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英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.51隐形炸弹人终落法网
摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
April 3rd, 1968, In Memphis, Tennessee, civil rights (1)_____ Martin Luther King Jr. gives this speech on the night before his (2)_____: "We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the (3)_____."
1996, Theodore Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, is arrested at his mountain (4)_____ in Montana. The arrest ends a nearly two-decade's (5)_____ of mail bombs that killed 3 people and (6)_____ 29 others.
1948, President Harry Truman (7)_____ the Marshall Plan, (8)_____ billions in recovery aid to European countries after World War II.
And 1924, Movie actor Marlon Brando whose (9)_____ include “A Streetcar Named Desire,” "On the Waterfront" and "The Godfather" is born in Omaha, Nebraska.
Today In History, April 3rd, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(1) leader(2) assassination (3) mountaintop
(4) cavern(5) string(6) wounded(7) signs
(8) providing(9) roles
《看世界历史练听力 NO.51隐形炸弹人终落法网》由留学liuxue86.com编辑整理...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.52马丁·路德·金遇刺身亡
摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. is shot to death on a hotel (1)_____ in Memphis, Tennessee. The civil rights leader was 39 years old. "I've seen the (2)_____ land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land." James Earl Ray, King's (3)_____ assassin who later proclaims he's (4)_____ spends the rest of his life behind (5)_____ .
1841, President William Henry Harrison dies of (6)_____ , just one month after his (7)_____ . Harrison is the first US president to die in office, and his presidency remains the (8)_____ .
And 1974, In Cincinnati, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 714th career (9)_____ , tying baseball (10)_____ Babe Ruth's record.
Today In History, April 4th, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(1) balcony(2) promised(3) confessed(4) innocent
(5) bars(6) pneumonia(7) inauguration(8) briefest
(9) home-run(10) great
《看世界历史练听力 NO.52马丁·路德·金遇刺身亡》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.54叛军投降,美国内战结束
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April 9th, 1865, (1)_____ General Robert E. Lee surrenders his forces to union General. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, the surrender (2)_____ ends the American Civil War after four years and more than half a million death.
2003, Iraqis celebrate its (3)_____ of Saddam Hussein is (4)_____ in Baghdad, marking the fall of his (5)_____ after the US-led invasion.
1959, NASA picks the first seven (6)_____ for the US space program, a group that has (7)_____ the Mercury Seven.
And 1939, In Washington, D.C., African-American singer Marion Anderson (8)_____ at the Lincoln Memorial. The concert takes place after the Daughters of the American Revolution (9)_____ Anderson from singing at their (10)_____ because of her race.
Today In History, April 9th, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(1) Confederate(2) effectively(3) statue(4) toppled
(5) regime(6) astronauts (7) dubbed(8) performs
(9) ban(10) headquarters
《看世界历史练听力 NO.54叛军投降,美国内战结束》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.55北爱和谈达成协议
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April 10th, 1998, In Northern Ireland, (1)_____ sign The Good Friday Agreement, calling for (2)_____ between Protestants and Catholics in that troubled region.
1947, The Brooklyn Dodgers (3)_____ the way for Jackie Robinson to become the first African-American player in Major League Baseball. Robinson makes his debut with the Dodgers just days later, (4)_____ the decades of racial (5)_____ in baseball once and for all.
地名: Southampton; Atlantic
And 1992, In Nevada, raunchy stand-up comedian Sam Kinison is killed when his car is hit head-on by a (7)_____ driver. He was 38 years old.
Today In History, April 10th, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(1) negotiators(2) power-sharing(3) pave(4) shattering
(5) barrier
(6) 1912, In Southampton, England, the luxury liner Titanic sets sail on its ill-fated maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
(7) drunken
《看世界历史练听力 NO.55北爱和谈达成...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.48法国埃菲尔铁塔落成
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March 31st, 1968, With the nation (1)_____ over the Vietnam War, President Lyndon B. Johnson makes a surprise (2)_____ year announcement: "I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the (3)_____ of my party for another term as your president."
听写提示: 人名: Terry Schiavo; 地名: Florida
1889, In Paris, engineer Gustave Eiffel (5)_____ France's Tricolor flag from (6)_____ the Eiffel tower to mark the structure's completion.
And 1995, "Here in my room, dreaming about you and me." Tejano singer Selena is shot to death in Corpus Christi, Texas by the (7)_____ of her fan club. She was 23 years old.
Today In History, March 31st, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.
(4)2005, Terry Schiavo dies in a Florida hospice at age 41 nearly two weeks after her feeding tube was removed. It marks the end of a wrenching right-to-die dispute over the brain-damaged woman that drew national attention.
英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.50英阿马岛战争爆发
摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II who helped (1)_____ communism in Eastern Europe dies at his Vatican apartment at age 84. "May Christ give you his grace and his peace, overturning the barriers of (2)_____ and making all things one in Him."
1917, President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to (3)_____ war on Germany, saying: "The world must be made safe for (4)_____."
1982, Argentina seizes the (5)_____ Falkland Islands from Britain. Lord Carrington is the British Foreign Secretary: "Then Argentine military attack on Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands is taken place, and Port Stanley is now (6)_____ by Argentine military forces.”
听写提示:人名: Hans Christian Andersen 亨斯·克黎士君·安徒生
地名: Denmark 丹麦;
作品提示: 《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新衣》《公主与豌豆》
Today In History, April 2nd, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(7)And 1805, fairy-tale author Hans Christia...
英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.32马德里3·11恐怖袭击
摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
March 11th, 2004, Bombs strike the (1)_____ rail network in Spain's capital, Madrid. The attack (2)_____ to al-Qaeda kills 191 people and (3)_____ more than 2,000.
提示人名:Mikhail Gorbachev: 米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫; Konstantin Chernenko: 康斯坦丁·契尔年科
1942, During World War II, General Douglas MacArthur leaves the Philippines for Australia as Japanese forces (5)_____ in the Pacific. At the time MacArthur (6)_____ : “I shall return." And he does when Allied forces take the Philippines more than 2 years later.
1970, "Teach your children well, their father's hell..." Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young) (7)_____ their Déjà Vu album, among the tracks "Teach Your Children" and "Our House".
(1), commuter(2), linked(3), wounds
(4), 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev is chosen as the new leader of the Soviet union , succeeding the late Konstantin Chernenko.
(5), advance(6), vows(7), release
《看世界历史练听力 NO.32马德里3·11恐怖袭击》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:https://m.liuxue86.com/englis...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.46美国撤军,越战结束
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March 29th, 1951, In New York, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of (1)_____ to commit (2)_____ for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet union . They are executed two years later.
1971, Army Lieutenant William Calley is convicted of (3)_____ murder for his role in the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. Correspondent Morgan Batty: “The charge is --- at least 22 unarmed and (4)_____ South Vietnamese men, women and children were (5)_____ at My Lai in 1968.” Cally (6)_____ serves three and half years on the (7)_____ at his quarters at Fort Benning, Georgia.
听写提示:South Vietnam; Vietnamese; Saigon
2005, "If it doesn't fit, you must (9)_____." Attorney Johnnie Cochran best known for his successful (10)_____ in the OJ Simpson murder trial dies at age 67.
Today In History, March 29th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.
(5)slain(6)ultimately(7)house arrest
...英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.47里根总统遇刺受重伤
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March 30th, 1981, Outside the Washington DC hotel, John Hinckley Jr. (1)_____ President Ronald Reagan and three others. Presidential (2)_____ Lyn Nofziger: “the president has been shot once in the left chest. The (3)_____ entered from -- from his left side.” The shooting nearly kills Reagan early in his presidency and (4)_____ disables White House (5)_____ James Brady.
1867, Secretary of State William Seward reaches a (6)_____ with Russia to buy the (7)_____ of Alaska. At the time, critics (8)_____ the 7.2 million-dollar purchase as Seward's "folly".
And 1986, Actor James Cagney known for his (9)_____ guy roles in the movies, dies at his farm in (10)_____ New York at age 86. Cagney won an Oscar for playing Broadway Legend George M. Cohan in "Yankee Doodle Dandy."
Today In History, March 30th, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.
(1)shoots(2)aide(3)bullet(4)permanently(5)Press Secretary
《看世界历史练听力 NO.47里根总统遇刺受重伤》由留学英语组编辑整理(m.liuxue86.com)...推荐更多