The book Educating Psyche is mainly concerned with
Athe power of suggestion in learning.
Ba particular technique for learning based on emotions.
Cthe effects of emotion on the imagination and the unconscious.
Dways of learning which are not traditional.
Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning. One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.
选A选项的同学大有人在,并且给出了理由,原文明确指出了‘focuses on the power of suggestion’。但稍微细心点,回到原文我们发现‘One theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.’这句话中,‘focuses on the power of suggestion’主语which指的是不是book呢,大部分学员都恍然大悟这句话指的是书中的theory。原文中描述对象为theory, 而题目问的是book, 描述对象的截然不同就被小烤鸭们华丽丽地忽视了。A项的偷换主语,成功地起到了张冠李戴的作用。
B选项‘a particular technique for learning based on emo...