
六级听力材料5诀窍 时效越强越值得练(精选)

六级听力材料 六级听力诀窍 六级考试
六级听力材料5诀窍 时效越强越值得练(精选)


  方法一、 不要选择专业术语、专有名词较多的材料。






  方法四、 注意语段材料的时效性,时效性越强越值得练习。


  方法五、 基础不佳者不宜用影视剧对白练习听写。







英语六级 六级听力 六级听力材料


  A Harvard professor said developing countries were forced down an economic path in the 20th Century that lacked innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. As a result, he said, they had stunted development, while many other nations prospered.

  Professor Calestous Juma tells the story of dueling economic theories. One based on new ideas and risk taking, and the other on pessimism and ignorance.

  It’s a story of the haves and have nots. Juma is professor of the Practice of International Development and Faculty Chair of the Innovation for Economic Development Executive Program.

  “In 1911, an Austrian economist by the name of Joseph Schumpeter published a book called The Theory of Economic Development, which proposed that economies grow over time through innovation. Through new combinations that involved the application of new technologies. And this book became really a standard on how to think about economic transformation through the use of technology and entrepreneurship,” he said.

  Juma said Schumpeter took a different view on what was needed for robust economic growth.

  “It was new because up to that point people believed that economies grew because of extraction of natural resources – not because of application of technologies. It was also new because he proposed that the use of new technologies resulted in...



英语六级 六级听力 六级听力材料


  KIGALI — Nearly a generation has passed since more than 800,000 people were killed in the Rwandan genocide. Now, after years of healing, young Rwandan remember the past but also hope for a better future.

  Members of a student genocide survivors group walk together to memorialize those who were killed 20 years ago.

  Still in high school, most here are too young to remember the fighting, though their lives were forever changed. Many lost family members, including their parents.

  They come to the Nyanza memorial site to grieve together and to offer support to each other. It's a kind of community service, born out of the tragedy of the past.

  “It is important to come because it is the best way to honor the bodies of our parents, our friends who are buried in these graves," says Fabien Akalikumutima, 20, who leads education programs for the group.

  The site memorializes some 2,000 people who were killed in April 1994, while taking shelter at a nearby school.

  Students say education is key to preventing a repeat of the past.

  “Through telling the truth of what I know and through helping the young children who are growing up, I have to explain to them clearly what happened because there are some people who can explain to them in the wrong way,” said Akalikumutima.

  Hope for the future

  The c...

