

  1. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。

  What he thinks about / of is not his honour but his devotion to the people.

  2. 这本书比他提及的那本书好得多。

  This book is much better than the one he mentioned.

  3. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。

  As a senior three student, I am accustomed to studying hard.

  4. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。

  Though many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.

  5. 他住在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。

  He lives in a small town and knows little about outside world.

  6. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。

  This morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was not fine.

  7. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(appeal)

  These advertisements aim at appealing to consumers to buy their goods.

  8. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。

  Developing a hobby will do good to one’s physical and mental health.

  9. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。

  Like everything else in the world, language will change with time.

  10. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快统一。

  Any Chinese with good conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.

  11. 一般来说“便宜没好货”,但这并非一定如此。

  Generally speaking, cheap goods are usually not good, but it is not necessarily so. … are usually of poor quality / poor in quality

  12. 我把自己视为一名世界公民,并相信教育和能力比国籍更重要。

  I view myself as a global citizen and believe that education and ability are more important than one’s nationality.

  13. 他碰巧以前做过这个练习。

  …happen to do…

  He happened to have done this exercise (s) before.

  14. 我很少见到像亨利这样考虑周到的人。

  Seldom do I see…


  Seldom do I see such a thoughtful person as Henry.

  15. 你对正在读的这篇文章的话题熟悉吗?

  …be familiar with…

  …be familiar to…

  …the topic of the article

  Are you familiar with the topic of the article you are reading?

  16. 问题发现得越早,解决起来就越容易。

  The earlier…the easier…

  …find the problem / solve the problem

  The earlier the problem is found / discovered, the easier it is to be solved.

  17. 学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退

  …be like…

  …sail against the current

  …either …or…

  …keep going ahead / keep falling behind

  Study is like sailing against the current: either you keep going ahead or you keep falling behind.

  18. 只要彼此都有这种愿望,短暂的交往也会发展成长久的友谊。

  Only if…

  …have the wish

  …short-term contact / long-lasting friendship

  …develop into…

  Only if both have the wish, short-term contact may develop into long-lasting friendship.

  19. 我走这条路去同济大学对吗?

  …be on the right way to…

  Am I on the right way to Tongji University?

  20. 没人把他的提议当回事。


  Nobody took his proposal seriously.

  21. 我希望戒烟的人越来越多,学抽烟的人越来越少。

  I hope that… / …hope to do…

  More and more people

  Fewer and fewer people

  …give up smoking

  I hope that more and more people will give up smoking and that fewer and fewer will start.

  22. 我看不出你让儿子与其他孩子一起玩有什么坏处。

  I can’t /don’t see any…

  …let sb do…

  …play with sb

  I can’t see any harm in letting your son play with other children.

  23. 她叫我不要走远,因为晚饭马上就要烧好了。

  …to stay within call

  …be ready

  She told me to stay within call, for supper was nearly ready.

  24. 承蒙你慷慨相助,我的感激之情难以言表。

  It is generous of sb to do…

  …appreciate it very much

  …more than I can say

  It was generous of you to help me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

  25. 献血是每一个健康公民的责任。

  It is one’s duty to do…

  …donate …to sb.

  It is a healthy citizen’s duty to donate blood to the sick.

  26. 她康复的希望似乎很小, 然而医生们还在尽力而为

  There is (no) hope of …

  There seems to be hope of…

  …do what one can do…/ …do all that one can do…

  Recover from… / recovery

  There seems little hope of her recovery. However, the doctors are still doing all they could.

  27. 任何一个考试中作弊的学生都将受到严惩。

  Whoever… / Anyone who…

  …cheat in the exam

  …punish sb

  Whoever cheats in the exam will be punished severely.

  28. 人各有所见,因此你最好不要设法去说服别人。

  …have one’s opinion

  …had better do / not do…

  …persuade sb / try to persuade sb.

  Each can have his own opinion, and therefore you had better not try to persuade others.

  29. 她英语说得这么好,以至于她的老师认为她是在英国或美国长大的。

  …speak good English / speak English well

  …bring up sb / raise / educate sb

  She could speak such good English that her teacher thought she was brought up in Britain or the United States.

  30. 考虑到身体不好这样一个事实,工厂让他提前退休了。

  Considering the fact that…

  Be in poor health

  Retire ahead

  Considering the fact that he is in poor health, the factory let him retire ahead.

  31. 大多数学生都支持他所提出的建议。

  …be in favour of…

  …put forward a proposal / suggestion

  Most students are in favour of the proposal he put forward.

  32. 在伦敦停车一个小时要花费3.6美元。

  It cost sb money to do…

  It will cost you 3.6 dollars to park your car for an hour in London.

  Parking in London will cost you 3.6 dollars an hour.

  33. 学会并掌握这门课程需要毅力。

  …to learn and to master this course

  …involve doing… / sth

  To learn and to master this course involves perseverance.

  34. 你确信你能修好我的计算机?

  …be sure that … / to do…

  …can / be able to do…

  Are you sure that you can fix / repair my computer?

  35. 我万万没有想到他只身一人步行到了西藏。

  It never occurred to sb that…

  …walk to Tibet / go to Tibet on foot

  …alone / by oneself

  It never occurred to me that he walked to Tibet alone.

  36. 我们将在明天的课上进一步讨论这个问题。

  …discuss the topic / problem further

  …go further into the topic / problem

  …in class tomorrow

  We will discuss the problem further in class tomorrow.

  37. 人的一生不可能永远是一帆风顺的。你应该勇敢地面对一个又一个挑战。

  …be always successful / smooth

  …be in smooth water all one’s life

  …face bravely…

  …one challenge after another

  A person’s life cannot be always successful. You should face bravely one challenge after another.

  38. 我很感激你们及时来营救了我的父母。

  …be grateful to sb for sth / doing …

  …come to one’s rescue

  …come to rescue sb

  In time / on time

  I am really grateful to you for coming to my parents’ rescue in time.

  I’m really grateful to you for coming to rescue my parents in time.

  39. 我真希望我的英语说的和他一样流利。

  I wish that…

  …speak English as fluently as…

  I do wish that I could speak English as fluently as he.

  40. 我不理解的是他从哪里得到的消息。

  What I can’t understand is that…

  …get the information

  What I can’t understand is where he got the information.

  41. 从这个例子可以看出,在我们面前没有解决不了的问题。

  It can be seen from this example / case that…

  …no problem that can’t be solved

  It can be seen from this case that there are no problems that can’t be solved before us.

  42. 如果你能采用先进的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。

  …adopt the advanced method

  …can / be able to achieve the result with effort

  If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

  43. 他的计划听上去了不起,可是执行起来却一定会困难重重。

  …sound great / wonderful

  …have difficulty in doing…

  …there is difficulty in doing…

  …carry out the plan

  His plan sounds great, but we certainly have much difficulty in carrying it out.

  44. 他精彩的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。

  …leave / make / give an impression on sb

  His wonderful speech left a deep impression on me.

  45. 你的问题在于不做实验就下结论。

  …draw a conclusion without …

  Your problem is that…

  Your problem is that you draw a conclusion without experiment.

  46. 他显然不愿意按吩咐去做。

  It is obvious that… / obviously, …

  …be willing / unwilling to do…

  …be asked / told to do…

  It is obvious that he is unwilling to do as he is asked to.

  47. 尽管计划连连失败,但他还是充满信心。

  …fail again and again

  …have confidence in oneself

  …be confident of…

  Though the plan failed again and again, he still had much confidence in himself.

  48. 人们不再认为老师要在各个领域比学生知道得多是件天经地义的事。

  …take it for granted that…

  …no longer / no more / not …any longer

  …know more than…

  …in every field

  People no longer take it for granted that teachers should know more than students in every field.

  49. 是有志者,事竟成的信念帮助他实现了梦想。

  It was …that…

  It was the belief that…that…

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  …help (to) do..

  …realize one’s dream / Cf. one’s dream come true

  It was the belief that where there is a will, there is a way that helped to realize his dream.

  50. 为了减少城市的空气污染,人们在许多车上已经用天然气来代替汽油。

  …reduce the air pollution…

  …replace…with … / substitute…for…

  To reduce levels of the air pollution in cities, people have replaced petrol with natural gas in many motor vehicles.

  51. 为了跟上科技的最近发展,他经常从互联网上搜集大量的资料。

  …keep up with…

  …search and collect information

  The Internet

  In order to keep up with the latest development of science and technology, he often collect a lot of information from the Internet.

  52. 随着购物中心在中国的兴起,人们购买生活日用品越来越方便了。

  With the rise of…

  It is convenient for sb to do…

  Household commodities

  With the rise of shopping mall in China, it is getting more and more convenient for people to buy household commodities.

  53. 人类已渐渐地意识到即使一个小物种的灭绝也会严重影响自然界的平衡。

  …come to realize that… / be conscious / aware of…

  a (small) species of …

  …become extinct

  …disturb the balance of Nature

  Man has come to realize that the balance of Nature will be disturbed even if a small species of animals become extinct.

  54. 因特网的发展使我们有可能获取我们所需的任何信息。

  …make it possible to do…

  The development of the Internet makes it possible for us to get any information we need.

  55. 地球为人类提供了各种生存的条件,我们有责任去保护它。

  …provide sb with sth.

  It is one’s duty to do…

  The earth provides man with varieties of living conditions, so it is our duty to protect it.

  56. 毫无疑问,技术进步会使人们能生活得更舒适愉快。

  There is no doubt that… / No doubt, …

  …enable / make sb (to) do…

  …live in a comfortable and pleasant way

  No doubt, the development of technology will enable / make people (to) live more comfortably and pleasantly.

  57. 广告经常诱导人们买那些他们并不真正需要的东西。

  …tempt sb to do…

  Advertisements often tempt people to buy what they don’t really need.

  58. 对金钱的强烈欲望会导致人们不择手段来获得财富。

  A strong desire for … / the desire to do…

  …lead to…

  The strong desire for money leads people to make fortune by any / all means.

  59. 如果不采取任何措施保护环境,数千种珍奇动物就会在不久的将来遭灭顶之灾。 …take measures to do… / take action to do…/ take steps to do…

  If no measures are taken to protect the environment, thousands of rare species of animals will become extinct in the near future.

  60. 那天我真粗心,把你的名字写错了。

  It is careless of sb to do…

  Misspell one’s name

  The other day: a few days ago

  It was so careless of me to misspell your name the other day.

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  1. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。

  What he thinks about / of is not his honour but his devotion to the people.

  2. 这本书比他提及的那本书好得多。

  This book is much better than the one he mentioned.

  3. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。

  As a senior three student, I am accustomed to studying hard.

  4. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。

  Though many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.

  5. 他住在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。

  He lives in a small town and knows little about outside world.

  6. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。

  This morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was not fine.

  7. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(appeal)

  These advertisements aim at appealing to consumers to buy their goods.

  8. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。

  Developing a hobby will do good to one’s physical and mental health.

  9. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。

  Like everything else in the world, language will change with time.

  10. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快统一。

  Any Chinese with good conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.

  11. 一般来说“便宜没好货”,但这并非一定如此。

  Generally speaking, cheap goods are usually not good, but it is not necessarily so. … are usually of poor quality / poor in quality

  12. 我把自己视为一名世界公民,并相信教育和能力比国籍更重要。

  I view myself as a global citizen and believe that education and ability are more important than one’s nationality.

  13. 他碰巧以前做过这个练习。

  …happen to do…

  He happened to have done this exercise (s) before.

  14. 我很少见到像亨利这样考虑周到的人。

  Seldom do I see…


  Seldom do I see such a thoughtful person as Henry.

  15. 你对正在读的这篇文章的话题熟悉吗?

  …be familiar with…

  …be familiar to…

  …the topic of the article

  Are you familiar with the topic of the article you are reading?

  16. 问题发现得越早,解决起来就越容易。

  The earlier…the easier…

  …find the problem / solve the problem

  The earlier the problem is found / discovered, the easier it is to be solved.

  17. 学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退

  …be like…

  …sail against the current

  …either …or…

  …keep going ahead / keep falling behind

  Study is like sailing against the current: either you keep going ahead or you keep falling behind.

  18. 只要彼此都有这种愿望,短暂的交往也会发展成长久的友谊。

  Only if…

  …have the wish

  …short-term contact / long-lasting friendship

  …develop into…

  Only if both have the wish, short-term contact may develop into long-lasting friendship.

  19. 我走这条路去同济大学对吗?

  …be on the right way to…

  Am I on the right way to Tongji University?

  20. 没人把他的提议当回事。


  Nobody took his proposal seriously.

  21. 我希望戒烟的人越来越多,学抽烟的人越来越少。

  I hope that… / …hope to do…

  More and more people

  Fewer and fewer people

  …give up smoking

  I hope that more and more people will give up smoking and that fewer and fewer will start.

  22. 我看不出你让儿子与其他孩子一起玩有什么坏处。

  I can’t /don’t see any…

  …let sb do…

  …play with sb

  I can’t see any harm in letting your son play with other children.

  23. 她叫我不要走远,因为晚饭马上就要烧好了。

  …to stay within call

  …be ready

  She told me to stay within call, for supper was nearly ready.

  24. 承蒙你慷慨相助,我的感激之情难以言表。

  It is generous of sb to do…

  …appreciate it very much

  …more than I can say

  It was generous of you to help me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

  25. 献血是每一个健康公民的责任。

  It is one’s duty to do…

  …donate …to sb.

  It is a healthy citizen’s duty to donate blood to the sick.

  26. 她康复的希望似乎很小, 然而医生们还在尽力而为

  There is (no) hope of …

  There seems to be hope of…

  …do what one can do…/ …do all that one can do…

  Recover from… / recovery

  There seems little hope of her recovery. However, the doctors are still doing all they could.

  27. 任何一个考试中作弊的学生都将受到严惩。

  Whoever… / Anyone who…

  …cheat in the exam

  …punish sb

  Whoever cheats in the exam will be punished severely.

  28. 人各有所见,因此你最好不要设法去说服别人。

  …have one’s opinion

  …had better do / not do…

  …persuade sb / try to persuade sb.

  Each can have his own opinion, and therefore you had better not try to persuade others.

  29. 她英语说得这么好,以至于她的老师认为她是在英国或美国长大的。

  …speak good English / speak English well

  …bring up sb / raise / educate sb

  She could speak such good English that her teacher thought she was brought up in Britain or the United States.

  30. 考虑到身体不好这样一个事实,工厂让他提前退休了。

  Considering the fact that…

  Be in poor health

  Retire ahead

  Considering the fact that he is in poor health, the factory let him retire ahead.

  31. 大多数学生都支持他所提出的建议。

  …be in favour of…

  …put forward a proposal / suggestion

  Most students are in favour of the proposal he put forward.

  32. 在伦敦停车一个小时要花费3.6美元。

  It cost sb money to do…

  It will cost you 3.6 dollars to park your car for an hour in London.

  Parking in London will cost you 3.6 dollars an hour.

  33. 学会并掌握这门课程需要毅力。

  …to learn and to master this course

  …involve doing… / sth

  To learn and to master this course involves perseverance.

  34. 你确信你能修好我的计算机?

  …be sure that … / to do…

  …can / be able to do…

  Are you sure that you can fix / repair my computer?

  35. 我万万没有想到他只身一人步行到了西藏。

  It never occurred to sb that…

  …walk to Tibet / go to Tibet on foot

  …alone / by oneself

  It never occurred to me that he walked to Tibet alone.

  36. 我们将在明天的课上进一步讨论这个问题。

  …discuss the topic / problem further

  …go further into the topic / problem

  …in class tomorrow

  We will discuss the problem further in class tomorrow.

  37. 人的一生不可能永远是一帆风顺的。你应该勇敢地面对一个又一个挑战。

  …be always successful / smooth

  …be in smooth water all one’s life

  …face bravely…

  …one challenge after another

  A person’s life cannot be always successful. You should face bravely one challenge after another.

  38. 我很感激你们及时来营救了我的父母。

  …be grateful to sb for sth / doing …

  …come to one’s rescue

  …come to rescue sb

  In time / on time

  I am really grateful to you for coming to my parents’ rescue in time.

  I’m really grateful to you for coming to rescue my parents in time.

  39. 我真希望我的英语说的和他一样流利。

  I wish that…

  …speak English as fluently as…

  I do wish that I could speak English as fluently as he.

  40. 我不理解的是他从哪里得到的消息。

  What I can’t understand is that…

  …get the information

  What I can’t understand is where he got the information.

  41. 从这个例子可以看出,在我们面前没有解决不了的问题。

  It can be seen from this example / case that…

  …no problem that can’t be solved

  It can be seen from this case that there are no problems that can’t be solved before us.

  42. 如果你能采用先进的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。

  …adopt the advanced method

  …can / be able to achieve the result with effort

  If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

  43. 他的计划听上去了不起,可是执行起来却一定会困难重重。

  …sound great / wonderful

  …have difficulty in doing…

  …there is difficulty in doing…

  …carry out the plan

  His plan sounds great, but we certainly have much difficulty in carrying it out.

  44. 他精彩的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。

  …leave / make / give an impression on sb

  His wonderful speech left a deep impression on me.

  45. 你的问题在于不做实验就下结论。

  …draw a conclusion without …

  Your problem is that…

  Your problem is that you draw a conclusion without experiment.

  46. 他显然不愿意按吩咐去做。

  It is obvious that… / obviously, …

  …be willing / unwilling to do…

  …be asked / told to do…

  It is obvious that he is unwilling to do as he is asked to.

  47. 尽管计划连连失败,但他还是充满信心。

  …fail again and again

  …have confidence in oneself

  …be confident of…

  Though the plan failed again and again, he still had much confidence in himself.

  48. 人们不再认为老师要在各个领域比学生知道得多是件天经地义的事。

  …take it for granted that…

  …no longer / no more / not …any longer

  …know more than…

  …in every field

  People no longer take it for granted that teachers should know more than students in every field.

  49. 是有志者,事竟成的信念帮助他实现了梦想。

  It was …that…

  It was the belief that…that…

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  …help (to) do..

  …realize one’s dream / Cf. one’s dream come true

  It was the belief that where there is a will, there is a way that helped to realize his dream.

  50. 为了减少城市的空气污染,人们在许多车上已经用天然气来代替汽油。

  …reduce the air pollution…

  …replace…with … / substitute…for…

  To reduce levels of the air pollution in cities, people have replaced petrol with natural gas in many motor vehicles.

  51. 为了跟上科技的最近发展,他经常从互联网上搜集大量的资料。

  …keep up with…

  …search and collect information

  The Internet

  In order to keep up with the latest development of science and technology, he often collect a lot of information from the Internet.

  52. 随着购物中心在中国的兴起,人们购买生活日用品越来越方便了。

  With the rise of…

  It is convenient for sb to do…

  Household commodities

  With the rise of shopping mall in China, it is getting more and more convenient for people to buy household commodities.

  53. 人类已渐渐地意识到即使一个小物种的灭绝也会严重影响自然界的平衡。

  …come to realize that… / be conscious / aware of…

  a (small) species of …

  …become extinct

  …disturb the balance of Nature

  Man has come to realize that the balance of Nature will be disturbed even if a small species of animals become extinct.

  54. 因特网的发展使我们有可能获取我们所需的任何信息。

  …make it possible to do…

  The development of the Internet makes it possible for us to get any information we need.

  55. 地球为人类提供了各种生存的条件,我们有责任去保护它。

  …provide sb with sth.

  It is one’s duty to do…

  The earth provides man with varieties of living conditions, so it is our duty to protect it.

  56. 毫无疑问,技术进步会使人们能生活得更舒适愉快。

  There is no doubt that… / No doubt, …

  …enable / make sb (to) do…

  …live in a comfortable and pleasant way

  No doubt, the development of technology will enable / make people (to) live more comfortably and pleasantly.

  57. 广告经常诱导人们买那些他们并不真正需要的东西。

  …tempt sb to do…

  Advertisements often tempt people to buy what they don’t really need.

  58. 对金钱的强烈欲望会导致人们不择手段来获得财富。

  A strong desire for … / the desire to do…

  …lead to…

  The strong desire for money leads people to make fortune by any / all means.

  59. 如果不采取任何措施保护环境,数千种珍奇动物就会在不久的将来遭灭顶之灾。 …take measures to do… / take action to do…/ take steps to do…

  If no measures are taken to protect the environment, thousands of rare species of animals will become extinct in the near future.

  60. 那天我真粗心,把你的名字写错了。

  It is careless of sb to do…

  Misspell one’s name

  The other day: a few days ago

  It was so careless of me to misspell your name the other day.

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2013宁夏理综试题及答案解析 2013西藏理科试卷及答案 2013江苏地理试题及答案解析
2013江苏历史试题及答案 2013江苏真题及答案(政治) 2013安徽数学真题(理科)
2013广东数学真题(理科)试卷 2013广东数学真题(文科)试卷


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