
2023-08-08 20:04:59 英语台词短句

  随着大家生活的不断完善,越来越多的人空闲时喜欢观影看剧,一些电视剧的经典台词能够引导观众正视自己和生命的本质, 哪些电影电视剧的台词,开拓了你的思路和视野?以下是编辑精心整理的“英语台词经典短句”帮助你更好地使用,我们期望这些句子能给您带来一些新的思考角度!


  1、Let go of yourself and be yourself.

  2、Forgive me for loving you so much and not saying a word.

  3、If you cant give it all to me, dont give it all to me.

  4、Mountain and river years empty melancholy, this life has been at a loss.

  5、Close your eyes, everything is deserted, and all that remains is despair.

  6、The distance between us is tacit understanding.

  7、I will learn to forget you, just as you forget me.


  9、One second ignore me, the next you will understand.

  10、Suddenly looking back, the man stood at the stairway with soy milk.

  11、Of all the goodbyes, I still like to see you tomorrow.

  12、Even if there is only one chance to be with you, I will try my best.


  14、if love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men——如果爱情像座山,男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰视的男人就越少。

  15、I want to put myself in a garbage bag and throw it away.

  16、true friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost真正的友情跟健康是一个道理,当你失去的时候,才能发现它的价值。

  17、The end of the end, the beginning will start.

  18、If you cant wait for good night, dont wait. If you dont want something, dont ask for it.


  20、Hurt too deep, you just smile.


  21、Dont disguise yourself in front of me. Youre a fake.

  22、Its sad to be ignored by someone who cares, and even worse, to pretend you dont care.

  23、There are some things you cant let go because it doesnt hurt enough.

  24、For the rest of my life, I laugh at how sad and joyous I am.

  25、Love at first sight, but only the color of the intention.


  27、Dont be too mean to those who love you. There are few people who really treat you well in their whole lives.

  28、when the door of happiness closes, another opens but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us——当幸福的一扇门关闭时,另一扇门便会敞开,但是我们通常都凝视着那扇紧闭的门太久了,以至于没注意到另一扇门的开启。

  29、Although you are hurt, my various strong.


  31、Dont tell others how much pain you have.


  33、I pretend I dont care about you, but its me who hurts.

  34、Deep in my soul, there is pride in my bones.

  35、I dont know how to cherish it when I have it. When I look back, love has become grey.


  37、Autumn after autumn, one generation urges another.


  39、Jane:No, dont make me foolish

  40、If God had gifted me with some beauty And much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave youI am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,convenionalties, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the gave, And we stood at Gods feet,equal-as we are!


  41、As long as you can remember me, even in the way of hate, and when I try to hate you, but think of your smile.


  43、我们的上帝啊 它们想要什么

  44、I rehearsed the scene of our long-time reunion alone, and tears filled my eyes when I performed this single role.

  45、I want the whole world to know that I love you, and Im afraid that you will not be happy when you know it.

  46、Looking at you and his happiness, I tear away from your smile.

  47、No matter whether you have tried to keep it or not, those who should go are doomed to stay, and those who dont go are doomed to accompany you for life.

  48、everbody makes mistakes, thats why they put erasers on the end of pencils人生难免犯错,这就是为什么把橡皮擦安在铅笔后面的原因。

  49、The string is broken and the song will end.

  50、Those memories, hard won, lingering.

  51、Just as the flowers are similar year by year, people are different year by year. Only way is not regret the dream, only hate too hasty.

  52、't love you the ent love begins; it is less difficult to knoeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't ha一ve them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

  53、life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not 生命太短,没留时间给我们每日带着遗憾醒来。所以去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人。

  54、你就想死在这了 是吗

  55、Your hair is beautiful and sad. Like your soul.

  56、Why do you care about me if you dont love me!

  57、To understand, in this world to understand too much is more sad.

  58、Love is not long with, except death is betrayal.

  59、I want to leave before we have an ending, because the result is tragic.

  60、The seventh year of man is separation.


  61、Once how warm, also how lonely.

  62、I am a passer-by in your life, and you are the eternal freeze frame of my life.

  63、we are never so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine——我们永远不会像自己所想象的那么幸福,也永远不会像自己所想象的那么痛苦

  64、I dont have gorgeous words. I hope to meet you again.

  65、If its not you in the end, I hope not to start.

  66、If you are happy, how can I come back to disturb your life.


  68、Clear sky thousands of miles, not full of your heart.

  69、Without you today, I still have tomorrow.

  70、At the wrong time, I believe in innocent love.

  71、Christmas Carol

  72、Why do you want to keep me?

  73、曾经我有很多秘密想和你 Once I had a lot of secrets to share with you, but now, you have become the biggest secret in my heart.

  74、Two people because of happy together is called like, if not happy still want to be together is love.

  75、The most sad thing is clearly love, but dare not think about the future.


  77、The mistakes made by young people are still spreading.

  78、Loneliness is that you have someone in your heart.

  79、After too long, who still remember those gentle.

  80、这道城墙 是保卫世界和平的唯一屏障


  81、There is a tomb in my heart, where the dead are buried.

  82、Understand your tears.


  84、Feel very strong, will not lose to loneliness, but finally lost to love.

  85、In the dead of night, I am the only one walking on the lonely road, smoking a cigarette to light loneliness.

  86、A persons life, always numb makes me sad.

  87、Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。


  89、Waiting, has been waiting for a fruitless ending.

  90、你们为何而来 我们来做生意

  91、Every kind of trauma is another kind of maturity.


  93、我为贪婪战斗过 为神明战斗过 这是我有生以来第一次遇见

  94、Butterflies are broken for flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.

  95、大概每个人都会遇到一个不能在一起的人,爱而不得,回忆重重。Probably everyone will meet a person who cant be together, love but not, memories. Its no use complaining. Hold me.

  96、when Christmas comes to town


  98、Night sky, lost numerous beauty, leave light loneliness.

  99、After Jane finds out Mr Rochester has an insane wife

  100、Im not fat, its beauty.


  101、其实不完美(imperfect就是im perfect(我是完美);不成熟(immature就是im mature(我成熟);不可能(impossible)就是im possible(我能)。

  102、i sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。

  103、Love is silent, water is silent.

  104、You must love her very much, you must know her very well, you must be very affectionate, but I am not her, and I do not have this blessing.

  105、Time can cure everything, please give time a little time.

  106、Oath has become a lie, my heart has been torn to pieces by you.

  107、If someone asked you how would you describe me, you loved or just friends.


  109、Better not to meet than not to meet.

  110、Dont tell me the result. Just know it in your mind.


  112、One day Ill still cry, believe me.

  113、How many people love each other as friends. How many people, in the way of joking to say the truth.

  114、In addition to the movie, no one will wait for you for four or five years. To put it bluntly, emotion is nothing without connection.

  115、Know each other, know each other, love each other, finally only in return for departure.

  116、Leave me quickly, dont move me back.


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