由于英汉两种语言在语法和表达方式等方面存在着许多差异,因此英译汉时常常有必要改变表达方式,使译文通顺流畅、地道可读。这种变通技巧就是转换法(shift of perspective)。转换的形式多种多样,大体可分为7种:①词类转换,②句子成分转换,③表达方式转换,④自然语序与倒装语序转换;⑤正面表达与反面表达转换,⑥主动式与被动式转换,⑦分句转换。
(1) The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.因此,对于一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种爱好和新的情趣方式,乃是至关重要的对策。
(2) The Red Army Men marched on bravely against the piercing wind.红军冒着刺骨的寒风英勇前进。
(3) All were unconscious that this experience was a test of character; and, when the first excitement was over, felt that they had done well, and deserved praise.大家都没有认识到这番经验却是一次个性的考验,最初的兴奋过去以后,又觉得自己已经干得不错了,理应受到赞扬。
(4) He appeared at her side, breathing audibly, a moment after she reached the stop. She gazed ahead, rigid.她到车站不一会儿,他便出现在她的身旁,听见他喘息的声音。她凝视着前方,表情严峻。
(5) Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential.然而,对所有这两种类型的人来说,变换一下看法、改变一下环境和转换一下注意力都是最基本的需要。
(6) …and it was on the first stage of this journey, in Kenya, that she received the news of her father's death and her own accession to the throne. ……就在此行的第一站肯尼亚,她接到了父亲去世并由她本人继承王位的消息。