


  1. I incline to think that in 20 years time cars will be used much less than they are today. The main reason is that I anticipate a drop of population worldwide, the reason being that the trend in most developed countries now shows that more and more people are unwilling to have a child. They believe that children are a huge responsibility and naturally they become some kind of a burden to the couple’s life. As more and more people are relinquishing their rights of having children. The total number of people in the future world will be much smaller. The world will not be so crowded as now and as a result the need for cars will also be decreasing. See my point? Fewer cars will be needed and fewer cars will be driven.

  2. Maybe my pessimism is acting up. But many people believe that with the on-going problems of environment, the world will eventually come to an end. I’m talking, total Armageddon. Maybe some epidemic will sweep all over the world. Luckily, as more people are aware of that, they’re realizing the importance of protecting our environment. They’re developing cars that are faster, cheaper, use green energy and have a larger capacity. They’re doing this to reduce the number of cars to solve the problem of energy deficiency and fuel shortage. For example, world large automobile companies, such as Ford, Toyota, and BMW are all testing new hybrid fuel cars, which use both gas and hydrogen. They want to solve t...

