例1 (2019 年英语1)Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant’s papers.
例1中 “assessment”从动词“assess”派生出来的抽象名词,表示“评估,评价”。但是如果直接翻译成名词,即“尝试将一些质量和数量的衡量标准纳入申请者论文的评估之中”会显得整个句子过于复杂。因此译文将抽象名词翻译成动词“评估”,然后把例文中 “trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant’s papers”部分分割成运用三个小短句,更符合中文表达特点和习惯。
例2(2018年英语一)By the date of his birth, Europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.
例2中“passing”是从动词“pass(消失)”派生出来,“creation”是动词“create(创造)”的派生名词。如果两个抽象名词严格按照词性翻译成名词,即“欧洲正见证者宗教剧的消亡,以及受古典悲喜剧启发的崭新戏剧形式的诞生”,“诞生”前的修饰成分过长,同时也会让读者误认为“诞生”才是核心信息。译文为了突出原文的结构,即 “Europe was witnessing the passing of...and the creation of...”将两个抽象名词全都翻译成动词,结构清晰明了,表达地道简洁,信息主次突出。
通过上述两个例子可以看出,当遇到带有抽象名词的名词结构,例如“the assessment of an applicant’s papers”, “the passing of the religious drama”, “the creation of new forms”,翻译时可以尝试把抽象名词翻译成动词,使译文在表达、结构、主次等方面都更加地道。