例 Ⅰ:
Consider the universal cannibalism of the sea, all of whose creatures ---------- one another.
(A) hide from
(B) ferret out
(C) prey on
(D) glide among
(E) compete against
Cannibalism意为“同类相食”,由此名词中提取一个隐约与动作相关的“食”字代入空格,则求得(C) prey on。
ferret out: 搜出,查获
glide: 滑行,游动
例 Ⅱ:
Charlotte Salomon's biography is a reminder that currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ---------- public events, retain their hold on the ---------- recording them.
(A) transitory ... culture
(B) dramatic ... majority
(C) overpowering ... individual
(D) conventional ... audience
(E) relentless ... institution
空格Ⅱ:既然这里所涉及到的是传记(biography),而顾名思义,传记的定义是"an account of a person's life", 故将其生平事件记录下来的必是(C)individual无疑,而不可能是culture, majority, audience或institution中的任何一个。
例 Ⅲ:
Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look ----------; they were designed expressly to evoke th...