
留学套磁信要怎么写 套磁信留学写作解析

套磁信写作解析 文书写作解析 套磁信注意事项




  · I am a graduate student in X.

  · My name is X X. I received my degree from X University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

  · I am a graduate student of Photonics from Shahid Beheshti University (Tehran, Iran) with a background on {my research}, highly interested in your research area.

  · I have recently graduated from the University of Tehran, which is the oldest and most prestigious university of Iran, with an degree in Electrical Engineering, xxx, and decided to pursue my studies as a PhD student at a prestigious Canadian university.

  · I am writing to inquire about the announced PhD positions in X, announced on your web page.


  · I would like for you to supervise my PhD.

  · Currently, I am looking for universities and available positions to resume my education in the direct PhD essay writing service on

  · The project seems very attractive and I am extremely interested in working on it under your supervision.

  · It would be really an honor for me to pursue my studies under your supervision since, regarding your papers especially “…….”, I found a close relationship between your interests and mine.


