4 2 274 2 40
74 Roehampton 51.2 69 86 65 18.4 2 272 5 63
75 Aberystwyth 50.7 93 92 76 16.5 3 318 1 46
76 Stirling 50.2 93 87 72 19.4 4 360 3 33
77 Sheffield Hallam 49.8 86 89 69 23.5 5 310 5 36
78 Plymouth 49.3 80 87 73 19.3 4 278 4 34
79 Glamorgan 49.2 90 85 70 10.6 4 250 2  
80 Bangor 47.8 92 95 69 17.2 4 288 2 27
81 Staffordshire 47.5 94 94 82 19.3 6 232 1  
82 Kingston 46.8 73 81 59 23.2 4 268 9 45
83 Bishop Grosseteste UC 46.7       23.6 1 246 9  
84 Goldsmiths 46.5 82 89 62 22.9 2 356 7 38
84 Liverpool John Moores 46.5 87 90 78 25.8 4 286 6 29
86 Northampton 42.0 75 88 66 26.5 4 247 7  
87 Lincoln 41.4 88 89 76 27.4 4 305 1 61
88 Manchester Met 37.4 76 83 65 22.0 2 291 5 27
89 Trinity Saint David 35.9 65 80 73 20.9 4 254 3 26
90 Leeds Met 35.8 89 88 69 26.5 4 233 3 37
91 Leeds Trinity University College 32.3 77 80 72 21.8 1 257    


















英国艺术大学排名2021 留学英国艺术专业要求



