Computer security
The myth of cyber-security
Computers will never be secure. To manage the risks, look to economics rather than technology
COMPUTER security is a contradiction(名词)in terms. Consider the past year alone: cyberthieves stole $81m from the central bank of Bangladesh; the $4.8bn takeover of Yahoo, an internet firm, by Verizon, a telecoms firm, was nearly derailed使脱轨by two enormous data breaches; and Russian hackers interfered in the American presidential election. 计算机安全是个自相矛盾的(形容词)说法。姑且只看下去年的情况:网络窃贼从孟加拉中央银行盗走了8100万美元;电信公司威瑞森(Verizon)以48亿美元收购互联网公司雅虎的交易差点因两起大规模数据泄露而泡汤;俄罗斯黑客干扰了美国总统大选。
Away from the headlines, a black market in computerised extortion, hacking-for-hire and stolen digital goods is booming. The problem is about to get worse. Computers increasingly deal not just with abstract data like credit-card details and databases, but also with the real world of physical objects and vulnerable human bodies. A modern car is a computer on wheels; an aeroplane is a computer with wings. The arrival of the “Internet of Things” will see computers baked intoeverything from road signs and MRI scanners to prosthetics and insulin pumps. There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts. Hackers have alre...