



  1. 分析句子结构:分隔与粘连是主要的重复信息的方式

  A. 分隔:句子中对主干进行修饰或补充的成分转载自:考试大 - [233.com]

  定语从句:that 同位语:that who , 插入语, 分词结构:分词 不定式结构:to 介词短语:介词

  B. 粘连:由分号或冒号分开的上下句结构(大粘连)和一个句子内部的直接简单重复(小粘连);大粘连:直接同义重复:并列、因果关系词

  双重否定与肯定句重复:(1)A;not 非A (2)A;It’s wrong/foolish/presumptuous to say 非A

  主动句与被动句重复:is the result of is the outgrowth of is the product of A-B;B-by A

  逆否命题重复:A-B;非B-非 A(无被动句标志词)

  比较句重复:to the same degree/extent as…as more/less -er better than

  手段目的句重复:by for in terms of


  时间对比句重复:once formerly initial pristine erstwhile hereto hitherto now future before recent begin start create until no longer previous

  比喻句重复:like as

  小粘连:and but rather than even as…as so…as to…

  2. 判断句子逻辑关系:找出信号词,判断句子的并列、转折关系和正(+)、反(—)态度关系

  A. 并列关系:并列 递进 条件 因果 分号、冒号、破折号

  并列:and also or just as similarly correspondingly in the same way indeed accordingly


  因果:derive from lead to due to because cause since for therefore thus hence in that so…that so…as to as a result result in result from accordingly consequently give rise to

  B. 让步、转折:even though although even…though while whereas but yet however nevertheless notwithstanding despite in spite of in contrast to on the contrary on the other hand far from rather than whatever otherwise ironically illogically paradoxically curiously surprisi...

