Now the most important and sad thing during the whole county is the earthquake happening in qinghai province yushu city.
It is not long away from the Wenchuan earthquark , Haiti earthquark and all the scenes made us feel close but sorry.
Some people is saved but some died for ever, some lose family and some lose health.The natural disaster is cruel but actual which made us scared but contemplative.
We human being always think us the dominator of the nature, try to amend the rule of
nature ,destory the root of life and finally we have to repay for what we have done, such as global warming , worse weather, extinct species and energy sources. 我们始终认为我们人类对自然的主宰地位,竭尽全力去控制自然规律,破坏了自然界发展的基本规则,到最后只能是我们自己为自己的所作所为付出惨痛的代价,正如 全球气候变暖,更糟糕的天气,物种灭绝以及失去能源。
Maybe we should learn lessons form the alarms such as frequent Earthquake, abnormal weather , worse habitation.Hope we can live to 2012.