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Before it was proven that the earth was round, it was a well-known"fact"that it was flat. This"fact"was so widely accepted that no one dared test it, because they thought if they did sail out beyond the horizon they would fall off the edge. In other words, because they believed it couldn't be done, it wasn't done.

That is, until Columbus questioned common knowledge and asked"what if?"This question literally expanded the boundaries2)of his country, changed history, and permanently altered accepted reality forever.

In spite of our tendency3)to think of reality as the non-negotiable4)basis of our experience, the definition5)of reality changes every time someone pushes the boundary conditions of conventional6)wisdom. When our perception7)of reality changes, our behavior changes accordingly, based on what is newly considered possible. When Columbus returned from the New World, a revised world map was drawn up and this began a new era of exploration and adventure.

Examples of the impossible being made possible can be found throughout history. When Chuck Yeager flew the X-1, he shattered8)the myth that there was such a thing as a sound barrier9). His training and instincts10), combined with the new technology of the day, not only enabled him to go beyond the speed of sound, but reinforced11)the fact that even alleged12)technological barriers can be overcome as well.

People often approach me in my seminars13)with statem...



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  Before it was proven that the earth was round, it was a well-known"fact"that it was flat. This"fact"was so widely accepted that no one dared test it, because they thought if they did sail out beyond the horizon they would fall off the edge. In other words, because they believed it couldn't be done, it wasn't done.

  That is, until Columbus questioned common knowledge and asked"what if?"This question literally expanded the boundaries2)of his country, changed history, and permanently altered accepted reality forever.

  In spite of our tendency3)to think of reality as the non-negotiable4)basis of our experience, the definition5)of reality changes every time someone pushes the boundary conditions of conventional6)wisdom. When our perception7)of reality changes, our behavior changes accordingly, based on what is newly considered possible. When Columbus returned from the New World, a revised world map was drawn up and this began a new era of exploration and adventure.

  Examples of the impossible being made possible can be found throughout history. When Chuck Yeager flew the X-1, he shattered8)the myth that there was such a thing as a sound barrier9). His training and instincts10), combined with the new technology of the day, not only enabled him to go beyond the speed of sound, but reinforced11)the fact that even alleged12)technological barriers can be overcome as well.

  People often approach me in my seminars13)with statements such as, "I'll...


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  Skepticism refers to the philosophic position holding that the possibility of knowledge is limited either because of the limitations of the mind or because of the inaccessibility of its object. It is more loosely used to denote any questioning attitude. Extreme skepticism holds that no knowledge is possible, but this is logically untenable since the statement contradicts itself. During the Renaissance the influence of ancient skepticism was reflected preeminently in the writings of the 16th-century French philosophical essayist Michel de Montaigne. The greatest exponent of modern skepticism was the 18th-century Scottish empiricist philosopher David Hume. In his Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740) and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748), Hume questions the possibility of demonstrating the truth of beliefs about the external world, causal connections, future events, or such metaphysical entities as the soul and God.

  The 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant, while attempting to overcome Hume's skepticism, denied the possibility of knowing things in themselves or of achieving metaphysical knowledge. In the 19th century, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche denied the possibility of complete objectivity, and thus of objective knowledge, in any field. The 20th-century American philosopher George Santayana, claiming to have taken Hume's skepticism a step further, maintained, in his work Scepticism and ...



初中初二 750字
作文标题: 质疑命运
关 键 词: 初中初二 750字
字    数: 750字作文
本文适合: 初中初二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com

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质疑命运   朋友,你相信命运吗。也许这世界上真有这种叫做“命运”的东西,也许我们正是被这种叫做“命运”的东西所牵引着,也许我们不能改变这种叫做“命运”的东西。可是你问过自己“我的命运本该如此吗”。 来自:作文大全  许多人都感叹自己的命运不好。也许命运真的是上天注定的,我们无法去篡改它的结局。但我们可以质疑命运。 来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxue86.com  有的人感到世界对他不公平,那他可以把对世界的抱怨转化成他的动力,努力使这个世界变得对他公平,后来他以自己的努力有了一番作为。也许他的命运是以悲惨的一幕结尾,但我相信他一定不会再埋怨这个世界了;因为他通过努力使得他在短暂生命旅途中过得充满斗志,十分充实。
   人逃脱不了命运的掌控,只是希望每个人不管命运如何,都要努力拼搏,不让自己的人生有遗憾。如果可以,我希望每个人在空余时间多问问自己“我的命运就应该样吗?” 《质疑命运》这篇优秀的“初一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。


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  Skepticism refers to the philosophic position holding that the possibility of knowledge is limited either because of the limitations of the mind or because of the inaccessibility of its object. It is more loosely used to denote any questioning attitude. Extreme skepticism holds that no knowledge is possible, but this is logically untenable since the statement contradicts itself. During the Renaissance the influence of ancient skepticism was reflected preeminently in the writings of the 16th-century French philosophical essayist Michel de Montaigne. The greatest exponent of modern skepticism was the 18th-century Scottish empiricist philosopher David Hume. In his Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740) and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748), Hume questions the possibility of demonstrating the truth of beliefs about the external world, causal connections, future events, or such metaphysical entities as the soul and God. The 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant, while attempting to overcome Hume's skepticism, denied the possibility of knowing things in themselves or of achieving metaphysical knowledge. In the 19th century, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche denied the possibility of complete objectivity, and thus of objective knowledge, in any f...
