Miss Ruanjian is now working under my immediate supervision in the Engineering Department of the Heavy-duty Equipment Co, Ltd. Ruanjian has proved to be of invaluable assistance in adapting our international corporate operating system to clear the hurdles of relatively undeveloped Chinese market conditions.
One of Ruanjian's greatest contributions is in the adaptation and modification of our integrated IBC (Industrial Boiler Control) software. The rigidity of the program structure had often led to complications in our relations with our clients. She was able to work with both the program and with our clients to smooth points of friction and eventually satisfy our clients. Subsequently, she has succeeded in adapting our program to avoid such further instances. She learns from mistakes and quickly takes steps to avoid them in the future.
At this water plant, she has consistently demonstrated a keen mind and impeccable work ethics. She started working as my assistant when I was conducting research on the application of the fiber filtering technology to the treatment of drinking water, which is traditionally treated with sodium silicate. My research represented the first attempt at applying the fiber filtering technology outside the realm of industrial wastewater treatment.
Ms. Du stopped at nothing in her effort to learn. She quickly learned to operate all the equipment and devices skillfully. When the plant completed converting the old filters into fast-filters, she seized the occasion as a good opportunity for her to practice what she had learned. Assigned to test the quality of the water flowing out of the new filters, she had to do protracted data recording to find out the functioning of the new filters under different conditions. Undeterred by the monotony of the job, she discharged her duties with great patience and meticulous care.
以上这封推荐信介绍了学环境工程的杜女士在工作上的表现,她的工作是配合研制水净化设备。本文没有像许多申请者那样把一个刚出道的年轻工程师吹捧成一个大师, “独立承担着”某项划时代的科研项目,而是恰如其分地介绍了杜女士在工作的初期还在继续学习,她在这段培训过程中十分地刻苦,工作十分细致,出色地完成了非常枯燥的、重复性的数据记录工作。