113. a national long-distance educational system全国远程教育系统
114. provide educational opportunities via Internet过网络提供教育机会
115. So I think people should use cell phones as little as possible and turn them off on important occasions.因此,我认为人们应尽量少用手机,在重要场合要关掉手机。
116. Of course, cyber games also have their negative effects.当然,网络游戏也有负面效应。
117. It is strongly suggested that we should not indulge in them. 我们千万不能沉迷
118. prohibit 禁止
119. pour all their pocket into cyber games把全部的零用钱都花在网络游戏上。
120. skip school逃学 121. lead students astray 将学生引入歧途
122. enhance the punishment of the illegal owner of the cyberbars加强对不良网吧业主的惩罚力 度。
123. In this way, children will become very lazy and unwilling to use their mind 这样,学生就 变得非常懒惰,不喜欢用脑。
124. E-mail, an entirely new way of communication by means of computers, is becoming so popular nowadays that it’s difficult to imagine modern life without it.电子邮件作为一种全新的通信方 式日益普及,我们很难想象若无电子邮件,现代生活会是什么样子。
125. language barrier语言障碍
126. But after all, computer is computer, it can never replace a human brain.但不管怎样,电脑 终究是电脑,它永远不可能取代人脑。
127. for the sake of relaxation为了达到放松的目的。
128. Participate in social activities参与社会活动
129. Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the aud...