

圣诞之歌 圣诞节的歌曲 圣诞节



  A Christmas story

  Ricky:Staying in Beijing for Christmas James?

  James:Hi Ricky, no I‟m off to London to have Christmas with the family.

  Ricky:Oh that‟s great -.Christmas with the folks will be terrific.

  James:Yeah. It‟s the only time I get to see the whole family together at one time.

  Ricky:Ah, so you have a big feast ahead of you. Do you go to a restaurant?

  James:No way! Ours is a very traditional Christmas at home, complete with a tree and

  Christmas carols. Isn‟t that the way you do it in Australia.

  Ricky:Oh sure. The traditions are much the same …surprisingly.

  James:Why do you say surprisingly? Christmas is the same all round the world isn‟t it?

  Ricky:Well, up to a point. It is the festive season of course, but its really very commercial

  season now.

  James:Yes it‟s funny that we‟ve forgotten the religious aspect of celebrating the birth of

  Jesus Christ.

  Ricky:Well maybe that‟s not such a bad thing – after all not everyone in the world is a

  Christian. But there is one great aspect of Christmas that is universal - and that‟s the giving of gifts to families and friends and even workmates. We might argue and

  become frustrated with one another throughout the year, but Christmas still remains the one time of the year whe...

