Open an overseas bank account
Getting yourself a bank account in your new home country is an absolute must, as it will save you money when withdrawing euros.
Ask people in your host country to recommend a bank and set up an international bank transfer with your bank before you go – this will make the withdrawal process easier and cheaper.
Opening an account also meant I could receive the French housing benefit CAF, which provides big rent reductions for students.
Buy a local SIM card
Having a phone that’s not working, or being charged ridiculous amounts for data roaming, can be a networking nightmare.
The solution? Buy a SIM card from a trusted phone company in your host country and ensure you can cancel it easily and at short notice. You should cancel your phone bill one to two weeks before leaving your host country.
Smart food shopping
Depending where you are, food shopping can be more expensive overseas than it is in the UK, but check out...