



  黄先生夫妇请琼(Joan)到家里吃晚饭。黄太太做了冷鸡、蘑菇(mushrooms) 、鱼、 虾 (shrimp) 、蛋卷(egg roll)和豆腐(Doufu)等菜招待客人。席间主人频频劝客人吃菜, 客人称赞黄太太烧的菜非常可口。最后,客人向主人致谢告别。 请根据上述内容,编写一段题为“At the Dinner Table”的对话,字数在 120 字左右。 提示: 对话可从晚餐结束前不久开始。

  At the Dinner Table

  Mrs. Huang: Help yourself to some more mushrooms, Joan.

  Joan: No, thank you. But could you pass me the plate of cold chicken? -Thank you.

  Mr. Huang: Would you care for a piece of fish?

  Joan: Yes. please. -Oh, it’s nice!

  Mrs. Huang: Have another piece?

  Joan: No, thanks. I haven’t finished this one yet.

  -May I have some more Doufu? I love it.


  Mr. Huang: Can I get you some more shrimps or egg rolls?

  Joan: No, thanks. I just couldn’t take any more.

  -Well, Mr. and Mrs. Huang, I’m afraid I must be going now. Thank you very much for such a wonderful meal, which is one of the best I’ve ever had.

  Mrs. Huang: I’m glad you like the food, Joan. It’s so nice to have you with us tonight. Please come whenever you have time.

  Joan: Yes, I will. Good-bye.

  Mr. & Mrs. Huang: Good-bye.







  根据下面的提示,以“Start up a Conversation”为题,编写一段 70 字左右的对话: 搞研究工作的 Snow 先生在某大学校园散步时遇到了中国学生李平。 他与李平进行了交 谈。他先从天气说起,然后问李平是不是日本人。李平回答说他是中国人,是学习化学的。 他曾学过三年英语,英语讲得一般。 Snow 先生对此却很赞赏。

  Start up a Conversation

  Mr. Snow: Lovely day, isn’t it?

  Li Ping: Yes, it is.

  Mr. Snow: Are you from Japan?

  Li Ping: No, I’m from China.

  Mr. Snow: Are you here to study?

  Li Ping: Yes, I’m studying chemistry. Do you teach here?

  Mr. Snow: No, I don’t teach, but I do research here. By the way, how long have you been learning English?

  Li Ping: For three years now.

  Mr. Snow: Three years? Oh, your English is very good.

  Li Ping: Oh, it’s very kind of you to say so, but there’s still a lot for me to learn yet.








  请根据下面的提示,写一段题为“谈论足球比赛”的对话(字数 100--120) : 星期天 Helen 邀请 Henry 出去吃午饭,顺便看几个朋友。Henry 不愿错过当天华盛顿和 纽约两队之间的精彩的足球比赛。他已有好几年没有看这两个队的比赛了。他请 Helen 和 他一起看。Helen 却想做些更有意思的事情。她认为 Henry 每个星期天下午都呆在电视机前 观看精野的足球赛没有意思。

  Talking about the Football Game Helen: Henry, why don’t we go out for lunch today and visit some friends? Henry: And miss today’s football game? Washington is playing New York today. I can’t miss that. Helen: Honestly, Henry. Don’t you ever get tired of football game? Henry:This will be one of the best games of the year and I haven’t seen Washington play for years. Helen: Oh, come on, Henry. Don’t you think it silly to spend every Sunday afternoon in front of the TV set, watching football? Henry: No, not at all. Why don’t you watch it with me? You might like it. Helen: No, thanks. I have better things to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it’s too rough for me.








  Books are called “King’s Treasures/Wealth” because they have something as valuable as gold and silver. They have the riches of knowledge. Kings keep their valuable objects carefully locked up and keep the keys themselves. Nobody can touch their valuable things. Yet the riches of knowledge are entirely different. Anyone can have the key to the riches of knowledge. The key is simply “READING”. Anyone who can read can open the door of the treasure house and go in and take what he likes. Why don’t we therefore learn to read and fill ourselves with the riches of knowledge which everybody admires?









  根据下面的提示, 以“Talking about Having Sports”为题编写一段对话 (字数: 80--120) 。 提示: Susan 每天下午参加体育活动。她喜欢游泳,每星期游泳一次。David 在中学时代也常 游泳,但现在没有时间,人也开始发胖了。Susan 邀请 David 当天下午一起去游泳,并约定 下午三点在游泳池见面。

  Talking about Having Sports

  David: Susan, you like sports, don’t you?

  Susan: Yes. I have sports every afternoon.

  David: Do you often go swimming?

  Susan: Yes, I go swimming once a week.

  David: I used to swim at middle school, but I don’t have time any more.

  Susan: That’s too bad! Exercise is very important.

  David: I know. I am getting fat, you see. Anyway, I don’t want to be heavy.

  Susan: Well, I’m going to swim this afternoon. Do you want to go with me?

  David: OK! I really need more exercises. When and where shall we meet?

  Susan: How about three o’clock, at the swimming-pool?

  David: All right. Good-bye!

  Susan: Good-bye!






  假如你叫李明,去广州舅舅家度假。到达广州后,你给母亲写封短信,简述旅途情况、 舅舅家对你的接待以及你对广州的感受。信中至少包括如下几点: (1) 你已于上周五平安抵达广州。一路上火车拥挤,车内肮脏,到达广州时疲惫不堪。 (2) 舅舅全家都好,待你很热情。魏平表兄是个热心人,这几天正带你游览广州。今晚你们将去听一个音乐会。 (3) 广州是个美丽的城市,也是个繁荣(bustling)的城市。广州的生活节奏、丰富多 彩。你希望长大后有机会在这儿工件。 (4) 发信日期:2009 年 2 月 15 日。发信地址:广州市中山路 8 号。 注意:字数在 120—140 之间。

  A Letter to Mother 8 Zhongshan Road Guangzhou Feb. 15, 2009 Dear Mamma, How are you and Papa? I arrived here last Friday safely, only the journey was mot very pleasant, the train was crowded and dirty, and I was terribly tired when I got here. But now I’m quite OK again. Uncle’s family are all very well. They were very happy to see me and are all kind to me. Cousin Wei Ping is really warm-hearted, and he has been showing me around the city these days. Tonight Wei Ping and I are going to a concert, I’m sure we’ll have a good time. Guangzhou is a beautiful city, and a bustling one as well. Life here is busy, exciting and colourful. I love the way people work and live here and I hope to have a chance to work and live in this city when I grow up. Uncle and Aunt send you their love. Love, Ming






  写一则遗失启事。 李燕,高二(4)班学生,本月 4 日下午在本校大教室遗忘红色长大衣一件,大衣的一个 口袋中装有一个小笔记本,另一口袋中装有自行车的钥匙。拾到者请交高二(4)班的班长或本人,我将不胜感谢。高二(4)班教室在1 号楼204 室。

  I was careless and lost my red long overcoat in the lecture room on the afternoon of 4th of this month. In one of the pockets there is a small notebook and in the other pocket there is key to my bike. Will the finder please send it either to the monitor of Class 4, Senior Grade 2 or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. Our classroom is in Room 204, Building 1. Li Yan (Loser)









  假如你叫李华,请给班主任老师写一假条。 事由:母亲突然生病,发高烧,住院,需人照料。父亲出差去武汉。 事假:三天日期:九月十五日 其它:表示尽快返校,补上所缺课程。 注意:不要使用自己的真实姓名。 词数:60-80 词。

  Dear Mr. Wang Sept. 15 th I’m very sorry I have to ask for a three-day leave. My mother has fallen ill and is having a high fever. She is in hospital now and needs looking after. My father happens to be away in Wuhan on business, so I have to go back to tend my sick mother, I’ll be back to school as soon as possible and make up for my missing lessons. Thank you Li Hua





