
出国留学 经济与金融学专业的个人陈述范例

 Economics and Finance Personal Statement
  Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve.
  When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department).
  I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.
  The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works.
  After an under...


出国留学 生物工艺专业个人陈述范例

Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of work and demands for creativity, my college years motivated me to earn a Ph.D. and to continue pursuing a career as a research scientist. Although my exact research goals have yet to be refined, my interests include studying the genetic basis of disease and the genetic mechanisms that govern various cellular processes, such as the cell cycle, apoptosis, and tumor formation.

  Although I entered college without a clear research direction, the Biotechnology Program at Rochester Institute of Technology helped develop my interest in the field of Genetics. I found much of my laboratory training at RIT to be extremely rewarding. For example, one experience that early on convinced me to seriously consider genetics was a project involving the construction and characterization of a recombinant plasmid. Since I worked independently for the most part, the project played a key role in increasing my confidence and helping me to understand various concepts pertaining to genetic analysis. It was this experience that motivated me to seek a position as a teacher's assistant for a course in Microbial and Viral Genetics. As a TA, I learned how demanding the teaching situation is and how much teaching a course can contribute to my own lear...


出国个人陈述范例 中文版

推荐信 申请书 出国留学





  最令我激动,也是最难以忘怀的是那段在德国的日子。2005年8月30号到9月18日,受德国巴登符腾堡州政府邀请,我和其他11名同学代表中国学生和当地最优秀的60名学生 一起参加SCIENCE ACADEMY。在那里,我是“制药”组的,和TRIXI、FILIX等十名德国同学一组,还有我的中国同学。开始去那我还有些不知所措,因为在中国没有“制药”这个学科,相比去SCIENCE ACADEMY 的上物理、化学、计算机等的中国同学,我对我在日后半个月里要干的事可算得上是真正的一无所知。第一堂课,老师和同学们做了自我介绍后...



个人陈述 文书写作
编者按:Personal Statement Now, either from such medias as television, magazine and network, or experienced by ourselves, the fact o... Personal Statement

Now, either from such medias as television, magazine and network, or experienced by ourselves, the fact of environmental deterioration is displayed, which we have to worry about. In middle and western part of China, drying and desertification phenomena are obvious. “Badlands” with flourishing plants and vigorous flowing water in Beijing outskirt were covered by square “ match boxes” over night, with that, there is winter nearly without snow. In order to beautify environment, the property of our community made a river, but it became a smelly one sooner. The above seem to be resulted by organization or individual, which have no business with us. And we also have no right to interfere. But this excuse does not ease me. In daily life, many of our actions bring danger to the sustainable development of the entironment. For example, shampoo we use every day will threaten the entironment if it is not treated strictly. So I earnestly pay attention to collecting approaches to solve such kind of problems. As a result, out of my expectations, I find that traditional custom can better solve the problems. For instance, Dai people use fermented water that has cleaned the rice to wash their hair. This absolutely does no harm to the environment. Moreover, many Dai people all a...



个人陈述 会计
编者按:我叫王明,于2006年7月毕业于北京化工大学,经济管理学院财务管理系。通过本科学习我接触了会计学、国际金融、证券投资等科目,但是... 我叫王明,于2006年7月毕业于北京化工大学,经济管理学院财务管理系。通过本科学习我接触了会计学、国际金融、证券投资等科目,但是我知道这些知识是远远不够的,因而迫切想做进一步地深入学习,通过各种信息渠道,我了解到贵校的会计金融专业世界闻名,所以希望申请****硕士课程。



在讨论课上,我们通过巴林银行的倒闭对的金融衍生工具产生了浓厚的兴趣,双刃剑的威力在瞬息万变的竞争市场中异常强大。通过此案例也认识到资产负债表极其核对的重要作用,如果有严格的审计制度和权责的分明,结果也许就不是这样,会计的作用不容忽视! 在对于会计、财务方面的知识有了一定的了解后,我更加注重知识涉猎的广泛性,开始学习英文原版的会计学书籍,比较各国会计准则的不同。当外资企业进入中国时,应当怎样解读公司的财务报告,进而体现会计的可比性并做出正确决策等。在分析戴姆勒一奔驰公司时,我惊奇的发现,由于会计报表呈现的不同,一个亏损的企业也能在另一种会计模式下表现出赢利!我又一次被会计在经济中的地位和作用震惊了,更加渴望能够在会计领域有所作为。






个人陈述 文书写作
编者按:What excited and impressed me most were days in Germany. From August 30 to September 18 of 2005, invited by government of Ba... What excited and impressed me most were days in Germany. From August 30 to September 18 of 2005, invited by government of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, together with other 11 students, as a representative of Chinese students abroad, I partook in Science Academy along with the most excellent 60 students of local place. I was on the Pharmacy Team. Apart from Chinese students, there were ten German students as well like Trixi and Filix on our team. In the beginning, I was at a loss. Because there was no science of pharmacy in China, and compared with other students partaking in Science Academy concerning physics, chemistry and computer, I was blank about what I would do in the after half a month. In the first class, teachers and students made introductions of themselves. Then, saying nothing, the teacher led us out with clippers used for clipping branches. Being puzzled, we looked at each other with great wonder—making myself feel getting together with my classmates at home, then I went forward to ask a question—“Dear teacher, shall we go to the garden to clip plant medicine?” looking at me with a smile, the teacher said, “very good, I will tell you what we will do.” At last, we made suppository and capsule of aspirin from cortices. Teacher gave us classes in English and the class atmosphere...



个人陈述 文书写作
编者按:Personal StatementI am the applicant Wang Ming. From September 2002 to July 2006, I studied the specialty of Financial Manag...

Personal Statement

I am the applicant Wang Ming. From September 2002 to July 2006, I studied the specialty of Financial Management at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Through undergraduate studies, I contacted such disciplines as accounting, international finance, securities investment and so on; however, keenly conscious that my current acquisition is far from enough for me to meet the needs of the fast developing economy, I am eager to pursue further studies. Through various channels, I know about your world-renowned program, and I am now applying for MA Finance and Investment offered by University of Nottingham.

At university, I gained a full understanding of accounting and finance. In specialized studies, I obtained excellent academic records. Paying attention to the balancing development of financial and managerial disciplines, I attended those selective courses including Fiscal Science, Human Resource Management, Monetary Banking, Insurance and the like, knowing about the application of accounting in various aspects. In this way, when I do relevant topics, in face of real voucher, bill and account book, I have experienced the whole process of keeping accounts and working out financial statement and deepened my understanding of the importance of accounting in enterprises.

In the ...



个人陈述 生物
编者按:现在无论是从诸如电视、杂志、网络等媒体上接受到的,还是自己亲身体验到的,都显示出了现在生态环境问题的恶化的现实,叫人不能不... 现在无论是从诸如电视、杂志、网络等媒体上接受到的,还是自己亲身体验到的,都显示出了现在生态环境问题的恶化的现实,叫人不能不担心。中国中西部干化、沙化现象明显;北京市郊一些原先是草木繁茂、流水淙淙的“荒地”在一夜之间就被填平盖上了四四方方的火柴盒,然后是北京几乎都不下雪的冬天;我家小区物业为了美化环境弄出的小河很快就成了臭水沟。以上这些看起来似乎是工业化或别的团体个人的行为,与己无关,也没那个能力权利去管。但这理由却不能使我心安,因为在日常生活中,我们的很多行为都对生态的可持续发展够成危险。例如我们每天沐浴时用的洗发液如果不经过非常严格的处理就会对水系统造成威胁。于是我相当认真地注意收集解决此类问题的方法,结果出乎意料的发现传统的习俗更能解决问题,例如傣族人就用发酵了的淘米水洗头发,这绝对环保而且因为用这个很多傣族人到老都是一头黑发;中国的古老中医用草药银针只治病,好像没有什么抗生素的问题。我有点不明白,似乎传统的生活方式跟自然更为友好,那么我们的生物科学又有什么别的特殊的作用么?所以我想到美国这个科学更为发达,科学更接近科学的地方学习,弄清楚它,试着用它来解决一些恶性循环的问题,维护一个和谐的生存环境,或者用科学解释、沟通类似中医这样的传统方式与现代科学。


最令我激动,也是最难以忘怀的是那段在德国的日子。2005年8月30号到9月18日,受德国巴登符腾堡州政府邀请,我和其他11名同学代表中国学生和当地最优秀的60名学生 一起参加SCIENCE ACADEMY。在那里,我是“制药”组的,和TRIXI、FILIX等十名德国同学一组,还有我的中国同学。开始去那我还有些不知所措,因为在中国没有“制药”这个学科,相比去SCIENCE ACADEMY 的上物理、化学、计算机等的中国同学,我对我在日后半个月里要干的事可算得上是真正的一无所知。第一堂课,老师和同学们做了自我介绍后什么都没说就...



美国大学 陈述范例


  This document is being submitted in support of my application for admission into your program.

  Born in June 1974, I grew up in Lanzhou, a city that boasts of a history of thousands of years and a cultural heritage that is as colorful as it is old. Few cities, either in China or beyond, can match it in the richness of architectural styles. Stradding the upper Yellow River that sired the Chinese civilization, Lanzhou prides itself in both her past glory laden in the ancient structures on the north bank and her new found prosperity oozing out of the dazzling high-rises in the south. Although, as a child, I was not always able to articulate my admiration for such striking contrast, I constantly beheld the city's landscape in awe. I began to understand, at that young age, that architecture can be a powerful symbol of culture, a people and the spirit of an era.

  My first intellectual mentor, one of my parents' best friends, was an artist seasoned in oil painting and photography. She often brought me with her when she traveled, and it was on these trips that her creative mind worked in full gear. I thus observed how human hands could work wonders by recreating the beauty of natural scenery in the form of sketches, paintings and photos. What was more important, I got to know that there are professions of creative work that calls...

