
小学五年级作文450字:夏天 英语

夏天 小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 夏天 英语
关 键 词: 夏天 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com


本作文是关于小学五年级450字的作文,题目为:《夏天 英语》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

欢迎阅读《作文:夏天 英语》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“六年级作文”,请随时关注!
Summer 【夏天】   Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet of the villagers. 来自:作文大全  夏季是伟大的赛季,为所有体育在露天。这是本赛季棒球这是通常被称为国家体育因为其受欢迎程度。我通常会看电视和阅读报纸报道有关棒球的结果报章报导有关棒球的结果,小联赛。暑假期间,我喜欢去沙滩上,往往是因为它非常接近我的家在村。我通常会去那里柏迪在暑假放宽后,许多个月,在学校在这个城市。我觉得非常舒适与熟悉的安静的村民。
《夏天 英语》这篇优秀的“六年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。



比赛 小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 英语比赛
关 键 词: 比赛 小学五年级 450字
字    数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com



”我和洋洋哥哥也不甘落后,异口同声的说:“比就比。”   妈妈为我们设定了比赛规则:比赛分为笔试和口试。第一名三元钱,第二名二元钱,第三名一元钱。霄霄哥哥兴致高涨,迫不及待地想看看题目。我胸有成竹地坐在沙发上看书。洋洋哥哥听了心里直打鼓。比赛开始了,霄霄哥哥侧着身子,把“卷子”放在桌子底下,以免被洋洋哥哥偷看。洋洋哥哥在一旁抓耳挠腮,眼睛不时地瞟一眼霄霄的“卷子”。我躲在一个房间里飞快的做完了自己的题目。我忐忑不安地拿给妈妈改分,心像小兔子一样“碰碰”直跳。我的分数出来了,是九十五分,这是因为粗心的我把Tuesday写成Tuseday了。虽然如此,我还是松了口气。因为两个哥哥成绩都没我好。口试的时候所有的题目都很简单,大家全得了满分。于是我得了第一名。我高兴得眉开眼笑,身体里的“小白兔”好像也在为我高兴呢!
 来自:作文大全  啊!



中考 小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 中考英语作文
关 键 词: 中考 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com



Dear Rita,  How is everything going? I’d like to introduce my friend, TIAN TIAN , to you. She’s twelve year-old. She’s got short hair and big eyes. She likes swimming、reading books and singing. She will study in George Spencer School for one year. I’ve already told her many things about you. I belive that you will be good friends. She’ll arrive on August the first at the London Xiseluo airport. She’ll arrive at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon.Remember, she will wear a green shirt、blue shorts and a pair of sunglasses.  Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.  Best wishes.   Yours,  Li Hua  题目要求:  假如你叫李华,你的朋友田甜将去英国George Spencer School学习一年,并将乘飞机于8月1日下午4点到达伦敦希斯罗机场。请你将她的基本情况介绍给你的英国朋友Rita,希望她们成为好朋友,并请Rita去机场接她。请根据以上内容给Rita写一封信,介绍田甜的年龄、外貌、性格以及爱好。词数80左右,开头结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。


日记 小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 英语日记1
关 键 词: 日记 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com



2005.11.8 sunny  来自:作文大全 I think my teacher got out of bedon the wtong side this afternoon as she hasn’t cries.i went to office saw the boys unhappy.Because the students got their teacher’s goat became they didn’t do their homework..I think this is my teacher unhappy’s cause. Today, I saw a boy ,he played the handset.But didn’t saw the walls so he Rnocked we laugh up our sleeve at he knocked ,but he hurt his norse in the accident, and he was laying it on thick about how painful it was . 来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxue86.com It’s also a happy day, isn’t it ?  我认为我的老师今天很不高兴因为她一个下午都没笑过。我到办公室去看到一些男生很不高兴,因为他们的作业没写。我想老师生气就是这个原因。今天,我看见一个男生,他正玩着手机,但是他并没有看到前面有墙,所以他撞了上去,在他撞上去时,我们都窃笑。但是他的鼻子受伤了,他看起来好像很痛苦。
  今天也是快乐的一天,不是吗? <英文中有多数英语成语,并非语言错误>  《英语日记1》这篇优秀的“初一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。


小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 酸雨的英语
关 键 词: 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com



Saving the Earth

The population of the earth is increasing very fast. Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produces more and more waste, which goes into the water, the soil and the air.Some of it is made harmless. However, where there is too much of it, the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people.

When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better, or use poison to kill pests, poison is sent into the air, the water and the soil. When birds, fish and people eat the grain, drink the water or breath the air, harm will be done to their health.

The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories. Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke. In some places, little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air.

Fortunately, people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is. In many countries, laws have been made to stop factories from sending out poisonous gases...


快乐 小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 快乐学英语
关 键 词: 快乐 小学五年级 450字
字    数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com

作文大全网(m.zw.liuxue86.com)提示:我们现在很忙,很缺人手,您想加入我们吗?我们热烈欢迎,如果可以,请联系我们! qq:1055667


”细姨鼓励我说:“去吧,试试看,挑战一下自己。”我点点头,说:“那好吧。”  来到教室里,那里已经有十几位同学了,我有点紧张。一会儿,上课了,一位年轻的女教师走了进来,她笑着跟我们打招呼:“大家好,以后大家就叫我MissLin吧!


小学五年级 450字
作文标题: 我学英语
关 键 词: 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com



我学英语   我的英语学的很不好,英语考试成绩一直不理想,放暑假的时候妈妈给我找了一个英语班.虽然我很不情愿,但我还是去了. 来自:作文大全  在第一节课上,老师给我们制定了一整套学习方案.每天回家默写单词,听复读机读英语,让家长监督.刚开始的时候我很勤快,每天回到家里背单词,练口语.可有一天,我玩得很累,吃过晚饭就想睡觉,这时妈妈走过来问我:“小月,今天怎么没听到你读英语呢?”我哀求妈妈说:“今天我很累了,能不能不读了.”妈妈说:“做任何事情都要持之以恒,这样才能有一个好结果呀!”听了这话,我虽然很累,还是坚持把这一天的课程复习了一遍. 来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxue86.com  我们的英语老师课讲得很生动,我慢慢地对学英语产生了浓厚的兴趣.我每天都能够按时默写单词,听英语磁带,再也不用妈妈费心了.几个月过去了,我的英语成绩提高得很快,每次考试都在90分以上.这都是我一直以来勤奋练习的结果.   “业精于勤而荒于疏.”要想取得成绩,就要不怕吃苦,要持之以恒.   指导老师:徐喜春 《我学英语》这篇优秀的“四年级作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。

小学五年级作文450字:Look!This is me!(英语)

小学五年级 450字
作文标题: Look!This is me!(英语)
关 键 词: 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com


本作文是关于小学五年级450字的作文,题目为:《Look!This is me!(英语)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

This is me!
   My name is Li Jiani,I’m thirteen years old!
I am from China,live in Shanxi,Datong.I’m a girl.   My favorite color is pink.And my favorite subjeck is English.I like my English teacher ,too.Because she is very beautiful.   I like writing in the Internet on weekends.And I like reading books on vacation.   For breakfast,I eat eggs and drink milk.For lunch,I usually eat rice,vegetables,and soup.For dinner ,I like eating noodles.   I like eating ice cream.But I never eat hamburger.Because it’s junk food!It is bed for my health.   Usually I get up at 6:30 on school day.But sometimes I get up at 5 o’clock.Because I read English books.   Last Sunday,I’m not feeling well.Because I had a cold.I shouldn’t drink cold water and I shouldn’t eat cold food!In the    afternoon , I went to see a doctor.The doctor said :”You should    take some medicine, you should lie down and have a good rest.”   In the second day.I was feeling well.   Tomorrow,I am going to the beach.I am playing beach volleyball with my mother.And...
